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Anne Thomas Cindy Goodchild. Pedagogical basis for using ebooks Advantages and Disadvantages Where to find ebooks (for free…sort of) How they can be used.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Thomas Cindy Goodchild. Pedagogical basis for using ebooks Advantages and Disadvantages Where to find ebooks (for free…sort of) How they can be used."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Thomas Cindy Goodchild

2 Pedagogical basis for using ebooks Advantages and Disadvantages Where to find ebooks (for free…sort of) How they can be used in your classroom How to create ebooks (again, kind of sort of for free) Lessons and ideas Questions to consider What we’re going to cover…

3 Emergent/Early Readers Pros Scaffold instruction by helping child read independently, go over directions, get immediate feedback, use dictionaries within books, and blend words. Can be used as a form of differentiated instruction. May benefit kids from low SES backgrounds and bilingual background Needs to be used in conjunction with instruction by a teacher Cons Lack of solid evidence that it benefits. Not enough good quality studies out there to support only ebook learning Cannot do it alone. Needs adult support and teaching Teachers need to be careful in choosing texts so that graphics support and not detract. The pictures can cause children to lose comprehension rather than increase it. Can cause visual development problems

4 Middle and High School Pros Upper and middle school students read less, therefore reading skills suffer even more eBooks can be seen as a way to engage middle schoolers in a way that they enjoy--using technology Cons Don’t tell how many pages you have read Should not replace library staff. Library staff will be able to increase time spent instructing, not just finding books

5 College age and up Pros easy access and portability not having to carry heavy texts online access, access anywhere, convenient, eco- friendly easily stored, ease of searching vocabulary Cons reading off of a screen can cause fatigue faster than paper books preferring paper books easier to use supplemental material in paper books( dependent on when they learned to read study found that no difference between learning with ebooks and paper texts. Small study and could be limited.

6 Category1234Score Effectiveness of Illustrations Did not use images Number and quality of images not appropriate Number and quality of images is appropriate Use of images is exceptional - enhances the quality of the E-book Quality of Written Work (mechanics) Many errors in writing (COPS)* Some errors1 or 2 errorsNo errors Organization MinimalDemonstrates some organization Clear sense of organization Demonstrates exceptional organization Cooperative Groups Inhibited the success of the group Made some contribution to the group’s success Contributed to the group’s success Provided leadership to ensure success of the project Total Score *COPS – capitalization, overall editing/omissions, punctuation, spelling

7 Log on to, type in the title you want, and download it to your Kindle. What, not all of your students have Kindles? You don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on ebooks every year? The trouble with free ebooks…copyright. It’s easy to find free ebooks that are in the public domain. Self-published ebooks are also available. Some of them are free and are great resources. 500 Words or Less The Human Body More Than, Less Than, Equal Too 147 Sources for Free (Legally!) Children’s Ebooks Where to find ebooks

8 Project Gutenberg and Books Should Be Free Project Gutenberg Books Should Be Free Books in the public domain Available for download or reading online Can be downloaded onto ereaders, Kindles, as PDFs, or as audiobooks Where to find ebooks Please be aware that even quality ebook sites may have books that are not appropriate for classroom reading.

9 Research projects Accommodation for special education/struggling students Allow them to listen along with assigned reading Share a text together on the Smartboard Reading centers Allows access to books that you can’t get physically Searchable for close text reading Create your own textbook and publish it online.publish it online Flipped instruction Extra copies of a book Accessible from home! How to use ebooks in a classroom

10 TumbleBookCloud Includes ebooks, audio books, read-alongs, and books for teens We Give Books Aimed at grades K-5 Books for older students are supposed to be coming Interactive Storyline Online Intended for K-6 students, could stretch into 7-8 Multimedia version of picture books My Media Mall Free downloadable ebooks and audiobooks (for a specified period of time) Need to use library card or Panthercard Google Books Books in the public domain Available for download or reading online Other books available for searching under Fair Use Guidelines Where to find ebooks

11 Ways to create an ebook… from low tech to high tech Have students write and illustrate stories on paper. Scan them into a computer and insert the images into a PowerPoint document. Project Gutenberg Convert Microsoft Word documents to PDF and upload them Storyjumper Example Advantage is that a teacher can create an account for an entire class and monitor books that way. Storybird K-5 Bookbuilder 6-12 Widbook Great for collaborative editing and sharing

12 Social Studies Alternative to a traditional paper Could incorporate multimedia aspects such as links to Google Earth or other maps Helpful for students who are visual/spatial learners Incorporate and link to primary sources English Language Arts Publish anthologies of poetry, speeches, and essays Allow for collaborative writing and feedback Anchor Standard for Writing #6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. Science A Day in the Life of a Cell or How to Disect a Frog Inventions, lab write-ups, and greater collaboration Fine Arts Biographies of artists and musicians Styles of art and music—link to examples Foreign language Write a children’s book in the target language You know your subject area best…consider the ways that creating ebooks could be useful in your classroom. Possible lessons

13 How could you use ebooks in your classroom? Are there times when it is not pedagogically appropriate? Concepts of print Are ebooks just a more complicated version of a paper book? Is the expense justified? What if technology changes (like the discontinuation of the Microsoft ereader)? Questions to think about

14 Regarding ebooks: “I hate them. It’s like making believe there’s another kind of sex. There isn’t another kind of sex. There isn’t another kind of book! A book is a book is a book.” -Maurice Sendak Do you agree? Just to see if you’re still awake…

15 Classroom Publishing Tools for eBooks 10 eBook Resources for High School Students 50 Places to Find Free eBooks Google Books for Teachers Additional Resources

16 References classroom/. ds.html.csp Miranda, T. Williams-Rossi, D.. Johnson, K. A. McKenzie, N. (2011). Reluctant Readers in Middle School: Successful Engagement with Text Using the E-Reader. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 1(6)., 81.

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