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N. Zafeiriades, 20131 Teaching Young Learners: ------------------------------------- from early language learning( PEAP) to differentiated classroom practices.

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Presentation on theme: "N. Zafeiriades, 20131 Teaching Young Learners: ------------------------------------- from early language learning( PEAP) to differentiated classroom practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 N. Zafeiriades, 20131 Teaching Young Learners: ------------------------------------- from early language learning( PEAP) to differentiated classroom practices in the multilingual primary context

2 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 2 Before we go ahead, it is necessary to know what is a… Young Learner (YL) Very Young Learner (VYL) A multilingual/ multicultural YL /VYL

3 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 3 Young learners short attention spans and a lot of physical energy. and are more interested in the physical and the tangible. “Their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears. The physical world is dominant at all times.” Scott and Ytreberg (1990)

4 N. Zafeiriades, 20134 Helpful Ideas for Learning /Teaching to YL/VYL

5 N. Zafeiriades, 20135 1. Supplement activities with visuals, realia, and movement.

6 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 6 How? Create a“Visuals and Realia Bank ” Use Total Physical Response (TPR) by James Asher (1977)

7 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 7 TPR? The method relies on the assumption that when learning a second or additional language, language is internalized through a process of code breaking similar to first language development and that the process allows for a long period of listening and developing comprehension prior to production.

8 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 8 What is TPR? Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method developed by Dr. James J. Asher, a professor emeritus of psychology at Sa José State University, to aid learning second languages.

9 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 9 According to Asher, TPR is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program for acquiring any natural language on earth - including the sign language of the deaf. The process is visible when we observe how infants internalize their first language.

10 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 10 TPR? In the classroom the teacher and students take on roles similar to that of the parent and child respectively. Students must respond physically to the words of the teacher. The activity may be a simple game such as ‘Simon Says’ or may involve more complex grammar and more detailed scenarios.

11 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 11 TPR? Students respond to commands that require physical movement. _________________________ What is…. SIMON SAYS?

12 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 12 Simon says….. A recent psychological study found that the game can be a healthy way to help children to improve self-control and restraint of impulsive behavior.

13 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 13 Advantages of TPR Students will enjoy getting up out of their chairs and moving around. TPR is aptitude-free, working well with a mixed ability class, and with students having various disabilities.

14 N. Zafeiriades, 201314 2. Involve students. in making visuals and realia for language consolidation (lexis and grammar) in making visuals and realia for language consolidation (lexis and grammar) In classroom projects In classroom projects In storytelling In storytelling

15 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 15 Students are more likely to feel interested and invested in the lesson and will probably take better care of the materials Ie. lexis corners Grammar corners classroom wall papers

16 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 16 ie. arts and crafts for Storytelling…. For example, if the story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears, you may want to use puppets to help show the action of the story. To get students more excited about the story, have them make little pencil puppets of the three bears and Goldilocks before the storytelling.

17 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 17 arts and crafts for Storytelling…. After the storytelling, you can use the puppets to check comprehension of the story plot and have students practice the language by retelling the story using their puppets.

18 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 18 Collaborate with other subject Ts (ΔΕΠΣ/ ευέλικτη ζώνη) L1 T Art T Informatics T

19 N. Zafeiriades, 201319 3. follow classroom routines ! Classroom management techniques Use available Time and Space wise!!

20 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 20 Move from activity to activity Young learners have short attention spans. For ages 5–7, Keep activities around 5 and 10 minutes long. For ages 8–10, keep activities 10 to 15 minutes long.

21 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 21 Create a balance between the activities in the column on the right /left side. ( Scott and Ytreberg,1990) Quiet/noisy exercises Different skills: listening/talking/reading/writing Individual/ pair work/ group work/ whole class activities Teacher-pupil/ pupil-pupil activities

22 N. Zafeiriades, 201322 Classroom management techniques 4 - vary and enrich your teaching !. Teach in themes.

23 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 23 Ie about water… A thematic unit, a series of lessons on the same topic or subject, can create broader contexts in which to teach language, recycle language from lesson to lesson.

24 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 24 Avoid common teacher mistakes…. Allow students to focus more on content and communication than on language structure.

25 N. Zafeiriades, 201325 5. Enrich your teaching….. Use multiple teaching sources Use multiple teaching sources however, start from stories and contexts familiar to students. however, start from stories and contexts familiar to students.

26 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 26 In our multilingual/ multicultural contexts… Use of stories and contexts in L1 country or culture can help YLs connect English with their background knowledge, which is limited because of their young age and inexperience.

27 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 27 Raise Ss cultural/intercultural awareness Stories as Culture Bearers -Take a favorite story in the L1 and transfer it into English Cultural projects -Allow students a chance to personalize content in every lesson.

28 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 28 Why Stories? Stories from around the world are excellent to use in classroom, but the teachers also need to use the stories from students’ own culture and heritage. Using local and national stories insure that the students know the background culture and may already know the story. This familiarity lowers the young learners’ stress and reduces anxiety in the classroom.

29 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 29 All learners, from babies to grandmothers, learn better with stories. Stories are energizers. Even hard truths can be taught through stories. Stories told and read at home and school both entertain and educate young learners.

30 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 30 allocate a ‘storytelling day’! Using stories in the classroom is fun, but the activity should not be considered trivial or frivolous. Reading or telling stories in a class is a natural way to learn a new language. Stories can also lead to harmony, understanding, and peaceful resolution of conflict.

31 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 31 2. Stories as solutions to large classes and limited resources

32 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 32 In many countries, a shortage of teaching/learning resources is a major constraint. Teachers can use stories to teach language and to introduce other subjects, such as HIV/AIDS problem. Storytelling can enable the teachers to handle large classes of 60 100 pupils even in the absence of books.

33 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 33 Storytelling day For Speaking Skills

34 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 34 Storytelling with objects. Use objects such as toys, forks, cups to start the stories. For example, divide the students in the groups of three to five and distribute four to five objects to each group. Ask each of the group to make a story that includes all of their objects.

35 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 35 Storytelling with pictures. Use pictures in the same way as objects were used in the previous activity. Distribute four to five pictures to each group. Make sure each student has one picture. Ask each group to make up a story that includes all the pictures.

36 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 36 Storytelling day. For Listening Skills

37 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 37 Storytelling a. Read or tell simple stories to the students. You can use pictures or small objects. b. After initial storytelling, ask the learners tell the story. This technique is the most effective if it involve several students. c. Choose one person to re-tell the story, then ask others to continue the story. d. Let all the students tell the story unless it is finished. In short, let each student tell two or three sentences of the story.

38 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 38 Storytelling day For Reading and just for pleasure….. Cartoons for Kids - National Film Board of Canada

39 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 39 Find an easy version of story that the children can read. Read the story aloud the first time, or let the readers read it silently. let Ss enjoy reading and do things with the story……. ( draw, paint, dramatise, sing, create a crafts book …rap… with it.)

40 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 40 Storytelling day For Writing

41 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 41 Have the learners draw or paint a scene from a story and then write at least one line from the story under the picture. Create a a variation or let Ss make up a brand new story …..

42 N. Zafeiriades, 201342 Establish classroom routines in English. Establish classroom routines in English.

43 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 43 YLs function well within a structured environment and enjoy repetition of certain routines and activities. Having basic routines in the classroom can help to manage young learners.

44 N. Zafeiriades, 201344 Use L1 as a resource when necessary _____________________________ Concentrate on building communicative skills. Use L1 in the classroom as a resource for forwarding the learning process without becoming too reliant on it.

45 N. Zafeiriades, 201345 Collaborate with other teachers in your school.

46 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 46 Connect your lessons to the topics, activities and stories your students are learning in their native language by planning related thematic units that parallel the learning in other subjects.

47 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 47 Peer teaching helps!! Visit other teachers’ classrooms can be wonderful way to get to know what is being learnt in each others’ classes and how.

48 N. Zafeiriades, 201348 Communicate with other TEYL professionals.

49 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 49 Connect to T- learning communities Along with collaborating with the other teachers at your school, it is important to keep in touch with other TEYL professionals, both in your local area and internationally.

50 N. Zafeiriades, 2013 50 Teacher development… is an ongoing and lifelong process..

51 N. Zafeiriades, 201351 and always keep in mind: You are a teacher of young learners and learning must be fun!!

52 N. Zafeiriades, 201352 Thank You!!!

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