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1 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY **You must attend a “train the trainer” workshop and pass written test before any training duties can commence.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY **You must attend a “train the trainer” workshop and pass written test before any training duties can commence."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY **You must attend a “train the trainer” workshop and pass written test before any training duties can commence.

2 Training for North Carolina Bus Inspector Trainers 2


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5 History North Carolina General Statute 115C-248(a) states: “The superintendent of each local school administrative unit, shall cause each school bus owned or operated by such local school administrative unit to be inspected at least once each 30 days during the school year for technical defects or other defects which may affect the safe operation of such bus.” Public School Laws of North Carolina Annotated (2007 Ed)., State Board of Education, LexisNexis, pp 177. 5

6 History House Bill 2265 states: “AN ACT to exempt buses from safety inspections required under motor vehicle laws if they are titled to a local board of education and subject to school bus inspection requirements, as recommended by the joint legislative transportation oversight committee. Section 1. G.S. 20-183.2 reads: “(a1) Safety Inspection Exception – Historic vehicles, as defined in G.S. 20- 79.4 (b)(55), shall not be subject to a safety inspection pursuant to this Article: (1) Historic vehicles, as defined in G.S. 20-79.4 (b)(55). (2) Buses titled to a local board of education and subject to the school bus inspection requirements specified by the State Board of Education and G.S. 115C-248(a) This Bill was approved on August 4, 2008. State Board of Education approves School Bus Inspector Program Policy # TCS-H-011 on April 1, 2010. Effective August 1, 2011 LEAs shall require each 30-day inspection required under G.S. 115C-248 to be conducted by an individual who has completed the training and certification requirements administered by the Department of Public Instruction. 6

7 Certification Committee Randy Henson, DPI – Chairman Rhonda Fleming, Winston Salem-Forsyth Co. Bob Huston, Durham Co. Al Smith, Alamance Co. Tim Speer, Yadkin Co. Rick Jennings, Wilkes Co. Kem Givens, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Co. Billy Nixon, Chowan Co. David Twiddy, Dare Co. Keith Wilmot, Transylvania Co. Ronnie McDonald, Harnett Co. Eric Locklear, Person Co. 7

8 Introduction The NC Department Public of Instruction Transportation Services Section has established a certification program for school bus personnel performing 30 day vehicle inspections. All inspections are completed in accordance with specifications set forth in the latest version of the NC BUS FLEET manual and NC State Board of Education policy # TCS-H- 011. (For purposes of this document, the term “school bus” also includes activity buses that are also subject to the 30-day inspection requirement of General Statute 115C-248.) The objective of this program is to: Support the education of school bus inspectors Strive for maximum operational efficiencies Provide for maintenance integrity and consistency Provide safe & reliable transportation services for students Create an environment in which LEA employees can reach their fullest potential Inspire the confidence, trust, and respect of the general public. 8

9 Four Hour Technician Training Session- YOU A Bus Inspector Trainer may be a staff member of the Department of Public Instruction, or an LEA employee that has successfully completed a Train-The-Trainer Class sponsored by NCDPI The Bus inspector Trainer should be knowledgeable of the school bus inspector certification policy (# TCS-H-011) and keep a copy for reference. (available at The Bus Inspector Trainer should be very familiar with the NC Fleet Manual- 30 day Bus inspection section. 9

10 Four Hour Technician Training Session- YOUR ROLE Training sessions will be scheduled regionally. The Bus inspector trainer shall notify NCDPI of any scheduled classes. NCDPI will post dates and locations on the webpage. Bus Inspectors can attend sessions anywhere in the The Bus inspector Trainer shall be responsible for securing a roster at each four hour session and must forward them to DPI. The Bus Inspector Trainer shall maintain a file of class rosters. 10

11 11 The Roster  Integrity of the roster is of the utmost importance. Please have everyone sign in at the beginning of class. If a name is illegible, the attendee will not receive credit for the class.  In the case of a large class, It is recommended to call roll at the end of the class.

12 Four Hour Bus Inspector Training Session- YOUR ROLE Bus Inspector Trainer will each class based on the Power point and 30 minute training video developed by the School Bus Inspector Certification Committee. Bus Inspector Trainer will review the NC Fleet Manual bus inspection section to ensure all inspectors are familiar with the manual and how to reference items. Bus Inspector Trainer will demonstrate the proper method of measuring and recording brake stroke measurement. (Bus will need to be on a lift for class demonstration) Bus inspector trainer will demonstrate a proper 30 day inspection of an actual school bus. 12

13 B u s I n s p e c t o r T r a i n e r w i l l r e v i e w i n s p e c t i o n p a p e r w o r k. 13

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15 Administration of the NC bus inspector certification program Bus Inspector Trainers shall be appointed by the LEA transportation director. It is not anticipated that each LEA will have its own Bus Inspector Trainer; however, medium- large counties will want to make sure one of its own employees is available to provide training. 15

16 Administration of the NC bus inspector certification program The Bus Inspector Trainer REQUIREMENTS; shall have a minimum of five years experience inspecting N.C. school buses and be thoroughly knowledgeable of the 30 day inspection process. will attend a train-the-trainer session hosted by NCDPI. must pass 50 question certification test before beginning training duties. 16

17 Administration of the NC bus inspector certification program The Bus Inspector Trainer; will be responsible for contacting NCDPI to post class schedule on will be responsible for scheduling and teaching the four hour class as requested and allow inspectors from other LEA’s to attend if seating permits. will be responsible for contacting NCDPI to schedule 50 question test. will be responsible for maintaining a file containing all class rosters and forwarding copies to NCDPI. 17

18 Administration of the NC bus inspector certification program NCDPI will be the managing authority of the Bus Inspector Certification program. NCDPI will administer the 50 question test upon request. NCDPI will issue Inspection Certificates. NCDPI will maintain a database of all bus inspectors. NCDPI will release a certification expiration list in March of each year. It will be the responsibility of the LEA Transportation Director to review the list and inform employees of forthcoming certification expirations. NCDPI will post on the website a list of Bus Inspector Trainers and schedule of four hour classes 18

19 Hands-on Spot Testing 1) Bus inspector is subject to random unannounced hands-on testing by NCDPI personnel. Spot testing will consist of performing a correct 30 day inspection and brake stroke measurement demonstration. 2) If bus inspector unsatisfactorily completes 30 day inspection and brake stroke measurement demonstration, the bus inspector will required to attend the next available four hour NC Technician training session. The Transportation Director will be responsible to keep track of any additional training as required by NCDPI. 3) If bus inspector fails to comply with #1 and/or #2, NCDPI will revoke bus inspector certification until attending a 4 hour class and re-taking 50 question test. 19

20 School Bus Inspector Certification 20

21 Policies This program shall meet the requirements of Policy # TCS-H-011 that technicians who perform school bus inspections must be certified as School Bus Inspectors. Certification shall be in effect until June 30 th of the fifth calendar year from the certification date stated on the inspector certificate. The school bus inspector must renew every five (5) years thereafter to maintain certification. The qualifications, training, and testing requirements for certification may be completed in one of three means: 1. School Bus Inspector Certification (grandfathered) 2. School Bus Inspector Certification (non-grandfathered) 3. School Bus Inspector Certification (renewal) 1. School Bus Inspector Certification (Transfer) 21

22 School Bus Inspector Certification (grandfathered) Inspector applicant must be currently employed at a North Carolina LEA school bus transportation facility and have performed 30 day inspections on school buses for 5 years or more before April 1, 2010 Inspector applicant must first be thoroughly familiar with the NC FLEET MANUAL- 30 DAY INSPECTION SECTION before taking the 50 question NC school bus inspector test. The inspector applicant must pass with a score of 80 or better on first attempt. If passing score is achieved an inspector certificate will be issued from NCDPI. If failure to pass on 1 st attempt, inspector applicant must attend a four hour North Carolina School Bus Inspector Training session before attempting the 50 question NC school bus inspector test for 2 nd try. If passing score of 80 is achieved an inspector certificate will be issued from NCDPI. 22

23 School Bus Inspector Certification (grandfathered) continued… If failure to pass on 2 nd attempt, Inspector applicant must complete a training regimen as directed by LEA Transportation Director (process must be documented and recorded in employee’s personnel file). Inspector applicant will take the 50 question NC school bus inspector test. If passing score of 80 is achieved an inspector certificate will be issued from NCDPI. For 3 rd failure, A 3 month waiting period is required before repeating 4 hour class & test. Step A4 will be repeated until a passing score of 80 can be achieved and at which time the inspector applicant will be issued an inspector certificate from NCDPI. 23

24 24 School Bus Inspector Certification (non-grandfathered) Inspector applicant must first be thoroughly familiar with the NC FLEET MANUAL- 30 DAY INSPECTION SECTION. Upon completion of the four hour class the inspector applicant may attempt the 50 question NC school bus inspector test. If passing score of 80 is achieved an inspector certificate will be issued from NCDPI. If failure to pass on 1st attempt, Inspector applicant must complete a training regimen as directed by LEA Transportation Director (process must be documented and recorded in employee’s personnel file). Inspector applicant will take the 50 question NC school bus inspector

25 25 School Bus Inspector Certification (non-grandfathered) continued… If failure to pass on 2nd attempt, Inspector applicant must re-attend a four hour NC school bus inspector training session within 90 days before attempting the 50 question NC school bus inspector test. If passing score of 80% is achieved an inspector certificate will be issued from NCDPI. If failure to pass on 3rd attempt, the inspector applicant may repeat step 4 after a 3 month waiting period.

26 26 Renewal of Inspection Certification Bus inspector must renew inspection certification before June 30th of the 5th calendar year from original certification date. For eligibility to take renewal test, Bus inspector must attend a minimum of 20 hours of in service training every 5 years and provide documentation of in-service training that shall be kept in employee’s personnel file. The bus inspector must pass a 50 question NC school bus inspector test. If a passing score of 80% is achieved the bus inspector will be issued an inspection certificate from NCDPI. If failure, retake the 4 hour class & test.

27 Renewal of Inspection Certification Renewal candidates are encouraged to begin renewal in-service training and/or testing as early as possible in the calendar year during which renewal is required. NCDPI will maintain a database of all bus inspectors. NCDPI will release a certification expiration list before March 31st of each year. It will be the responsibility of each LEA Transportation Director to review the list and assure that employees do not allow inspection certification to expire. 27

28 Qualifying classes for 20 hour renewal requirement  Any appropriate training course sponsored by NCPTA.  Any appropriate training course sponsored by NCDPI  Any appropriate training course sponsored by LEA bus inspector trainer.  Other training courses may qualify with prior approval from NCDPI. Example- Training by vendors, ASE classes. 28

29 Transfer of NC Bus Inspector Certification 1) A school bus inspector may transfer the Inspector Certification to any LEA in North Carolina if employment is secured at a new LEA location. 2) The Transportation Director who gains the transferred employee will be responsible to see that NCDPI is notified of the location change. 3) The Transportation Director who gains the transferred employee will be responsible to see that an inspector certificate is displayed at the LEA bus garage location before the employee begins performing 30 day inspections. 29

30 The employee’s bus inspector certificate will be issued by NCDPI to the LEA transportation director (or equivalent) and shall be prominently displayed in the garage or office area of the LEA transportation department. The bus inspector certificate shall be individually framed behind a rigid transparent protective covering or displayed with other certificates as a group behind a rigid transparent protective covering. Certificate 30

31 After August 1, 2011 no one may perform a 30 day inspection of a school bus until requirements of NC State Board of Education policy # TCS-H-011 are satisfied. 31

32 32 The 4 hour class

33 Class routine & timing Take Roster of the class 10 mins. Begin Power Point presentation  Introductory slides about certification policy 10 mins  Show video-Overview of inspection process 30 mins  Continue inside the bus & exterior/tires slides 45 mins Go Outside to bus  Hands-on Demonstration-Inside & exterior 30 mins Continue Power point  Under hood, chassis, brake stroke measure 40 mins Go Outside to bus  Hands-on Demonstration-Under hood/chassis/Brake stroke 30 mins Continue power point  Road test 10 mins  Class review-Q&A 10 mins Test 30 mins.-1.5 hrs. (will vary depending upon individual test taking ability) Total time for class: 4-4.5 hrs (includes testing) Time will vary +- 30 mins depending on class size 33

34 Items needed for class Computer & Speakers TV & DVD player (video can be played via computer but images may be distorted) Slide Projector Screen School Bus Lift (raising the bus for ease of chassis & brake stroke demonstration) Laser pointer 34

35 Class preparation Be sure you have studied the power point and watched the inspection video prior to your first class (Understand how to use the power point presentation) Try out the classroom set up well before the class begins (Does the power point project upon the screen? Will the video play?) 35

36 -Do not turn your back on the audience while looking at the screen. -Do not read the presentation word for word. -Have a laser pointer handy to draw the audience’s eyes to the focal point. Tips for Effective Presentations 36

37 -Moving around the room will keep the audience engaged. (a wireless mouse is helpful ) -Maintain sincere eye contact with your audience-Try to look every single person in the eye at least once every 15 minutes. -Keep audience engaged-No one sleeps, texts, or receives phone calls. Tips for Effective Presentations 37

38 -Speak to your audience, listen to their questions, respond to their reactions. -Pause….. Allow yourself and your audience a little time to reflect and think. Don't race through your presentation and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling out of breath. -Add humor whenever appropriate and possible. Tips for Effective Presentations 38

39 -Know when to STOP talking. Be sure to take breaks every hour and end the class according to the schedule. -KNOW YOUR MATERIAL, PRACTICE YOUR PRESENTATION, SPEAK WITH CONVICTION. Tips for Effective Presentations 39

40 This presentation will be available on for use as a reference for trainers 40 Call NCDPI Transportation Services for any questions you may have concerning this program. Derek Graham-919-807-3571 Randy Henson-828-964-1501 Charles Ball-336-816-4716

41 Questions ? ? ? ? 41

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