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The Power of Learning Targets Transform Learning in the Classroom Ken Mattingly Rockcastle County Middle School Stephanie Harmon Rockcastle County High.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Learning Targets Transform Learning in the Classroom Ken Mattingly Rockcastle County Middle School Stephanie Harmon Rockcastle County High."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Learning Targets Transform Learning in the Classroom Ken Mattingly Rockcastle County Middle School Stephanie Harmon Rockcastle County High School Representing PIMSER K-12 Outreach

2 Group Norms Start and end on time Put cell phones on silent Be respectful of all comments Everyone participates Exercise the rule of “two feet” You may not agree with me …and I’m okay with that!

3 Who’s in the Room Please stand for the role that best represents your current position:  Classroom Teacher  Resource Teachers (curriculum coaches, academic specialists, etc.)  Building level administrators  District level administrators  Others

4 Our Roadmap for Today Implications of Senate Bill 1 Ken’s Journey Stephanie’s Journey Where have we been? Where are we going? Preparing for Day 2

5 Tools T-chart –Things I want to remember –How will this impact my classroom/school district?

6 Why are we here? Questions you have about Learning Targets

7 Why are we here? Senate Bill One—March 2009 KRS 158.6453 –(4) (a) The assessment program to be implemented in the 2011- 2012 academic year shall be composed of annual student assessments and state and local program reviews and audits in selected content areas. (b) The state student assessments may include formative and summative data……. –(8) Local school districts may select and use commercial interim or formative assessments of develop and use their own formative assessments to provide data on how well their students are growing toward mastery of KY academic core content. Nothing in this section precludes teachers from using ongoing teacher-developed formative processes.

8 What Does Senate Bill 1 mean for the Classroom? A shift in how assessment is used –Formative & Summative Becoming assessment literate –SB1 requires that KDE provide professional development programs that support assessment literacy

9 Point of View Senate Bill 1 defines what it means to be assessment literate and the types of assessments that should be included in instruction. Explain what assessment means from the viewpoint of an administrator, a teacher and a student.

10 Point of View Table Share Pair & Share

11 SB 1 Talking Points Assessment Literacy How assessments are defined/described

12 Balanced Assessment What does it look like? How is it developed? Assessment for Learning vs. Assessment of Learning

13 BALANCED ASSESSMENT Formative Assessment Formal and informal processes teachers and students use to gather evidence to directly improve the learning of students assessed Summative Assessment Provides evidence of achievement to certify student competence or program effectiveness

14 Targets, Assessments, & Grading What do I do with targets after I have them? Ken Mattingly B.A. – University of Kentucky M.A. – Eastern Kentucky University National Certification in Early Adolescent Science

15 My Job… 1.To show you the process I have taken to incorporate Classroom Assessment for Student Learning into my classroom practices. 2.To give examples of how I used it to sharpen my focus on what my students learn, how they learn it, and how they are assessed. 3.To show you how I have taken CASL and transformed the way I assess my students and report their successes and shortcomings.

16 I will do that by… 1.Sharing a year-by-year synopsis of my progress. 2.Introducing you to ways of linking targets to activities and summative assessments. 3.Sharing examples of formative and summative assessments that focus on learning targets. 4.Presenting a method for using targets as the structure for a standards-based grading scale. 5.Sharing examples of student opportunities to demonstrate target mastery that allows them to take ownership of their learning.

17 Rockcastle County Middle School 625 students grade 6-8 2 teams per grade level 70% Free and reduced lunch 2007 AI – 95, 2008 AI – 98, 2009 AI – 105 Science P+D%: –2007: 70 –2008: 73 –2009: 84

18 Classroom Assessment for Student Learning Assessment of Learning –Summative, documents individual or group achievement, occurs after learning, sorts students into groups, primary motivator is threat of punishment or promise of rewards Assessment for Learning –Formative, promotes increase in achievement, occurs during learning, help teachers diagnose and respond to student needs, primary motivator is the belief that success in learning is achievable. »Classroom Assessment for Learning, p. 33

19 What are targets, really? Statements of intended learning. The building blocks for student attainment of the standards. Principal driver of classroom instructional decisions. The framework for classroom assessment practices.

20 Year One: In the beginning The Long and Winding Road

21 What do we want to assess? Start with the end in mind. –What do we want students to know and do? –Sources :Common Core Standards, POS, CCD, not CCA Turn those documents into manageable chunks of information –Take standard and break into the learning pieces that when put together form the scaffolding for performance of the standard (Deconstruction) –Knowledge, Reasonings, Skills, Products These are the pieces that give your instruction direction and you want to assess

22 Side Note on Deconstruction Taking standards and deconstructing them is hard and time consuming. Decisions often have to be made on what is essential learning. There will be differences of opinion on how standards break out. Put the book away when deconstructing Don’t let this step frustrate you and keep you from implementing AFL.


24 Learning/Achievement Targets Statements of what we want students to learn and be able to do.

25 Student Friendly Learning Target Example Standard: SC-07-4.6.2 Students will: –describe the transfer and/or transformations of energy which occur in examples that involve several different forms of energy (e.g., heat, electrical, light, motion of objects and chemical). –Explain, qualitatively or quantitatively, that heat lost by hot object equals the heat gained by cold object.

26 Student Friendly Learning Target Example 1.I can give examples of energy. 2.I can give examples of energy transfer. That means when energy is moved from one object to another. 3.I can give examples of energy transformations. That means when energy is changed from one form to another form. 4.I can describe the exchange of energy between hot objects and cold objects.

27 Impacting My Classroom? Formulated targets for a unit. Put those targets on the bulletin board. Read them to the students the first day of the unit. Never referred to them again.

28 So What Was The Benefit? I had to examine my standards in greater depth. I learned what I needed to learn about my content. I was more aware of the specifics I wanted my students to know. My students had at least a casual exposure to what they needed to learn.

29 Working Group Discussion How would developing learning targets change the instructional environment in your school? What challenges do you foresee with developing learning targets?

30 Year Two: Implementing Targets Now We’re Getting Somewhere

31 Students who can identify what they are learning significantly outscore those who cannot. –Robert Marzano

32 Clear, Student-friendly Targets Turn knowledge, skill, reasoning, and product pieces into “I can” target statements. Targets should use student-friendly language. Targets should be attainable. Provide clear, stationary targets for students to aim at and they will hit them. Give students a copy of learning targets for the unit.

33 Using Targets for Post-Assessment Development Matching the assessment method to the type of target. Determining adequate sampling size. Assessment format considerations: open response vs. multiple-choice, time constraints Quality of questions, information value of incorrect answers

34 Working Group Discussion How do you determine the questions that are on your assessments? What is the benefit, if any, for common summative assessments? How would you have to prepare your faculty for this process?

35 Year Three Targets as the driving force of instruction.

36 Using Targets for Pre-Assessment Development Targets can easily be turned into questions for a pre-assessment to see where students are at the beginning of a unit. Develop questions that give students an indication of what they are to learn. Pre-assessment as feedback throughout unit.

37 Linking Lessons to Targets Each learning experience should be explicitly linked to a target. Students are introduced to the target at the beginning and ending of the experience. Each learning experience is evaluated for its effectiveness at moving students toward mastery of the target.

38 Year Four How can I identify problems before it’s too late?

39 How do I know my instruction is “good”? The students seem to enjoy the activities? I think they understand it? When I get back their unit test results? When the state test scores arrive? By the number of parent compliments or complaints? What my peers/administrator say about me?

40 Formative Assessments Assessments conducted during learning to promote, not merely judge or grade, student success Provide information to teacher and student on student performance. Supplies opportunities to make mid-course corrections to learning experiences.

41 Research on Feedback Quality of feedback matters. Specifically descriptive,criterion-based feedback is better than numerical scoring or letter grades. Emphasis on the importance of learning leads to greater learning vs. looking good or being compared to others. Descriptive feedback that focuses on strengths and weaknesses is most effective »Classroom Assessment for Learning, p. 40

42 My Philosophy on Formative Assessments FA does not count as a grade Feedback is generally descriptive or otherwise informs on attainment of mastery Blanks, I don’t knows, IDC’s, etc. are unacceptable (You have to develop a classroom culture of this) Returned to students and compared to “good work” to inform them of where they are Followed by a discussion of how to close the gap to mastery

43 Working Group Discussion What are your thoughts on not grading formative assessments? How would your classroom have to change in order to incorporate it? As a learner, what makes you feel an assignment is worth doing?

44 Year Five Into the Grading Abyss

45 Summative Feedback Before using targets: score 65% –Student knows what questions they got right/wrong –Kept the score and went on, maybe reviewed, but still went on –No diagnosis of problems and ways to address them – perhaps taking a test again but no plan as to what to focus on –No idea on student or teacher’s part of strengths and weaknesses

46 Summative Feedback After using targets: score 65% –Get results broken out by target –Students know what they do well and what they need to work on –Students have opportunities to work on identified targets and gain understanding before trying again to show mastery –Diagnostic tool to show strengths and weaknesses by student and class

47 Re-testing Students have received summative assessment results by target Identify targets needing improvement Work on target practice in preparation for re-testing Re-test only over identified targets Evaluate results, rinse, and repeat!

48 Summary of Targets and Assessments Learning targets form the backbone of instruction and assessment program LT allow for focused development of pre- and post-assessments LT give clear direction to selection and development of instructional activities LT provide students with clear learning goals and a format for organized feedback on their performance

49 My Take Home Message Learning targets inform students and teachers specifically what the learning intention is They can be used as a basis for instructional design and assessment formulation Formative and summative assessments should provide feedback to all parties on how to improve understanding Students should be given multiple opportunities to develop and show mastery of learning targets Standards-based grading gives students the chance take ownership of their performance

50 The Teacher I Was... Stephanie Harmon Rockcastle County High School BS – Cumberland College MS – Eastern Kentucky University Rank I – Union College

51 “If you grade it, then they will do it.” The grade should be enough motivation to get the student to complete the work.

52 Ready, Set, Change Deconstructing Standards Learning Targets based on Standards Reviewed Units of Study Assessments My attitude about grading Teaching is more deliberate

53 Year One –Power of the Learning Target Why I began Deconstructing Standards What I learned from it The Power of the Learning Target

54 Deconstructing standards is NOT about my teaching; it’s about what the STUDENT needs. It IS HARD but worth every moment – once I realized the depth of the standards my teaching became more focused.

55 Deconstruction of Standards Combined Curriculum Document Classroom Assessment for Student Learning (CASL)

56 Clear Learning Targets “Making targets clear to students at the outset of learning is the fundamental underpinning to any assessment for learning practices we will implement.” –Rick Stiggins, Classroom Assessment for Student Learning, p. 59.

57 Clear Learning Targets Know what kinds of targets are represented in the curriculum Know which targets each assessment measures Communicate the learning targets in advance in student-friendly language

58 Chemical Concepts Unit SC-HS-1.1.1 Students will classify or make generalizations about elements from data of observed patterns in atomic structure and/or position on the periodic table. The periodic table is a consequence of the repeating pattern of outermost electrons. DOK 2 SC-H-STM-S-1 Students will classify samples of matter from everyday life as being elements, compounds, or mixtures. SC-H-STM-U-1 Students will understand that the configuration of atoms in a molecule determines the molecule’s properties. Shapes are particularly important in how molecules interact with others. (stop at shape – personal note) SC-H-STM-U-4 Students will understand that not all atoms of an element are truly identical. Some may vary in their number of neutrons (isotopes) or electrons (ions). These variations result in properties which are different than the more common forms of that element

59 KnowledgeReasoningSkillsProducts SC-HS 1.1.1 - protons - neutrons - electrons - element - compound -mixture - electron configuration -Periodic Law - electron cloud - nucleus - Families on Periodic Table - valence electrons - Periods on Periodic Table - heterogeneous - homogeneous - molecule - isotopes - ions - group elements based on certain properties - determine if a sample is an element, compound or mixture - determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an element - compare/contrast periodic tables ordered by atomic mass vs. atomic number

60 Learning Targets I will group elements based on certain properties. I will determine if a sample is an element, compound or mixture. I will determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an element. I will compare/contrast periodic tables ordered by atomic mass vs. atomic number.

61 Learning Targets in Daily Instruction Daily Agenda (what the student sees/uses) AGENDA I will determine if a sample is an element, compound or mixture. -Review criteria for element, compound or mixture. - Sorting Samples - Quick Write: Describe the method you used for sorting the samples into the categories (element, compound, mixture).

62 T-chart Time

63 Year Two Learning Climate Would I want to be a student in my classroom? Controlled Chaos

64 Learning Climate Ranking Activity Teachers Other Instructional Leaders

65 My Results BEFORE: #1 - Display effective and efficient classroom management (e.g., in facilitating cooperative groups, in safe and appropriate use of equipment or hands- on materials) that includes classroom routines that promote comfort, order and appropriate student behaviors. NOW: #1 - Create an environment where student work is valued, appreciated and used as a learning tool, including the sharing of results from student scientific investigations.

66 Learning Climate: a safe environment supported by the teacher in which high, clear expectations and positive relationships are fostered; active learning is promoted URL for Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching & Learning: +and+Learning/HETL+Common+Characteristics.htm

67 Controlled Chaos Students learn at different rates, in different ways – research supports this, personal experience confirms this – why not use it to the advantage of BOTH the teacher and the student

68 Year Three – Grading & Feedback Student Self-Assessments Formative Assessments – What do they tell me? Effective Feedback

69 “Why... Would anyone want to change current grading practices? The answer is quite simple: grades are so imprecise that they are almost meaningless.” –Marzano, R.J. Transforming Classroom Grading, ASCD, Alexandria, VA, 2000, pg.1.

70 Grading Reflect Thinking about your own school experiences (as both a student and in your current role)... - What do grades represent to you? - How are grades assigned?

71 The Shift Formative Assessments are just that FORMATIVE Grades are based on summative evidence. (i.e. I stopped grading homework.)

72 Not grading homework - more time to provide better feedback on projects and other forms of assessments - keeping the student involved

73 Students should be involved in their own learning. Teach them how to evaluate their own progress.

74 Benefits from Student Self-Assessment –Cognitive achievement – although all students benefit, self-evaluation helps the lowest achieving students the most –Motivation – students taught to self-evaluate are more likely to persist on difficult tasks, be more confident about their ability, and take greater responsibility for their work –Attitude about evaluation – students who are taught and regularly participate in self-evaluation have a more positive attitude about evaluation and assessments from Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning

75 Sample Self-Assessment Tools

76 There is a difference between praise, guidance and feedback. Without a learning target, it is easy to give guidance but not feedback. The Learning Target allows us to focus on feedback.

77 Effective Feedback Centered on student’s learning AT THAT MOMENT Motivating – corrects without tearing down - Immediate (timely) - Consistent - Specific - Opportunity to improve - Ongoing


79 Taking Care of Business Providing Remediation Opportunities Learning is measured in terms of mastering Learning Targets – not by the letter grade Remediation Structure Opportunities

80 Grading Practices Everything does NOT need to be graded The quality of the feedback is what makes the difference in learning. They WILL do it when they realize that the purpose in what we do is focused on mastering the content Grades based on mastering the content NOT based on behavioral factors

81 T-chart Time

82 Year Four - Communication How did I communicate the changes in my grading practices?

83 Get the Word Out Concerned Parties: - Administrators - Parents - Students Methods of Communication: -Open Conversations -Letters to Parents -Syllabus

84 MY SCHOOL 950 students 75% Free & Reduced Lunch Student-Teacher Ratio of 20 - 1

85 Year Five – Refining My Classroom Better communication with Students, Parents, Administrators Refining the use of student-self assessments and other formative assessment tools

86 My School Beginning our 4 th year with CASL... More than just compliance – compliance doesn’t mean that change will occur.

87 Take Home Countdown 3 things I’ll remember 2 people I’ll tell it to 1 thing I’ll try

88 Review of Today Senate Bill 1 – the need for balanced assessment Example of CASL incorporated in a middle school setting Example of CASL incorporated in a high school setting Reflection – similarities and differences between the two examples

89 Reflecting in Style Three ideas from our work today: Before today I thought: Now I think: Learning targets are best described as a road map, a recipe book, a lever, or a self-assessment. Pick one and explain One thing I would tell a friend about this workshop:

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