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Presentation on theme: "ELSABE VAN HEERDEN 1 REGISTRATION VARIOUS TOPICS."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 CLOSING DATES Full time candidates: 15 March Repeat candidates: Two weeks after release of supplementary results = Middle May Portfolios: By August

3 3 SUBJECT CHANGES GRADES 10 AND 11 Internal memo 27 January 2010 Grade 10 Max 2 subjects – Internal arrangement Grade 11 Max 2 subjects- Internal arrangement Internal memo 27 January 2010 Grade 10 Max 2 subjects – Internal arrangement Grade 11 Max 2 subjects- Internal arrangement

4 4 SUBJECT CHANGES: GRADE 12 Only one subject Permission of Director Examinations and Assessment Needed on application - Letter of motivation from parent/guardian - Letter from principal - Letter from subject teacher Closing date: 31 January 8 th + subjects.

5 5 SUBJECT GROUPINGS Compulsory: Two languages: Home Language First Additional Language Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy Life Orientation

6 6 PASS REQUIREMENTS 1 National Senior Certificate 1.Home Language ≥40% 2.Three subjects ≥ 30% 3. Three subjects ≥ 40% NSC - Higher Certificate 1.Home Language ≥40% 2. First Add Lang ≥30% 3.Three subjects ≥ 30% 4. Three subjects ≥ 40%

7 7 PASS REQUIREMENTS 2 NSC –Diploma 1.Home Language ≥40% 2. First Add Lang ≥30% 3 Three other subjects ≥40% excluding Life Orientation NSC –Diploma 1.Home Language ≥40% 2. First Add Lang ≥30% 3 Three other subjects ≥40% excluding Life Orientation  NSC- Bachelor 1.Home Language ≥40% 2. First Add Lang ≥30% 3 Four designated subjects ≥50% excluding Life Orientation Individual requirements per University and Faculty

8 8 DESIGNATED SUBJECTS  Accounting Agricultural Sciences Business Studies Dramatic Arts Economics Engineering Graphics and Design Geography History Consumer Studies IT Languages Life Science Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy Music Physical Science Religions Studies Visual Arts A-level languages Immigrants

9 9 DISALLOWED SUBJECT COMBINATIONS - Computer Applications Technology and Information Technology -Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies. -Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy -Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana – one only -IsiXhosa, isiZulu, SiSwati, IsiNdebele- one only - Home, First and Second Additional - Computer Applications Technology and Information Technology -Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies. -Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy -Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana – one only -IsiXhosa, isiZulu, SiSwati, IsiNdebele- one only - Home, First and Second Additional

10 10 CONDONATIONS No Condonation in Grades 10 and 11 Condonation only permitted in Grade 12 to pass for certification purposes - 28% or 38% National circular will follow No Condonation in Grades 10 and 11 Condonation only permitted in Grade 12 to pass for certification purposes - 28% or 38% National circular will follow

11 11 REGISTRATION OF CANDIDATES - Candidates registered in Grade 10 – taken from SA-SAMS data - Candidates registered in Grade 10 – taken from SA-SAMS data - Promoted to Grade 11 and Grade 12 – keep track of candidate’s information - Prelims sent out each year for each Grade - Signature of principal

12 12 LANGUAGES SENIOR CERTIFICATE First Language Second Language Third Language NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE Home Language First Additional Language Second Additional Language

13 13 REPEAT CANDIDATES 1 Candidate wants to repeat some or all subjects – pass, improve marks, take new subjects. Full-time repeaters: Full-time at school Take 7 subjects Repeat SBA, PAT, Practical and Oral Can change one subject. Candidate wants to repeat some or all subjects – pass, improve marks, take new subjects. Full-time repeaters: Full-time at school Take 7 subjects Repeat SBA, PAT, Practical and Oral Can change one subject.

14 14 REPEAT CANDIDATES 2 Part-time repeater: Schools assisting institution Not full-time at school Enroll any number of subjects Choice of doing SBA (not Practical, Oral, PAT ) Change two subjects ( proof) Shelve-life of SBA 2008 – 2011 2009 - 2011 Certification Best subject

15 15 Can a child be expelled from school because she is pregnant  No. Section 9”(3) of the Constitution, entitled: “Equality”, states that: The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth”

16 16 Thank you!


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