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PBIS Applications NWPBIS Washington Conference November 5, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS Applications NWPBIS Washington Conference November 5, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS Applications NWPBIS Washington Conference November 5, 2012

2 PBIS Applications Team Introductions  Training Team:  Megan Cave  Katie Conley  Bert Eliason  Celeste Rossetto Dickey

3 PBIS Applications  Are we doing what we said we would do? (PBIS Assessment/PBIS Evaluation)  Is it making a positive difference in student outcomes? (SWIS/PBIS Evaluation)

4 SWIS Suite  SWIS (School-wide Information System) SWIS  CICO-SWIS (Check In Check Out SWIS) CICO-SWIS  ISIS-SWIS (Individual Student Information System) ISIS-SWIS  SAMI (SWIS Account Management Interface) SAMI

5 The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system designed to help school personnel use office referral data to monitor progress of school-wide and individual student interventions. CICO-SWIS is a decision system for targeted or group-based interventions for students needing additional support beyond the Universal or Tier 1 system. ISIS-SWIS is a decision system for students requiring more intensive and individualized supports for academic, social or mental health services. Where does SWIS fit?

6 The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system designed to help school personnel use office referral data to monitor progress of school-wide and individual student interventions. CICO-SWIS is a decision system for targeted or group-based interventions for students needing additional support beyond the Universal or Tier 1 system. ISIS-SWIS is a decision system for students requiring more intensive and individualized supports for academic, social or mental health services. Where does CICO-SWIS fit?

7 The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system designed to help school personnel use office referral data to monitor progress of school-wide and individual student interventions. CICO-SWIS is a decision system for targeted or group-based interventions for students needing additional support beyond the Universal or Tier 1 system. ISIS-SWIS is a decision system for students requiring more intensive and individualized supports for academic, social or mental health services. Where does ISIS-SWIS fit?

8 What is ISIS-SWIS? Individual Student Information System ISIS-SWIS is an application within the SWIS Suite designed to coordinate and monitor individualized student support. ISIS-SWIS allows teams to:  Define, organize and communicate with team members  Coordinate assessment, support plan development, and related documentation  Define data collection measures  Collect, summarize and report data on both fidelity of plan implementation and student outcomes  Provide administrators and coordinators with summary information for decision-making.

9 PBIS Assessment PBIS Assessment is a web-based application designed to assist in high-fidelity, sustained implementation of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SW-PBIS). Are we doing what we said we would do?

10 PBIS Assessment Tools Research Tool Annual Assessment Tool Progress Monitoring Tool Universal System System-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) PBIS Self Assessment Survey (SAS) Early Childhood BoQ Team Implementation Checklist (TIC 3) Secondary & Tertiary Systems *Individual Student System Evaluation Tool (IS-SET) PBIS Self Assessment Survey (SAS) Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT) *Monitoring of Advanced Tiers (MATT) Outcome Measures: School Safety Survey

11 System-wide Evaluation Tool: SET  Research tool  Outside Evaluator  SET SET  Goal: 80% Overall/80% Teaching

12 Individual Student System Evaluation Tool (ISSET)  Research Tool  Outside Evaluator  Assesses Tier II, III systems

13 Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)  Tier 1  Progress Monitoring Tool  Team completes 3-4 times annually to assess progress  Goal: 80% Overall Implementation

14 Self Assessment Survey (SAS)  Tiers I, II, III  Self Assessment Survey for all staff members  Complete the survey online  Assesses: School-wide, Classroom, Non Classroom and Individual Student Systems: In Place and Priority for Improvement  Goal: 80% in each system; 80% Overall

15 Early Childhood Benchmarks of Quality (ECBoQ)  Tier 1  Annual Assessment  Team/Coach Self Assessment  Goal: 80%

16 Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT)  Annual Assessment  Team/Coach Self Assessment  Assessment of Tiers II, III  Goal: 80% in Tier

17 Benchmarks of Quality  Tier I  Annual Assessment  Team/Coach Self Assessment  Goal: 70% Overall

18 Monitoring Advanced Tiers Tool (MATT)  Tiers II, III  Coach Guided Team Assessment  Progress Monitoring Tool (3-4 times a year)  Goal: 80% Tier II, Tier III (100% Tier 1)

19 School Safety Survey (SSS)  Outcome Measure  Representative group completes the survey (at least 5 people)  Assesses Risk and Protection Factors  Goal: Over time: Decrease risk factors; Increase Protection Factors

20 PBIS Evaluation The website was created to assist state, regional and district leadership teams to evaluate the breadth, depth and impact of their efforts to implement school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBIS). The site draws information that has been entered into either the School-wide Information System ( and/or PBIS Assessment (

21 Report Examples Each Report in PBIS Evaluation can also be downloaded as an Excel file to view the schools & data.

22 Schools entering data in SWIS & PBIS Assessment

23 SET Subscale Scores

24 SWIS: Mean ODR/100/Day

25 ODR by Problem Behavior

26 BoQ Elements Report

27 Proportion of Students Succeeding in CICO-SWIS

28 Ethnicity Report

29 Triangle Data

30 PBIS Evaluation Information  Contact:  Diertra Lomeli  Celeste Rossetto Dickey  Dr. Rob Horner

31 Integrating SWIS Data With your District Database It can be done!

32 How many of you…  Use SWIS in your district?  Use a student information system for state reporting?  Double-enter discipline data?  Have access to a data warehouse?

33 State and District-Level Reporting Requirements Mandatory Data Entry Multiple Facets to School-Day Access to Student Information Progress Monitoring School-Level Reporting Data for Decision Making Focus on Student Success Comparing SWIS with Student Information Systems Accountability

34 Data Integration S-DEX ECS Distributor SWIS Download

35 Technical assistance areas:  SWIS Suite  PBIS Assessment & Evaluation  Data Integration

36 Contact Information  

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