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Progress Monitoring and Action Planning Using the Team Implementation Checklist The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Monitoring and Action Planning Using the Team Implementation Checklist The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Monitoring and Action Planning Using the Team Implementation Checklist The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this presentation and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material.

2 PBIS Assessment: Fidelity Tools Self-Assessment Survey Conducted initially and then annually - preferably in the Fall each year Completed by all staff that have contact with students Team Implementation Checklist Completed in the Fall and Winter each year until the Spring Benchmarks of Quality score is at or above 70%. (Teams may choose to take the TIC more often to assist them with Action Planning their PBIS implementation.) Completed by the PBIS Team Benchmarks of Quality Completed annually in the Spring Completed by Internal Coach and each member of PBIS Team

3 Team Implementation Checklist 3.1 Designed for progress monitoring of Tier 1 implementation Completed in the Fall and Winter each year until the Spring Benchmarks of Quality score is at or above 70%. (Teams may choose to take the TIC more often to guide them with Action Planning their PBIS implementation.) ONE TIC completed by Internal Coach and the building PBIS Team





8 Three Reports Total Score Report Subscale Report Item Report

9 Team Implementation Checklist Total Score (Percentage of Points) Demonstration School Exemplar 10/7/2010 – 1/20/2011

10 Subscale Report The Subscale Report displays the percentage of fully, partially and not implemented elements. The graph is grouped by element then survey dates. The elements along with the questions to which they relate are listed below: ElementQuestion(s) Establish commitment1-2 Establish and maintain team3-5 Self assessment6-8 Define expectations9-11 Teach expectations12 Reward expectations13 Consequences14 Classroom15-17 Establish information system18-19 Build capacity for function-based support20-22

11 Team Implementation Checklist Subscale

12 Items Report The TIC Item Report shows each of the items and their scores (2 = Achieved, 1 = In Progress, 0 = Not Started) separated by feature. You can select the school year and scroll through the surveys by date of completion beginning with the most recent checklist submitted.


14 Develop Action Plan What is the goal/action activity for each part? Who will be responsible for each part? When will they happen? How will we determine if the goal has been accomplished? What data will be used to monitor progress? What is the timeline for monitoring progress?

15 Using the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Use your own school’s completed TIC data Complete the TIC for your school as you go Use TIC “Dummy Data” provided

16  Establish Commitment  Administrator’s support and active involvement  Faculty/Staff Support (One of top 3 goals, 80% of faculty document support, 3 year timeline for implementation)  Planning Time  Review Establish Commitment section of TIC  Use Action Plan for items marked “In Progress” or “Not Yet Started” Using the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)

17 ActivityActivity Task Analysis (What)WhoBy When 1. Administrator’s Support and Active Involvement 2. Faculty / Staff Support 3. Team Established (Representative) 4. Team has regular meeting schedule, effective operating procedures TIC Action Plan Only include those items in Team Implementation Checklist that are marked “In Progress” or “Not Yet Started”

18 Using the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)  Establish & Maintain Team  Team established (representative)  Team has regular meeting schedule, effective team operating procedures  Audit is completed for efficient integration of team with other teams/initiatives addressing behavior support  Planning Time  Review Establish & Maintain Team section of TIC  Use Action Plan for items marked “In Progress” or “Not Yet Started”

19 Using the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)  Self-Assessment  Team/faculty complete PBIS self-assessment  Team summarizes existing school discipline data  Team uses self-assessment information to build implementation action plan  Planning Time  Review Self-Assessment section of TIC  Use Action Plan for items marked “In Progress” or “Not Yet Started”

20 Using the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)  Establish School-wide Expectations  3-5 school-wide behavior expectations are defined  School-wide teaching matrix developed  Teaching plans for school-wide expectations are developed  School-wide behavioral expectations are taught directly & formally  System in place to acknowledge/reward school-wide expectations  Clearly defined & consistent consequences and procedures for undesirable behaviors are developed  Planning Time  Review Establish School-wide Expectations section of TIC  Use Action Plan for items marked “In Progress” or “Not Yet Started”

21 Using the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)  Classroom Behavior Support Systems  Team has completed a school-wide classroom systems summary  Action plan in place to address any classroom systems identified as a high priority for change  Data system in place to monitor office discipline referral rates that come from classrooms  Discipline data are gathered, summarized, & reported  Discipline data are available to the Team at least monthly in a form & depth needed for problem-solving  Planning Time  Review Classroom Behavior Support Systems section of TIC  Use Action Plan for items marked “In Progress” or “Not Yet Started”

22 Using the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)  Build Capacity for Function-based Support  Personnel with behavioral expertise are identified & involved  At least one staff member of the school is able to conduct simple functional behavioral assessments  Intensive, individual student support team structure in place to use function-based supports  Planning Time  Review Build Capacity for Function-based Support section of TIC  Use Action Plan for items marked “In Progress” or “Not Yet Started”

23  What did you learn that was new or most useful?  Next Steps? Reflection

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