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Civil Aviation Authority Pakistan

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1 Civil Aviation Authority Pakistan


3 INTRO TO PEL OFFICE A License or a Certificate is the basic regulatory tool to ensure that a person involved with the operation of an aircraft has met the required Knowledge Training experience and skill requirement for the assigned job. PEL Office under the Licensing Authority is authorized to implement the CAA Licensing Policy and discharge functions related to the personnel licensing in accordance with the CAA Regulations. Licensing Authority is responsible for matters related to Personnel Licensing As per ICAO Annex 1, its functions include assessment of an applicant's qualification issue and endorsements of licenses, certificates & ratings designations & authorization of Approved persons Approval of Training Courses approval for the use of training devices validation of licenses issued by other contracting states.

4 LICENSING POLICY (a)    Conform to the Chicago Convention (b)    Adhere to Annex 1 SARPs (c)    Attempt to closely adhere to the ICAO guidance material and relevant safety related practices. (e)     Licences from the contracting states will be validated for a short duration and for specific purposes after having been duly verified from the Issuing Office. Validation Certificate will be issued subject to a Validation Examinations and other requirements specified in the regulations. (f)     Only Restricted Licences may be issued up to CPL, always one category lower, on basis of a foreign licence subject to due verification from the issuing office; and appropriate restriction endorsed. (g)     Experience gained in a contracting state or military experience may be accepted to the extent of flying hours subject to a due verification.

5 LICENSING AUTHORITY Director General Civil Aviation Authority has designated the Deputy Director General as the Licensing Authority.

6 Licences & Ratings - Aircrew
Administrative Requirements. Medical Requirements. Validity of Licence. Grant of Validation On The Basis of a Foreign Licence. Flight Radio Telephone Operator Licence. Validation of License On The Basis Of Foreign Licence. Skill Requirements (PPL, CPL, Instrument Rating, ATPL.) A/C Type Ratings. Conduct of Skill/Flight Test/Check. Currency on Similar A/C (Below 5700 Kg.) Maintenance of a License. Recording and Crediting Of Flying Time.

7 Rifaat Haye , licensed since 1990
Rifaat Haye , licensed since "It is more tough to be a professional woman. It is a big ego thing for the men colleagues. I'm now flying the aircraft that I consider ultimate--the 747," she says.

8 PIA’s Lockheed L-1049H Super Constellations (AP-AJY & AP-AJZ) of early 50s

License & Examination System; client–server based application Developed in Java by using Oracle as backend database Customized software; developed to conduct online exam Runs on internal network and has the capability to expand on internet Hub/main server is at Karachi licensing office Ability to provide access to out-station’s faculty to conduct online examination. Is based on MCQ Questions selected randomly with weightage to various topics Evaluated answers, marks obtained and given answer are stored in the database Question bank (with questions) is generated dynamically Ability to prepare unique question papers for each individual

10 Examiner can get results immediately in various formats in which the marks obtained by the student in each topic of the subject is shown as well as the answer sheet of each student Results are also presented in different graphical forms such as bar charts or pie charts Also shows how many licensees have passed topic wise in each subject etc.

11 SECURITY This system can be secured by implementing proper security options such as passwords, biometrics, speech or iris recognition. Only granted individuals can access answer sheets, general mark lists and history data. Authentication is provided via sessions and the password is stored in encrypted form in the database.

12 COSCAP Examination Applicability
This software is particularly suited to conduct competitive exams like recruitment exams and Common Entrance Tests (CET) of various COSCAP states. It will save valuable time spent on assessing the answers from different knowledge resources and the results can be obtained immediately.

13 WE CAN HELP CAA Pakistan is hopeful that the on-line examination facility can be shared with COSCAP States after the local test run in June 2010. CAAP can: Set up this system at your end or Conduct examinations for you at our centers or Conduct online examinations of your candidates and Generate actual license cards for you


15 Basic Flying Training Flying Training Organizations (FTO)
Ground Training Organizations (GTO). Pilot Integrated Course. Pilot Modular Course. Conduct of Courses. Flight Instructor. Flight Instructor Course (FIC). Flight Instructor Standardization Course (FISC). Type Rating Instructor (TRI). Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI). Flight Engineer Instructor (FEI). Flight Engineer Synthetic Instructor (FESI). Designated Check Pilots (DCP) Below 5700 Kg A/C. Designated Examiners (DE) Below 5700 Kg A/C.

16 LICENSEE DATA BANK The customized software maintains the details for each licensee as well as provides a facility for editing the licensee details, history of certifications and endorsement if required.

17 Proud to have licensed Frankfurt 1970, Boeing C


19 Since 1954, PIA has flown many popular and famous passenger aircraft types. These aircraft include Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation, DC-3 Dakota, Convair CV-240, Vickers Viscount 815, Boeing 707, Boeing 720, Hawker Siddeley HS.121 Trident 1E, McDonnell Douglas DC and Fokker F-27 Friendship

20 Prior to the above, the Licensing Authority will ensure that;
The Aviation Training Centre meets the criterion and is Approved. The Instructors/Supervisors meet the prescribed  qualifications and are Approved The training program is approved. Training Devices meet the prescribed criteria and are Approved.

Assessment of an applicant's qualification to hold a License/Certificate or a Rating. Issue and endorsements of licenses, certificates & ratings. Designations & authorization of Approved persons. Approval of Training Course. Approval for the use of training devices and authorization for their use in gaining experience and demonstration of skill required for the issue of a license or a rating. Validation of licenses issued by other contracting states.

DOC Convention on International Civil Aviation ANNEX 1 - Personnel Licensing. Doc Safety Oversight Audit Manual. DOC Preparation of an Operations Manual. Annex 18 - The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. DOC Dangerous Goods Training Program Book 2 (Local Planners & Flight Crew) DOC Manual of Procedures for Establishment and Management of Licensing System. DOC 7192-AN/857 - Training Manual - Part A-3 Composite Ground Subjects Curriculum. DOC AN/857 - Part B-5 -VOl -1- Integrated Commercial Pilot Course. DOC AN/857- Part B-5 - Vol -2- Integrated Commercial Pilot Course. DOC AN/857- Part D-3 - Flight Operations Officer. DOC AN/857- Part D-1 - AME Course. DOC AN/857- Part E-1 - Cabin Attendants Safety Training Manual. DOC AN/857 - Part C-3 - Vol 2 - Flight Engineer Training Course. DOC Manual of Radio Telephony (FRTO). DOC 9401-AN/921 - Manual on Establishment and Operation of Aviation Training Centres. DOC PANS.RAC. DOC Human Factors Training Manual

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