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Federal Aviation Administration AOC/FOC Interface for Data Comm Production System To: AOC WG From: Data Comm Production Sub-Team Date: 07/11/12.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Aviation Administration AOC/FOC Interface for Data Comm Production System To: AOC WG From: Data Comm Production Sub-Team Date: 07/11/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Aviation Administration AOC/FOC Interface for Data Comm Production System To: AOC WG From: Data Comm Production Sub-Team Date: 07/11/12

2 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 2 Federal Aviation Administration 11 July 2012 Recap Last Telecon Decisions- 7/02/12 Requirements for Production System (2015) 1.Add route string to DCL Courtesy Copy even if flight is Cleared as Filed, as FYI for AOC [Applies to both Trials and Production systems?] 2.FAA will send a new message (Gate ID Request message) to AOC when DCL is approved by controller. AOC will respond with Gate ID. Applies to both Trials and Production systems. 3.FAA will send the DCL Courtesy Copy to AOC when actual uplink is sent to pilot. Applies to both Trials and Production systems. 4.ICAO 2012 Flight Plan is a viable mechanism for AOCs to provide clearance delivery information to FAA, e.g., whether a specific flight will get a legacy PDC or DCL. New equipage/preference codes apply to Production system only. Trials will use Remarks field in current flight plan; no change for ICAO 2012 flight plan.

3 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 3 Federal Aviation Administration 11 July 2012 Gate ID Request : Summary 1.Scope –Gate ID Request message is designed to provide same functionality as in current response by AOC to PDC from FAA. No change to PDC exchange. –Gate ID Request/Response messages will be exchanged for all DCL flights –If users do not currently provide gate, only requirement for DCL is an AOC Host computer system response in the agreed to DCIT format. 2.Gate Changes –No requirement for users to provide unsolicited Gate ID messages for gate changes after the initial message exchange 3.Error Handling. –Same as today (for PDC) –If there is a mismatch or missing referent message number for an acknowledgement from AOC, no error will be returned by FAA

4 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 4 Federal Aviation Administration 11 July 2012 Gate ID Request : Summary cont’d 4.Gate ID Request Message from FAA to AOC Similar header to DCL Courtesy Copy with unique identifier as Gate ID Request message Flight Identification includes: Flight ID (e.g., XYZ123), Tail Number if available, and Departure Airport. Format being worked today 5.Response Message from AOC to FAA Similar header to Gate ID Request message with unique identifier as Gate ID Response message and sequence number from request message Flight Identification is same, e.g., Flight ID (e.g., XYZ123), Tail Number if available, and Departure Airport. Gate ID field content –If gate known, gate number is inserted into this field –If gate is unknown, “G” is inserted into this field. Format being worked today

5 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 5 Federal Aviation Administration 11 July 2012 Next Steps Determine if any other DCIT document changes needed DCIT Plenary July 12 Coordination with larger community for ICAO 2012 flight plan codes in Field 18/DAT Questions?

6 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 6 Federal Aviation Administration 11 July 2012 Back Up

7 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 7 Federal Aviation Administration 11 July 2012 Pilot Flight Data Initial Departure Clearance : Gate ID and CC messages 4. Clearance for approval 11. Departure Clearance Request AOC/FOC Automation AOC/FOC Automation Data Comm 2. Flight Data Avionics 12. Departure Clearance 15. Departure Clearance Response 3. Flight Strip 5. Approved Departure Clearance Pilot will request DCL x minutes before departure Pilot will request DCL x minutes before departure 6. Session Start 8. Gate ID Response 7. Gate ID Request Tower Controller Tower Controller 1. Flight Plan Circa P-Time- 60 min Circa P-Time- 30 min Circa P-Time- 20 min 9. Revised Flight Data 10. Rev Approve Clearance 13. DCL CC This case shows a revision occurs before pilot downlink request. Is the same as nominal without any change. 14. DCL CC Ack

8 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 8 Federal Aviation Administration 11 July 2012 Fld 10a and 18 – Proposed Codes for Data Comm 8 Cas e User Preference DescriptionICAO 2012 Fld 10a ICAO 2012 Fld 18 New ? Codes for DAT/ Comments 1PDC onlyAll flights at this airport get PDC E3J4* Z DAT/PIdentifies domestic PDC preference 2DCL onlyAll flights at this airport get DCL E3J4* Z DAT/FIdentifies domestic DCL FANS 1/A. If no DAT/F, then assume J4 applies to Oceanic 3DCL/PDCDCL if available; PDC if not J3J4E3* Z DAT/FP^*Any order. ^FP order shows preference, e.g, FANS DCL then PDC 4VoiceNo PDC or DCLE3J4*Equipped but not receiving PDC or DCL. No requirement to file Fld 10 5Oceanic onlyFANS CPDLC in Oceanic airspace E3J3?No requirement to file Fld 10a?

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