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Awards and Recognition Committee Vince Williams 9-10 April 2005 Region 2.

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1 Awards and Recognition Committee Vince Williams 9-10 April 2005 Region 2

2 RAB Awards Info Recognition IEEE volunteers give up their personal time to participate in activities, so it is important to thank them for that sacrifice and recognize them for their efforts Take the time to make people feel better about themselves and increase motivation RAB Award candidates do more than what is generally expected of them in whatever position they worked in; candidates who in fact went the extra mile! Should receive at least one nomination for each Award from each Region

3 RAB Awards Info William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award Recognizes an individual, who over a long and sustained period of leadership contributed in an exemplary manner to the Regional Activities Board (RAB), its activities and achievements and the attainment of its goals and objectives. –Awarded once every three years –1 Recipient –Award Instrument: Plaque & Cash Prize ($2,000 USD) Recipient will be presented with the award at SC’05. –RAB will cover travel expenses for the recipient

4 RAB Awards Info RAB Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Recognizes the accomplishment judged to be the most significant and effective in fulfilling one or more of the Transnational goals and objectives of RAB. –1 Recipient Annually –Award Instrument: plaque & cash prize ($1,000 USD)

5 RAB Awards Info RAB Innovation Award Recognizes the accomplishment judged to be the most innovative and effective in fulfilling one or more of the goals and objectives of RAB. –1 Recipient Annually –Award Instrument: plaque & cash prize ($1,000 USD)

6 RAB Awards Info RAB Leadership Award Recognizes individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities which support RAB goals and objectives at the local, regional, national, and/or international level. –3 recipients annually –Award Instrument: plaque & cash prize ($500 USD)

7 RAB Awards Info RAB Achievement Award Recognizes individuals involved with RAB and/or the Regional Network who are recognized for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s) or activity(ies) which are directed to the fulfillment of one or more of the goals and objectives of RAB. –6 recipients annually –Award Instrument: plaque & cash prize ($250 USD)

8 RAB Awards Info RAB GOLD Achievement Award Recognizes those substantive projects or achievement of a relatively short nature (one to three years) but which have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of GOLD operations. Recognizes those substantive projects or achievement of a relatively short nature (one to three years) but which have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of GOLD operations. Based on a selection that recognizes individuals involved with GOLD activities who are recognized for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s) or activitivy(ies) which are directed to the fulfillment of one or more of the GOLD goals and/or objectives. –Must be GOLD members at the time of nomination –Up to 6 Recipients annually –Award Instrument: plaque & cash prize ($250 USD)

9 RAB Awards Info Outstanding Section Awards Awarded to one Large and one Small Section, out of the 10 Regions, to recognize the excellent work of the Section in the past year Large/Small Section Awards –The total membership of a Large Section (including Students) shall be 501 or greater as of 31 December of the prior year. –The total membership of a small Section (including Students) shall be 500 or less as of 31 December of the prior year Award Instrument - Plaque

10 RAB Awards Info Outstanding Section Awards The following aspects and activities could be considered in selecting the Sections: –Submission of financial, officers and meeting report; –Evidence of retention of members; –New GOLD Affinity Group Formations; –Active Student Branch activity such as student paper contest, recruitment of student members; –Continuing Educational activities including conferences, technical activities, training courses; –Contacts with section members including the number of Newsletter issues, email Newsletters, regular updates of Section, Chapters and Student Branches Web Page; –Community projects/service that project positive visibility to IEEE; and –Continuing support for Section/Chapter Activities. –Continuing support for Section/Chapter Activities.

11 RAB Awards Info Friend of IEEE Regional Activities Award Recognizes support provided to the IEEE and its members in support of its goals by firms, divisions of firms or individuals. –No limit on the number of recipients –Award Instrument: Engraved Plaque

12 RAB Awards Info RAB Award Deadlines 31 May 2005 –RAB William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award –RAB Outstanding Large & Small Section Awards 15 October 2005 –RAB Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award –RAB Achievement Award –RAB Innovation Award –RAB Leadership Award –RAB GOLD Achievement Award Anytime –Friend of IEEE Regional Activities

13 RAB Awards Info 2004 RAB Award Recipients RAB LARRY K. WILSON TRANSNATIONAL AWARD –Hans J. Schmitt (Germany Section, R8) For exemplary contributions in providing fiscal and financial leadership to the geographic units within Africa, Europe, Greenland, Iceland, the Republics of the former USSR, and the Near and Middle East. RAB INNOVATION AWARD –Jose Antonio Jardini (South Brazil Section, R9) For excellent effort and contributions to the engineers and scientists of Latin America through the initial start-up and editing of the IEEE Latin American Transactions. RAB LEADERSHIP AWARD  Neville Jacobs (Baltimore Section, R2) For significant contributions and leadership in providing pre-college electrical engineering exposure to high school students through the Baltimore Section Robot Project Activities. –Durgamadhab Misra (North Jersey Section, R1) For promoting IEEE membership and activities within the IEEE North Jersey Section. –Durgamadhab Misra (North Jersey Section, R1) For promoting IEEE membership and activities within the IEEE North Jersey Section. –Hugh Rudnick (Chile Section, R9) For imaginative leadership in creating new services and products for IEEE members in Latin America. –Hugh Rudnick (Chile Section, R9) For imaginative leadership in creating new services and products for IEEE members in Latin America.

14 RAB Awards Info 2004 RAB Award Recipients RAB ACHIEVEMENT AWARD  Amarjeet Basra (Northern Virginia Section, R2) For outstanding contributions in promoting IEEE to college and pre-college students within the IEEE Northern Virginia Section. –Susan Hamill (Oregon Section, R6) For exemplary service to the IEEE by improving the communication, educational and technical activities within the Oregon Section. –Subrata Mukhopadhyay (Delhi Section, R10) For exemplary contributions in facilitating the electronic communications within the IEEE Delhi Section, India Council and PES Chapters within Region 10. –Daniel Slomovitz (Uruguay Section, R9) For the successful development of the Multi Media of Electrical Measurements CD- ROM for IEEE Student and young professional members in Latin America. –Howard Michel (Providence Section, R1)For extraordinary leadership contributions to the Providence Section and Region 1 by inspiring volunteers to significantly improve performance and achieve accomplishments through motivation, goal setting and leadership by example. –Howard Michel (Providence Section, R1)For extraordinary leadership contributions to the Providence Section and Region 1 by inspiring volunteers to significantly improve performance and achieve accomplishments through motivation, goal setting and leadership by example. –Steve Watkins (Saint Louis Section, R5)For the creation of student ethics contest which inspired the development of an IEEE Student Ethics Competition.

15 RAB Awards Info Other IEEE Awards.. IEEE Awards (Medals, Field Awards, Corporate Recognition) – Educational Activities –

16 RAB Awards Info Section Awards Committee Chairs First NameLast Name Section --Southern New Jersey --Johnstown --West Virginia --Central Pennsylvania --Erie --Lehigh Valley --Youngstown --Lima --Columbus --Deleware Bay --Akron Amarjeet S Basra Northern Virginia David J Vaglia Pittsburgh Ernest A Guenin Susquehanna Gerald E Lucak Cleveland Howard M Needham Washington James O Everly Cincinnati M. W. Buckley Philadelphia Richard J Moff Dayton Thomas J Patton Baltimore Red – No nfo Yellow - No contact info Green - complete

17 RAB Awards Info Contact Information Region 2 Awards Committee Chair –Vince Williams –Contact Info: 703-437-7547 (h) 571-262-2311 (w) RAD Staff –Ethel Godonoo ( or rab-

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