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Social Media for the Social Organization. What is Social Media? It is any internet site that allows social interaction of its member: sharing comments,

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media for the Social Organization. What is Social Media? It is any internet site that allows social interaction of its member: sharing comments,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media for the Social Organization

2 What is Social Media? It is any internet site that allows social interaction of its member: sharing comments, photos, events, etc. The most popular social media sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The vast majority of the adults are starting to gain nearly all their information from the internet.

3 Organization E-Mail Set-Up

4 Getting Started with Social Media Set up an organization e-mail through a free service, i.e., GMAIL

5 1. Go to 2. Click on blue sign-in button in upper right 3. Click on Add Account and then Create Account

6 E-Mail Set-Up This organization e-mail will be used to create most of the social media accounts. However, some can be set up using your existing personal accounts without compromising your personal privacy.

7 Facebook

8 Facebook is a general social media site where members maintain their own profile page to post comments, pictures, videos, or apps. Other members “Friend” each other. Your friends on Facebook can see your profile and interact with you. This is only one member to one member, but bigger groups can be created to disseminate and share information on a larger scale.

9 Groups versus Fan Page A Group creates a private space. Have things you only want to share with a small group of people? Just create a group, add friends, and start sharing. Once you have your group, you can post updates, poll the group, chat with everyone at once, and more. – They can be made either public or private. Public groups allow anyone to join without moderator permission, but private groups admit members either by invitation or by moderator permission. – They tend to be for members who already belong to the organization. A Fan Page is a public profile on Facebook for use by businesses, celebrities, or public organizations (such as the Masons) that allows your fans or prospective members to follow and interact with you.

10 Group Pros and Cons Pros You have a forum setting where members have a lot more say and interaction in the group’s content: – Any group member can interact with the whole group or with individual members, share photos, conduct polls, upload photos, and plan events. You can have more lively discussions since members have greater access to each other. Facebook members can search for your group, but your search results come after the list of fan pages. Cons There is no anonymity. Administrators (moderators) and members are clearly shown under their own profile name, even if it is a closed group. When the administrators posts, you post as your own name. Most groups are often designated as closed, so anyone interested cannot see your activity, and it makes the organization look secretive. Since any member can create content, it must be closely moderated to ensure appropriate content, and it makes it riskier to open it up to non- organizational members.

11 Fan Page Pros and Cons Pros It is public. Your prospective members can easily find you in a search on either Facebook or through a “Google Search.” You are much more visible and inviting. Administrators’ identities are hidden. When you post as an administrator, your post appears at the organizational name. When I post to our lodge page, it reads “Modesto Masons.” The members who follow you by “Liking” your page do not have their identities revealed unless they comment on a post or leave a comment. You can do all the activities within a Group, such as create events, share photos, and have discussions. The administrators have more tools to control the content, including a smart phone/iPad App to act as administrator. Pages can be linked to other pages, Twitter, and a website for even greater exposure Cons It is public. While many good people will find their way to your page, there will always be the rare oddball who will find his way to the page to post something undesirable. However, the administrators can quickly delete any unwanted content and ban the user from ever returning. It is not a place for private conversation of organization matters or to air out any “dirty laundry.” Think of the page as public relations tool; it is to communicate what great things you do. It must also be closely moderated to ensure appropriate content, but followers who like the page are limited in what they can post, and these can be fully adjusted by the administrators

12 To Conclude: Pages are generally better for a long-term relationships with your fans, readers, or members Groups are generally better for hosting personal, active discussion and attracting quick attention to a small group who are generally already a member of your organization.

13 Fan Page DOs and DON’Ts DO Post regularly to keep your audience interested and coming back. – Pictures are GREAT! – Show a variety of inviting events – About once a week is good. Have several moderators to ensure the page is monitored. – You want more than one, but you can have too many. – Usually three to four is appropriate. Keep it positive and inviting. This will attract new members. – Tell your fans how to join! DON’T Do not post anything negative. – No one wants to join an organization where its members openly argue. No personal information – Content should be appropriate for the public, so no addresses, phone numbers, etc. No inappropriate content – Pictures from the wild weekend in Las Vegas should stay in Vegas. – Your page represents your organization Think of your fan page as a public website (because it is) and as a recruiting tool for the public to see what you do and want to join.

14 Getting Started If you have a personal Facebook account, log into it. If you do not have a Facebook account, you will need to create one, which itself can remain hidden. – Please know that creating a fan page from a personal account will NOT violate your personal account; you will remain anonymous.

15 Getting Started Your News Feed will be the first page you see. Click on arrow in upper right and then on “Create page”

16 Creating a Fan Page Select “Company, Organization or Institution”

17 Creating a Fan Page Select a Category: I used “Non-Profit Organization” for Modesto Masons. Write the name of your organization. Make it easy to search, for example: Modesto Masons, Modesto Masonic Lodge no. 206, etc. You can add more detail later.

18 Creating a Fan Page You will begin to fill in the information about your organization: profile pictures, organization descriptions, etc.

19 Facebook Special Features

20 Scheduling posts for future publication. The usefulness of this is that you can write multiple posts at one sitting, yet have them post periodically to keep your audience engaged. I often use this function to continually promote or remind our audience of an upcoming event.

21 Scheduling a Post

22 Link your Page to Twitter One post updates two social media sites! By linking your page to Twitter, whatever you post on your Facebook Page will also get posted on your Twitter account. Go to

23 Link Facebook to Twitter

24 Helpful Tips for Ensuring Success Having some knowledge and access to photo editing software is greatly helpful to adding photos for the organizations cover photo and profile picture. Have someone skilled in writing about events and activities. Be Active! Show the public that you are here and want them to be a part of you!

25 Twitter Sharing short blocks of text (140 characters maximum) along with pictures.

26 Create a Twitter Account Go to Click on Sign Up (Use your organization e-mail)

27 Linking Facebook Page with Twitter Now, you will want to go back into your Facebook account and set up the link from your page to your Twitter account. You can use Facebook to continually update Twitter, manually update it yourself, or both.

28 Instagram Sharing of pictures

29 Instagram This is not a computer / website based program, but rather it is a smartphone app that uses your camera phone for the social sharing of photos. As you have events and take pictures using your smart phone camera, you can instantly share them on Instagram. Instagram also easily links up with your Facebook page.

30 Instagram Therefore, you can post a photo and caption to Instagram, have it share with your Facebook page, which then posts to Twitter. One post  Three social media sites updated. You can also share only with Twitter (which will show the photo in the Twitter post) or just to Instagram.



33 Getting Started with Instagram To start using Instagram: – Download the Instagram app for iOS from the App Store, Android from Google Play Store or Windows Phone from the Windows Phone Store.App StoreGoogle Play Store Windows Phone Store – Once the app is installed, tap to open it. – Tap Sign Up, then enter your email address and tap Next or tap Log In with Facebook to sign up with your Facebook account. – If you register with email, create a username and password, fill out your profile info and then tap Done. If you register with Facebook, you'll be prompted to log into your Facebook account if you're currently logged out.username The easiest is to log in through Facebook. This allows you access to link Instagram with your Page, since it will see that you are a Page administrator.

34 Once you are set up, everything you need to manage all of your digital lodge can be easily do via smart phone apps. The Facebook app can manage both your personal account and your Page. However, a special Facebook app called Pages Manager gives you all the power to administer your page. Instagram is a smart phone app, so that is where it must be managed. If you are managing multiple pages for the blue lodge and concordant bodies, a special app for Twitter is ideal. You can switch from a personal account to the blue lodge account or to a concordant body account with just a touch. Every account can be easily updated in a few minutes. See the next slide to see how.


36 Some Helpful Hints Create one really good password and use it for all of your social media. It gets confusing really fast when you have multiple accounts, each with its own password. Form a social media committee. Don’t try to do it all on your own. Besides, your brothers can catch your mistakes. I wrote p.m. Instead of a.m., but it was caught in time.

37 Some Helpful Hints Pictures of your events, digitized fliers, etc. are huge hits with the audience. Many of your followers will be Masons, Shriners, etc., or they will be highly interested in it: they did search you out after all. Therefore, they want to SEE what you are doing. Don’t be bashful: follow other lodges and concordant bodies, and get them to follow you. They can share your events to cast an even wider broadcast net—the real power of social media. Connect (dare I say “ingratiate” yourself with Grand Lodge: over 80,000 followers there). – There is even a function where you can navigate Facebook as your Page, so comment on other Pages as your page. Build connections everywhere you can.

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