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SPHS STUDENT SHARED QR Code - Google Drive. SPHS S TUDENT S HARED F OLDER : W HAT YOU WILL DO ( OVERVIEW ) This folder contains important student information.

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Presentation on theme: "SPHS STUDENT SHARED QR Code - Google Drive. SPHS S TUDENT S HARED F OLDER : W HAT YOU WILL DO ( OVERVIEW ) This folder contains important student information."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPHS STUDENT SHARED QR Code - Google Drive

2 SPHS S TUDENT S HARED F OLDER : W HAT YOU WILL DO ( OVERVIEW ) This folder contains important student information administrators are providing to you via your iPad. You will scan a QR Code to access the folder Next, you will download the folder to your Google Drive. You will then close your QR scanner/reader App Finally open Google Drive app to see if the folder downloaded correctly.

3 S PHS S TUDENT S HARED F OLDER : W HAT IS IN THE FOLDER Code of Student Conduct Dress Code Notice of Receipt of Student Handbook SPHS Student Handbook

4 GOOGLE DRIVE You will use Google Drive to store your SPHS Student Shared folder. If you do not have the Google Drive App, go to the App Store and download it to your iPad. Download a QR code scanner/reader (chose a free version from the APP Store) Scan the QR Code (your teacher will display on the projector screen) The scan will connect you to the shared folder. Wait for the instructions on the next 4 slides.

5 GOOGLE DRIVE: SPHS Student Shared Folder QR Code

6 GOOGLE DRIVE Sign in with your school gmail (student number)


8 IMPORTANT: After you download the folder, close the QR code scanner/reader app. Open Google Drive to make sure the folder downloaded and you can access the subfolders and files.

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