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- Voted America’s favorite upland show - Largest audience in the genre - Massive viral public service initiatives - Lowest CPM - Multi-media options -

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Presentation on theme: "- Voted America’s favorite upland show - Largest audience in the genre - Massive viral public service initiatives - Lowest CPM - Multi-media options -"— Presentation transcript:

1 - Voted America’s favorite upland show - Largest audience in the genre - Massive viral public service initiatives - Lowest CPM - Multi-media options - Award-winning production - Annual viewer surveys measure our sponsors’ success The go-to ad vehicle if you are serious about wingshooters and hunting dog owners OWN THE UPLANDS The National Shooting Sports Foundation presents …

2 The “new normal” Industry-wide cool down following the bursting of the firearms bubble. More participants buying less in the future. Our fans buck the trend. They are hunting more often, bringing more newcomers to the sport, and spending more money than ever. They might be worth a bit of your effort – and budget. New participants have no brand loyalty. Competitors are scrambling to maintain their market share and poach yours. More cluttered media marketplace. If your business is not growing at the rate you’d like, it might be due to the limitations of your current advertising media. Is it time to re-evaluate your advertising? Enhance, improve, increase, restructure? Consider the power of the upland world’s most authoritative voice Your gateway to 6.5 million bird hunters owning 14 million dogs For 23 years, we’ve engaged sportsmen, coming to understand their passion, their tastes, their mindset and their needs. We’ve also learned a lot about the marketplace, how to support your marketing goals and communicate your message. Our journalism, ad & p.r. agency leadership experience informs every strategy we recommend. We’ve helped boost brand awareness, retail activation and online sales. We use social media and grass-roots strategies to leverage your media investment and move the sales needle, rather than trolling for more “Likes.” We know what fans want from a show and their hunting experience because we ask them … in viewer surveys, industry research, online and social media interaction, and at grassroots events. We know what their priorities are, what their turn-offs are, what’s important to them. We strike resonant chords because we share their passion. We fuel much of the market’s growth: last year, a million newcomer trips were initiated by our viewers.

3 Reach + frequency = results “This guy takes care of his sponsors and communicates with them better than anyone I have worked with,” Mark Thomas, former managing director of marketing, National Shooting Sports Foundation. Wingshooting USA broadcasts up to 13 times per week … on ten television networks. NBC Sports: Dish Network & DirecTV plus cable systems nationwide Pursuit Channel: Cable, Dish Network & DirecTV plus Roku and other set-top devices HUNT Channel: Dish Network, weekdays year-round and all Roku-like devices AMG-TV, TUFF-TV and TheWalkTV … National over-the-air networks with over 300 over-the-air affiliates including all of the top 50 DMAs Texas Channel (Time Warner Cable), Comcast Chicago, Time-Warner North and South Carolina: Regional cable systems with strong penetration in top-tier markets Average viewers per week: 425,000. We get results: 1 million newcomers were taken hunting by viewers last year Hardgoods manufacturer's sales up 10% Conservation group saw 80% membership increase Softgoods company-sponsors: sales up 30% & 100% One up-and-coming company's brand awareness rose from #15 to #4 among viewers Even Cabela’s saw increased market share among our viewers! A viral campaign generated 4.5 million pageviews Specialty online/catalog retailer's Google ranking from zero results in 10 pages, to #1 All sponsors saw brand-awareness gains Official TV series of the National Shooting Sports Foundation

4 Our audience … A national survey cites Wingshooting USA as viewers’ favorite upland show, and Scott Linden as favorite upland host Viewer demographics: Male 94% Age 25-54: 84% Owning 740,000 dogs Planning to buy 145,000 puppies this year 95% will hunt as much or more than they did last year 64% hunt outside their home state 70% will hunt more than 16 times this year 65% shot clay targets more than 5 times last year 65% don’t read any bird hunting/gun dog magazines (Dog data unavailable as they cannot read nor type) Upland bird hunting is the outdoor world’s action sport. Extreme canine athletes performing at their peak, hunters racing to keep up, raucously-flushing birds, constant action, visually stunning, dozens of gunshots per episode. Successful advertisers know their target markets crave action and adventure. An engaged, excited prospect pays attention, his mind a fertile environment for your ad message. Maybe that’s why these savvy marketers are on board for the eighth year in a row: National Shooting Sports Foundation, Cabela’s, South Dakota Tourism, Ugly Dog Hunting Co. Kent Cartridge, Happy Jack, Fiocchi, Kansas Dept. of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism. And new this year: YETI coolers and Carlson’s Chokes.

5 Sponsorship packages Simple. Cost-efficient. Greatest reach & frequency. Year-round national advertising. Ten TV networks. Largest bird hunting/dog audience. All sponsorships are customized to meet your specific marketing objectives. Most include the following: 30-second commercial spot Branding billboard In-show feature naming rights FREE spot production Social media product/branding promotion Product/brand integration within each episode Rates & Data 13 week sponsorship: airs in ¼ of all shows, year-round: $24,500 Total media impressions: 24 million CPM: $1.02 26 week sponsorship: airs in ½ of all shows, year-round: $44,000 Total media impressions: 48 million CPM: 92 cents 39 week sponsorship: airs in ¾ of all shows, year-round: $62,000 Total media impressions: 72 million CPM: 86 cents 52 week sponsorship: airs in all shows, year-round: $73,500 Total media impressions: 96 million CPM: 77 cents Example of sponsored in-show feature

6 Don’t take our word for it Trust the experts … Watch a show For more information: 541-382-1726

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