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War of 1812. Violations of Neutrality USS Constitution-stop pirates in North Africa Impressment-forcing American sailors to serve on British ships. Embargo.

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Presentation on theme: "War of 1812. Violations of Neutrality USS Constitution-stop pirates in North Africa Impressment-forcing American sailors to serve on British ships. Embargo."— Presentation transcript:

1 War of 1812

2 Violations of Neutrality USS Constitution-stop pirates in North Africa Impressment-forcing American sailors to serve on British ships. Embargo Act of 1807 Non-Intercourse Act Indian Conflicts-Over Land

3 Trading Embargo Act 1807 –R–R–R–Refused trade with all foreign countries –1–1–1–1807-1809 exports dropped from 108 million to 22 million. With just Britain 23 million to 3 million –D–D–D–Devastated American economics –H–H–H–Hated by all, especially New England

4 Trading Continued Non-Intercourse Act 1809 –B–B–B–Banned trade only with Britain and France –N–N–N–No better than the Embargo Act

5 Conflicts with Indians Treaty of Greenville-gave Indian land to Americans (Northwestern Territory) Tecumseh (Shawnee chief) united tribes to fight against the Americans Battle of Tippecanoe –W–W–W–William Henry Harrison was Governor of Indiana –N–N–N–Nov. 7 1811. Prophet attacked Americans, and were defeated –T–T–T–Tecumseh fled to Canada

6 War Hawks Most from South and West led by Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and Felix Grundy Stop to British influence in America Wanted to invade Canada and gain land Angered by trade restrictions

7 Opposition to War New England Federalists War was foolish –U–U–U–U.S. not strong enough to fight –2–2–2–20 ships to 100 –C–C–C–Could not produce military supplies –J–J–J–James Madison declares that congress should vote on it

8 War of 1812 Three Attacks –D–D–D–Detroit Failed –N–N–N–Niagara Oliver Hazard Perry sailed against British and defeated them gaining control of the Eerie Canal –H–H–H–Hudson River Valley Battle of the Thames River in Oct 1813. General Harrison won and killed Tecumseh

9 Britain Attacks Britain ends war with France April of 1814. Attacks Washington, D.C.-Burn the White House and other buildings Madison flees Continue to Baltimore, Maryland but unsuccessful in capturing Fort McHenry

10 Continued The Battle of New Orleans –January 8, 1815 –5300 British against 4500 Americans –2000 British die and only 70 American Casualties –Made Jackson a war hero. Greatest Victory, but came after the war

11 Hartford Convention Federalists oppose war-too late Treaty of Ghent signed Belgium December 24, 1814 –E–E–E–Everyone agreed to return lands

12 Causes & Effects of the War Impressment of American Sailors Interference with American Shipping British military aid to Native Americans

13 Causes of War Impressment of American Sailors Interference with American Shipping British military aid to Native Americans

14 Consequences Effects of the War Produced feelings of Patriotism America stood up to Britain Broke power of Native American groups Boosted American manufacturing Native American resistance weakened

15 Causes & Effects of the War 1. 2. 3.

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