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Krishna going to Dwaraka By Shreya Donthireddi. Guru Vandana Nama om vishnu paadaaya Krishna prashthaya bhutale Srimate bhakti vedaanta Swaamin iti naamine.

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Presentation on theme: "Krishna going to Dwaraka By Shreya Donthireddi. Guru Vandana Nama om vishnu paadaaya Krishna prashthaya bhutale Srimate bhakti vedaanta Swaamin iti naamine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Krishna going to Dwaraka By Shreya Donthireddi

2 Guru Vandana Nama om vishnu paadaaya Krishna prashthaya bhutale Srimate bhakti vedaanta Swaamin iti naamine Namas te sarasvati deve Gaura vaani prachaarine Nirvisesha sunya vaadi Paascaatya desha taarine

3 Background Krishna is the supreme Personality of Godhead Devaki (mother) and vasudeva (father) were locked in prison Krishna’s was born there Kamsa wanted to kill Krishna He was taken to Gokul by Vasudeva Until 11 years old, Krishna was in Gokul & Vrindavan

4 Killing Kamsa Kamsa wanted to kill Krishna Sent many demons to kill Krishna All the demons were defeated Kamsa ordered Akrura to bring Krishna to Dwaraka Forced Krishna & Balaram to fight with Canura & Mushtika The fighters were killed Krishna then killed Kamsa

5 Sloka Vasudeva sutam devam Kamsa caanura mardanam Devaki paramaanandam Krsnam vande jagad gurum

6 Mathura to Dwaraka Krishna stayed in Mathura for few years Shisupala and other gave disturbances Fought wars many times Decided to go away & make Dwaraka

7 Moving to Dwaraka Went to Dwaraka at the age of 28 Vishwakarma built Dwaraka overnight Entire Mathura residents transported overnight! No one knew how they were transported Krishna stayed in Dwaraka for 96 years

8 Life in Dwaraka Krishna had 16,108 queens in Dwaraka Ugrasena was the king of Dwaraka They all served Krishna But Krishna still wasn’t happy He missed the gopis

9 Dwaraka inside Ocean After Krishna left our earth, Dwaraka sank inside sea Recent archeologists have discovered that same Dwaraka

10 Which Krishna went to Dwaraka?

11 Svayam Bhagavan Krishna has many forms The one born in Mathura was His Vasudeva form (Narayana) The one born with Yogamaya to Yashoda was Svayam Bhagavan The Vasudeva form brought by Vasudeva merged in Svayam Bhagavan in Vrindavan When Krishna was taken by Akrura, only His Vasudeva form left Nanda Nandan Krishna never leaves Vrindavan

12 Dwaraka vs Vrindavan Dwaraka is Opulent Sakhya Bhava (Friendship) is predominant Vrindavan is the sweetest Unconditional love (Prema) is predominant Which one do you like?

13 QUIZ Time! 1.Krishna was ______ years old when He left to Madura 2.Dwaraka was built by __________ overnight 3.At Dwaraka, Krishna had _________ Queens. 4.At Dwaraka __________ was the king 5.Which form of Krishna actually left Vrindavan? 6.In Dwaraka, the primary bhava is _________.

14 Acknowledgements Gokul Bhajan web Gokul Hari Kathas Google Images

15 Thank You! HARE KRISHNA!

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