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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Chapter 1. What’s Happening?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What’s Happening? a a

3 Communication Process: a linear model Sender Encoding Channel Decoding Receiver Noise Feedback

4 Communication and IMC Programs o Communication is defined as transmitting, receiving, and processing information o Encoding is the second step (after the message is sent) in the communication process, and involves taking the central message and turning it into some form of communication. o Messages travel through transmission devices, like television or a company blog.

5 Communication and IMC Programs o Decoding occurs when the message reaches one or more of the receivers senses – for example seeing an ad, or a perfume insert in a magazine that a consumer smells o Noise is anything that distorts or disrupts the message in the communication process

6 Examples of Noise in the Communication Process o Talking on the phone during a commercial on television. o Driving while listening to the radio. o Looking at sexy model in a magazine ad and ignoring the message and brand. o Scanning a newspaper for articles to read. o Talking to a passenger as the car passes billboards. o Scrolling past Internet ads without looking at them. o Annoyed by ads appearing on a social media site. o Ignoring tweets on Twitter because they are not relevant. o Offended by the message on a flyer for a local business.

7 Advertising Clutter o The most common form of noise is advertising clutter. o As consumers we are exposed to hundreds of marketing messages each day o Some of these messages we pay attention to, many we ignore or forget.

8 Advertising Clutter How many ads were you exposed to during the last 24 hours from the following media? o Television o Radio o Magazines o Newspapers o Billboards o Internet Web sites o How many ads can you recall from each of the above media? Discussion Slide

9 Marketing Communications Defined o The coordination and integration of all promotion tools and sources within an organization to maximize the impact on consumers and other end- users at minimal costs.

10 Integrated Marketing Communications o The Marketing Mix is the starting point o Promotion/communication can include but not limited to: o Advertising o Digital Marketing o Direct Marketing o Sales Promotion o Public Relations

11 Factors Contributing to the Growth of IMC o Increased Accountability o Audience adoption of new forms of media o Information technology o Increased competition

12 Increased Accountability o Economic pressures o Want results from marketing budgets o Efforts are led by CEOs, CFOs, and CMOs o Advertising agencies expected to deliver results

13 Audience Adoption of New Media o Emergence of: o Interactive Web sites, blogs, and social networks o Smartphones o Companies shifting expenditures from traditional to new, alternative media o Younger consumers o Less likely to watch TV o Engaged in technology-based interactions

14 Information Technology o Instant communications o Consumers have access to unlimited information o Consumer communication has increased

15 Increased Competition o Information technology and communication has changed the marketplace o Products can be purchased from multiple locations and countries o Customers want both low prices and high quality o Manufacturers and retailers must work together

16 Communicating Across Cultures o The goal is to coordinate marketing efforts o Greater challenge due to national and cultural differences o Regional considerations in with respect to culture and media in Canada also must be considered o Standardization versus Adaptation o “Think globally, but act locally”

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