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Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Supporting Organisations in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism.

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1 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Supporting Organisations in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism

2 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Where Support Starts Support for travel and tourism organisations begins at the very top of the UK environment a Government department that has responsibility for tourism in this country known as the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)

3 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed DCMS Strategy DCMS produced a report in July 2004 which set out how UK tourism should develop in five key areas: marketing and e-tourism the quality of tourism products people skills tourism data

4 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed DCMS Strategy But also: tourism promotion in local government, regional government, central government, and the European Union

5 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Tomorrow’s Tourism Today This report identifies the responsibilities of public and private sector organisations in achieving the five objectives listed earlier The activity that accompanies this lesson involves you researching into the DCMS report in order to understand better the organisations that provide support to the tourism and travel sector

6 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Background to the Report Tourism is a major contributor to the UK economy It has an annual turnover of £76 billion This equates to more than 4% of UK GDP It employs 2.1 million people, over 7% of the working population The UK is ranked the 7 th biggest world tourism market

7 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed A Golden Scenario? The industry leaks £15 billion more than is injected into the UK Leakages are caused by UK business and individuals spending abroad Injections are caused by spending in Britain by overseas customers and by UK businesses and individuals spending on UK-based travel and tourism

8 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Travel and Tourism Support Organisations The main organisations providing support in the travel and tourism industry: the England Marketing Advisory Board the Local Government Association London 2012 the Mayor of London

9 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Travel and Tourism Support Organisations People 1 st Regional Development Agencies Regional Tourist Boards Tourism Alliance VisitBritain and tourism’s professional bodies

10 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Measuring Success How to measure the success of Tomorrow’s Tourism Today? “If we are to keep pace with world travel forecasts, we must be aiming for an industry turnover of £100 billion as a minimum by 2010.” Tessa Jowell, Culture Secretary

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