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Postal Address: PMB 1067, Zaria Website:

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1 Postal Address: PMB 1067, Zaria Website:
ANNUAL NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION REVIEW AND PLANNING MEETING  Report for   National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Postal Address: PMB 1067, Zaria Website: Telephone: ,

2 MISSION Develop, Collate, Evaluate, Disseminate Agricultural Technologies and Conduct Research in Agricultural Extension Methodologies and Policy; and provide leadership in capacity building of stakeholders to meet the present and future agricultural and developmental challenges of the country.

Title No Proposed No Achieved Collaborating Institute Remarks 1. Diagnostic Survey/MTP - 628 ADPs PL, KG, BA, KD GM, ZM, NG, NA, AD Yam, Rice, Cassava, Maize, Tea 2. OFR (OFAR- Farmer Managed) 132 ADPs- BO, PL,KG,BA, KD GM,KN, KB,ZM, Various titles on Yam, Rice, Cassava, Millet, Soybeans, Sorghum, Maize 3. MTRM 24 NA, PL,KG,BA, YB GM,NG,BN, Various titles on Sheep, Goat, Rice, Yam, Maize, Soybeans 4.Joint Scientific Field Evaluation (Research) 6 NRCRI, Special Project Late release of funds 5. Field Days 7 8 ARCN, Fos Special Projects National 6. Zonal REFILS Workshop 5 7. Pre- Season Training 3 ZCRIs NC, NW, SW 8. Zonal Steering Committee Meeting 20 14 NARIs, FMARD, FADAMAIII These were spread across the Quarters 9. In-house Review Meeting/Cropping Scheme 10. Zonal Technical Committee 1 Only SE

Title No Proposed No Achieved Collaborating Institute Remarks 11. National Agricultural Extension Review and Planning Meeting 1 ADPs, NARIs On-going 12. Adopted Village 7 ARCN, FOs HQTRS/NW(3), NC (1), NE (1), SW(1), SE (1) 13. Training Workshops 18 9 ZCRIs National and Zonal 14. Agric Research & Training Fair - 15. Research Institute Field day 16. World Food Day 17. Wet & Dry Season Evaluation 2 NPAS, NBS, NPC, NIMET, FDF, FLD, PPAS, FDA, ZCRIs Only Wet season evaluation conducted 18. National Agric Shows

Title No. proposed No. Achieved Collaborators/Remarks ATA BULLETINS Value Chain of Cotton in Nigeria Maize Production, Marketing, Processing & Utilization Sorghum production, processing, marketing and utilization Cassava production, processing and utilization Aquaculture value chain: A manual for profitable ventures Profitable commercial poultry farming in Nigeria: Production, Processing, Marketing and Utilization Leather Value Chain in Nigeria Beef Cattle Production Value Chain Small-Scale Milk Production Handbook Milk Collection, Processing, Marketing and Utilization Demonstration methods in Agricultural Extension Tools and Techniques for effective Facilitation for Agricultural Extension Workers Agricultural Mechanization Inputs for Livestock, Poultry and Fisheries Value Chains Development of Producers Organizations Value Chain Concept and Development 15 •The ATA bulletins came as urgent national assignment and these were completed. •Work on originally proposed 18 Bulletins and 17 Guides by staff are at various stages of Production

6 Participating Agencies
RADIO PROGRAMMES Title No Proposed No. Achieved Participating Agencies Channels Tick control in domestics animals Use of organic manure to improve soil fertility Fertilizer quality Problems. Maize, Sorghum and Millet Production Techniques (in Hausa) Rodent control in irrigation farm (in Hausa) How to cost Farm Resources How to increase Profit in Fish Business Animal drawn tools and Implement. Planning and conducting field days Prevention and control of soil erosion (in Hausa) Requirements for tomato production Backyard Rabbit Rearing Health Benefit of Baobab Viable Agricultural income projects for Youths 14 FRCN, Ibadan Power FM, FRCN, Kaduna, Borno Radio TV (BRTV)

Title No Proposed No. Achieved Collaborators Channels Best practices in rice processing, storage and marketing. Prevention and control of soil erosion (in Hausa) Poultry brooding Techniques Mycotoxin and their control in stored grains/ legumes Establishment and Management of Orchard Animal drawn tools and Implement. Requirements for tomato production Processing and utilization of garden egg Management of tubewell 10 NTA, KSTV Kaduna

8 TRAINING WORKSHOPS Title Categories of trainees No of trainees
Collaborators Duration Leadership skills for effective Cooperative Society management Conducting effective field diagnostic surveys for field problem identification. Agricultural data generation and management Group Dynamics for Effective Facilitation Effective Extension Communication Methods and Techniques Formation, Building and Management of Farmer Groups and Associations for Empowerment and Sustainable Development. Advanced Radio/TV post-production (Editing) Digital Camera Operation and Production Techniques Geographic Information System (GIS) application in agriculture. ATA Workshop on extension staff capacity building (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Staff of ADPs, FMARD NAERLS staff 240 30 ZCRIs 5 days 2 batches of 2weeks each

9 Technologies Promoted
ADOPTED VILLAGE Location/Title No Proposed No Established Technologies Promoted Remarks 1.Nasarawan Buhari, Kaduna State 7 •High density maize •Farmers’ productivity and group management skills enhanced. •Facilitation of groups linkages with input agencies, markets and NAB achieved 2. Sakadadi. Kaduna State •Double cropping of maize 3. Tudun iya, Funtua, Katsina State •Sorghum/maize intercrop 4. Nwogi, Niger State •Rice milling; •Fish culture; •Shea butter processing/ packaging •Production & processing of Soybeans 5. Odu-Imenyi, Abia State •Rapid multiplication of Cassava 6. Shuwari, Borno State •Millet production technology 7. Okolo, Oyo State •Water melon cultural practices •Fertilizer & Spacing for maize

Secondary schools/Location No Proposed No established Technologies promoted Remarks ITN Zangon Shanu, S/gari aduan State 8 •High density maize Skills of youths were enhanced and interest stimulated in taking agriculture as a profession 2. Basawa S/gari LGA Kaduna State 3. Tudun iya, Funtua LGA, Katsina •Rice milling 4. Verwa, Jere LGA Borno State •Strip cropping of Millet/cowpea 5. Eruwa, Ibrapa LGA, Oyo State •Rapid multiplication of cassava •Use of organic manure for vegetable production 6. Baddegi, Kacha LGA Niger State •Rice milling; •Production/ processing of soybeans 7. Uzuakoli, Bende, LGA Abia State 8. Yerwa GGSS •Maize production technology

11 CONSTRAINTS: ● Inadequate funding
● Late release of approved funds for planned activities ● Security challenges threatened timely and full participation in planned activities especially in the North-East Zone ● School sessions are not compatible with agricultural calendar ● Shortage of field staff, especially in zonal offices


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