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P RODUCT D EVELOPMENT For IB1- ITGS By Indrani. C ONTENT Management of files and folders Integrated help system Advantage of online manual over printed.

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Presentation on theme: "P RODUCT D EVELOPMENT For IB1- ITGS By Indrani. C ONTENT Management of files and folders Integrated help system Advantage of online manual over printed."— Presentation transcript:


2 C ONTENT Management of files and folders Integrated help system Advantage of online manual over printed document Wizard/Assistant Template Importing and Exporting of data Animation in Presentation Different types Issues with animation and videos 2 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

3 M ANAGEMENT OF FILES AND FOLDERS Give a meaningful name to Files and Folders Organize files and folders in hierarchical order Check for case sensavity 3 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

4 I NTEGRATED HELP SYSTEM Productivity software contain a built in help system which user will able to consult if they face problem. It can be access through a menu by website By tooltip/screentip 4 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

5 A DVANTAGE OF ONLINE MANUAL OVER PRINTED DOCUMENT It can be updated Search easily just typing word Printing cost can be saved Environmental benefits More organized Using links Expand /shrink 5 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

6 W IZARD /A SSISTANT A wizard is a computer utility designed to simplify the execution of lengthy or complicated tasks. In a graphical user interface (GUI), a wizard consists of a sequence of menus through which the user navigates in order to achieve a specific objectiveutilitytaskGUImenu Example: Ms Access Wizards for creating query report form etc Advantages of using wizard 1. it's quicker 2. It's simple Disadvantages 1. It's for beginners 2. It's time consuming 6 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

7 T EMPLATE A template is a form, mold, or pattern used as a guide to making something. Here are some examples: A ruler is a template when used to draw a straight line. A document in which the standard opening and closing parts are already filled in is a template that you can copy and then fill in the variable parts. An overlay that you put on your computer keyboard telling you special key combinations for a particular application is a template for selecting the right keys to press. Flowcharting templates (not used much now) help programmers draw flowcharts or logic sequences in preparation for writing the code. In programming, a template is a generic class or other unit of source code that can be used as the basis for unique units of code. In C++, an object-oriented computing language, there are Standard Template Libraries from which programmers can choose individual template classes to modify. The Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFCL) is an example.classC++Microsoft Foundation Class Library 7 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

8 A DVANTAGE OF T EMPLATES Saves time Give Consistency Give professional very easily 8 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL D ISADVANTAGE OF T EMPLATES Lack originality Lack of competence

9 I MPORTING AND E XPORTING OF DATA Time can be saved Elimination of data entry error Flexibility to open in different software 9 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

10 A NIMATION IN P RESENTATION Multimedia software has become an essential part of today’s teaching and learning process. While many interactive multimedia software programs certainly exist, PowerPoint is one the most widely available and used programs today. Judicious use of animation can support teaching goals and further engage students in classroom presentations. 10 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

11 Thank you 11 Copyright reserved to Indrani@CVSL

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