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Chapter One Introduction to Pipelined Processors.

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1 Chapter One Introduction to Pipelined Processors

2 Superscalar Processors

3 Scalar processors: one instruction per cycle Superscalar : multiple instruction pipelines are used. Purpose: To exploit more instruction level parallelism in user programs. Only independent instructions can be executed in parallel.

4 Superscalar Processors The fundamental structure (m=3) is as follows:

5 Superscalar Processors Here, the instruction decoding and execution resources are increased Example: A dual pipeline superscalar processor

6 Superscalar Processor - Example

7 Can issue two instructions per cycle There are two pipelines with four processing stages : fetch, decode, execute and store Two instruction streams are from a single I- cache. Assume each stage requires one cycle except execution stage.

8 Superscalar Processor - Example

9 The four functional units of execution stage are: Functional units are shared on dynamic basis Look-ahead Window: for out-of-order instruction issue Functional UnitNumber of stages Adder02 Multiplier03 Logic01 Load01

10 Superscalar Processor - Example

11 Superscalar Performance Time required by scalar base machine is T(1,1) = k+N-1 The ideal execution time required by an m- issue superscalar machine is k – time required to execute first m instructions (N-m)/m – time required to execute remaining (N-m) instructions

12 Superscalar Performance The ideal speedup of the superscalar machine is = ?

13 Superscalar Performance The ideal speedup of the superscalar machine is AsN  ∞, the speedup S(m,1) =?

14 Superscalar Performance The ideal speedup of the superscalar machine is AsN  ∞, the speedup S(m,1)  m.

15 Superpipeline Processors In a superpipelined processor of degree n, the pipeline cycle time is 1/n of base cycle.

16 Superpipeline Processors Time to execute N instructions for a superpipelined machine of degree n with k stages is T(1,n) = k + (N-1)/n Speedup is given as As N  ∞, S(1,n)  n

17 Superpipelined Superscalar Processors This machine executes m instructions every cycle with a pipeline cycle 1/n of base cycle.

18 Superpipelined Superscalar Performance Time taken to execute N independent instructions on a superpipelined superscalar machine of degree (m,n) is The speedup over base machine is As N  ∞, S(m,n)  mn

19 Superscalar Processors Rely on spatial parallelism Multiple operations running on separate hardware concurrently Achieved by duplicating hardware resources such as execution units and register file ports Requires more transistors Superpipelined Processors Rely on temporal parallelism Overlapping multiple operations on a common hardware Achieved through more deeply pipelined execution units with faster clock cycles Requires faster transistors

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