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H 1. 2 2 3 4 5 - Notification the key elements of subject matter content - List the name of educational activity - Discussion of the test - Offer.

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Presentation on theme: "H 1. 2 2 3 4 5 - Notification the key elements of subject matter content - List the name of educational activity - Discussion of the test - Offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 H 1

2 2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 - Notification the key elements of subject matter content - List the name of educational activity - Discussion of the test - Offer tasks for interesed - Formulation of the problem - Offer teaching resources - Evoking a problem situation - Determination of specific objectives - Determination of mission (meaning) activity - Creation of the thesaurus - Making available part I of subject matter - Making available part II of subject matter - Solving tasks asociated with a new contens - Assessment work in educational activity - Evaluation of during activity by students 1. ENTRY and INDUCTION of the PROBLEM SITUATION 2. DETERMINATION of MISSION and OBJECTIVES 3. UPDATE of SUBJECT MATTER 4. ACQUISITION of PART I. of the CONTENS 5. CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT INTERVIEW 6. ACQUISITION of PART II. of the CONTENS 8. SOLUTION ONGOING SELF-TEST 9. EVALUATION and SELF-EVALUATION 10. INTERFERENCE in the TEACHING BASED on the RESULTS - The inclusion in of subject matter of knowledge 7. SYSTEMATIZATION of NEW CONTENS - Instructions for further educational activities 6

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