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1 IEEE Educational Activities Major activities and plans Report to the TISP workshop participants 23 July 2005.

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1 1 IEEE Educational Activities Major activities and plans Report to the TISP workshop participants 23 July 2005

2 2 Scope of Responsibility l “ The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) shall recommend to the Board of Directors policies on educational matters and implement programs specifically intended to serve and benefit IEEE members in educational pursuits, the engineering and scientific community, and the general public”

3 3 EAB l 14 voting members l Main portfolios: l Accreditation (US and non-US) l Pre-University Education l Public Awareness of Engineering l Continued Education (including IEEE Expert Now) l Education about Standards l Educational requirements for admission to IEEE l Section and Society Outreach l Internal affairs : Strategic Planning, N&A

4 4 Major responsibilities l Accreditation l Continued Education l Pre-University Engineering Education

5 5 Major responsibilities l Accreditation l Continued Education l Pre-University Engineering Education

6 6 Accreditation in the US l IEEE is one of the founding societies of ABET l Largest Member Society in ABET l Objectives l Maintain educational standards l Influence the curriculum l Ensure relevance of ECE/CS curricula

7 7 Scope l More than 300 IEEE members are engaged in accreditation on behalf of IEEE l 750 programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering Technology l 220 programs in Computer Science and Information Technology l Partnership with ACM and AIS l Annual expenditures: about $1M

8 8 Some accreditation challenges l Accreditation of multidisciplinary and emerging programs l Mechatronics, Biomedical Engineering, Systems Engineering l Growth rates l Computer Engineering, Computer Science, IT l Industry participation

9 9 Major responsibilities l Accreditation l Continued Education l Pre-University Engineering Education

10 10 Objective l Provide IEEE members with access to high quality continued education opportunities l On line and live courses l Quality control l Reduced fees l CEU credit and material relevant to renewal of licenses and re-training l IEEE is a recognized CEU provider l Section technical activities can provide CEUs to participants

11 11 Partners in Education l Provides reduced-cost access to peer- reviewed on-line educational programs l Current providers include 17 universities and commercial groups l U. of Washington, Drexel, Stevens, NJIT, SPIE l Number of providers will expand from 17 to 50 by the end of 2005 l Existing program is under major overhaul l Will be re-launched in September 2005

12 12 IEEE Expert Now l A new program at the first stage of distribution l In collaboration with Thomson NETg l Timely, high-quality, leading-edge, on-line tutorials l Selected from IEEE Conference tutorials and short courses l The “Best of the Best” were l Identified and peer reviewed l By Societies/Councils/ Standards l Packaged as 1-hour modules l Marketed to corporations l Offered at a discount to members

13 13 Continuing Professional Education IEEE Expert Now l On-line learning modules l 1 hour each l Voice over animated graphics l Based on best IEEE Conference Tutorials l Highly engaging/interactive l CEUs available for completion l Can be used for Section C.E. Activities l Available early-mid 2006

14 14 Potential Benefits l Builds a bridge to Industry l Unlocks value of IEEE conference-based intellectual property (IP) l Offers potential of obtaining IEEE Continuing Education Units (CEUs) l Serves the Profession, including IEEE Members and Sections

15 15 Simple and Consistent Graphical User Interface Takes you to the previous screen Stops the Audio and Visual Replays the Audio and Visual of the current screen Takes you to the next screen Opens the course hierarchy in a separate window where a search can be performed Clean Interface Intuitive Navigation Convenient Course Map Linear Outline for Quick Navigation Provides a linear view of the course structure

16 16 Template-Driven Course Design Systematic Approach to Course Development Consistent Learner Experience Instructionally sound, objectives-driven content All courses developed will share consistent instructional design Enhance learning experience Development Efficiency Defined and repeatable process Reduced effort for subject matter expert Efficiencies gained reduced cost Course Objectives: Gain an understanding of wireless sensor networks and their various applications. Course Outcome: At the conclusion of this course, you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of: Signal acquisition and management Computing Communication Power management

17 17 Links to External Resources Ability to link to external resources, including: Web sites White papers Articles PDFs Multimedia

18 18 Consistent Look & Feel

19 19 Interactive Animations Animations flow with the content, creating a “visual sentence” Interactivity keeps the learner engaged

20 20 Demo To view a demo go to  Username: elearning  Password: ieee  Select a Course, by Title:  "Real Time Computer Systems with Applications"  "Wireless Sensor Networks with Applications"  “Reliability Analysis of Computer Based Systems Using Dynamic Fault Trees”  “Effects of Reliability Mechanisms on VLSI Circuit Functionality”  “Solid State Lighting” (Parts 1 & 2)  Use the map button and choose “Introduction”

21 21 Major responsibilities l Accreditation l Continued Education l Pre-University Engineering Education

22 22 What is the Problem? l Flat or declining engineering enrollments in North America, Western Europe, Australia l In the face of strong projected demand l Disappointing performance of youth in Mathematics l Women & minority students conspicuously under- represented l Public perception of engineers/ engineering/ technology is largely misinformed l Resulting in early decisions that block the path of children to Engineering

23 23 BS Degrees Awarded (US) Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics

24 24 Why should we care? l Our public imperative l We are stewards of the profession l The will of the membership l The expectations of Industry l Our size, clout and stature l If not us – who?

25 25 What others are doing… l ASME started a new line of services to teachers and engineers in Pre-University education l ACM started CSTA – the Computer Science Teachers Association l a membership organization…supports and promotes the teaching of computer science…by providing opportunities for K-12 teachers and students l ASCE has a new portal and a new magazine for children 8-12 l The New York Hall of Science and IBM launched l The NSF, Columbia, Cornell and others launched the TeachEngineering Digital Library

26 26 Credits Credits Legal PRIVACY ©1999- 2005TryScience/New York Hall of Science Legal PRIVACY

27 27 What we used to do… l Until 5-6 years ago, most initiatives… l Directed at children l Local l Many “one-time shots” l Almost exclusively in the US l Little long-term impact

28 28 What we used to do… l Until 5-6 years ago, most initiatives… l Directed at children l Local l Many “one-time shots” l Almost exclusively in the US l Little long-term impact

29 29 What we used to do… l More recently, attempts to have a more sustainable and long-term impact l Activities directed at educators and school systems l We are probably better “programmed” to work with educators than with children l The Deans Summit and other planning meetings l Bringing together Deans of Engineering with Deans of Education l Organized multi-association outreach to guidance counselors l The beginning of web presence l An opportunity to address large populations

30 30 What we want to do l Increase the propensity of young people worldwide to select Engineering as a career path l Build a sustained public awareness program, led by IEEE, with broad support of corporations and professional associations

31 31 Key components l A multi-association Center for Pre-University Engineering Education l Institutionalization of IEEE’s Teacher In-service Program l Web portal featuring resources for the guidance counselor community l Develop a prototype program l Fund-raising campaign for sustainable support (endowment)

32 32 A Center for Pre-University Engineering Education l The interface between… l industry l the teacher/counselor community l professional associations l academia in all major pre-University engineering education matters l First stop for joint projects l Response to Industry’s guidance in 2004 public awareness discussions l Requires cooperation of associations and teacher/counselor associations l We made several important steps here

33 33 Institutionalize IEEE’s Teacher In-service Program l We plan to increase support for the program and extend its reach l Develop a repository of plans and a coordinated network of volunteers l Significant web support l Standardize some of the projects and provide components/devices l Provide follow-up programs and on-line interaction l Pilot project in Region 3 aiming to reach half of the Sections, 1000 educators/year l Will be launched 23 July 2005 l If support model is successful we shall export it to other Regions l Another US Region in 2006 l South Africa and a second country in R8 in 2006

34 34 Portals for students, parents, teachers, and counselors l in cooperation with the New York Hall of Science, IBM, and the IEEE Virtual Museum l A portal for guidance counselors (2005:US) l Modeled after the NRC website for doctoral programs l Allow counselors and students to create searches based on “screens” l “Provide me with all schools with telecommunication engineering programs on the US East Coast that also have a WIE Chapter” l Screens allow “professional” as well as “social” criteria l Participation in (with ASCE and WBGH)

35 35 Counselor Linksounselor Links Resourcesesources Societiesocieties Ask an Engineersk an Engineer

36 36 Our partners l The IEEE Foundation l United Engineering Foundation l ASME l ASCE l National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) l American School Counselor Association (ASCA) l IBM and the New York Hall of Science l National Academy of Engineering

37 37 Questions or Comments

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