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 How to Write an APA Research Paper. APA STYLE  Formal research papers, written according to the American Psychological Association’s rules and standards,

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Presentation on theme: " How to Write an APA Research Paper. APA STYLE  Formal research papers, written according to the American Psychological Association’s rules and standards,"— Presentation transcript:

1  How to Write an APA Research Paper

2 APA STYLE  Formal research papers, written according to the American Psychological Association’s rules and standards, must consist of the following parts and subheadings:  Title page  Abstract  Introduction  Method  Results  Discussion  References

3 FORMATTING  Typed 12 pt. Times New Roman  Consistently double spaced  1” margins  Include a running head at the top of every page  shortened version of your paper’s title, and cannot exceed 50 characters, including spacing and punctuation

4 FORMATTING - SUBHEADINGS  Each section of your paper should have a subheading, with the exception of your introduction  Subheadings should be consistently double spaced with the rest of your paper  All subheadings should be typed in bold  Level 1 subheadings should be centered  Level 2 subheadings should be flush left

5 TITLE PAGE  Should include:  The running head  The author’s name  The institutional affiliation

6 ABSTRACT  A summary of the paper’s contents; provides a framework/overview for the reader  150 words or fewer  Separate page  Should be able to stand alone  Should be labeled with a Level 1 subheading

7 INTRODUCTION  Should begin on a new page, following the abstract  States your research question  Should explain why this research question is important (both in terms of this course, and real world implications)  The title of your paper should appear at the top of this page, centered, but not bolded, italicized, or underlined  Should NOT be labeled with a subheading

8 METHOD  Explains how the study was conducted  Should be labeled with a Level 1 subheading  Should include details about:  The context of the study  The participant(s)  Materials used  Procedures (including dates)  *Each of these items should be labelled with a LEVEL 2 SUBHEADING Should include enough detail that another person could replicate your study precisely  Should include enough detail that another person could replicate your study precisely

9 RESULTS  Provide the data you observed and recorded during your research  This information should be stated objectively, and be based solely on observations made with your senses  Should be labeled with a Level 1 subheading

10 DISCUSSION  Synthesize the results and offer your conclusions  Explain what you think these results mean, in light of the overall topic and research question  Explain how these results relate to the big ideas presented in your introduction (in the context of this course and the real world)

11 HELPFUL HINTS & REMINDERS  Be succinct and avoid wordiness; be clear, direct and specific!  No contractions or slang  The use of first person is allowed  Use active voice instead of passive  Use subheadings and paragraphs to help you organize your ideas within each section  Proofread carefully for spelling and grammar!  Write with confidence and authority

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