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ICHEP’14 It must be Manchester. Particle Physics - Past Rutherford split the atom Rochester and Butler discovered the Strange Particles.

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Presentation on theme: "ICHEP’14 It must be Manchester. Particle Physics - Past Rutherford split the atom Rochester and Butler discovered the Strange Particles."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICHEP’14 It must be Manchester

2 Particle Physics - Past Rutherford split the atom Rochester and Butler discovered the Strange Particles

3 Particle Physics – Present and Future FP420 Theory – Experiment - Accelerators

4 The Town Architecture, art galleries, restaurants, shopping, music…

5 The country Lots of excursions at the weekend

6 Getting there Manchester Airport is transatlantic international hub Manchester and Liverpool Airports served by many budget Airlines from Europe Also many road and rail connections

7 Support from Financial support anticipated from Research Council City Council Tourist board Institute of Physics Participation from The Cockcroft Accelerator Institute at Daresbury Other nearby universities And the rest of the UK community

8 Facilities 1000 seat University Auditorium or concert hall with 1875 seats Many adjacent university lecture theatres for parallel sessions

9 Accomodation Student halls (high standard, developed for conferences) University-run hotel Budget hotels Higher standard (and price) hotels Tourist board will provide booking service All within a few minutes walk of the auditorium

10 Track record EPS conference 2007 ~600 delegates Enthusiastic local organisation Great success Low conference fee Made a nice profit Check out the website and see the photographs

11 And it’s time! Every 20 years ICHEP comes to Britain ICHEP XVII London 1974 ICHEP XXVII Glasgow 1994 ICHEP XXXVII Manchester 2014

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