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In what phase does crossing over occur?

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Presentation on theme: "In what phase does crossing over occur?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Here are a few questions to test your knowledge and understanding of the process of meiosis!

2 In what phase does crossing over occur?
a) Metaphase 1 b) Prophase 2 c) Anaphase 2 d) Prophase 1

3 In meiosis, daughter cells have 23 chromosomes
True False

4 What happens to chromosomes at anaphase 1?
Write your answer here: (no more than two lines!!)

5 Match the question to the correct answer.
QUESTIONS How many chromosomes do cells have after mitosis?   What stage in meiosis do chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell? Mitosis creates what type of cells?  What stages of meiosis do new nuclear envelopes form?         Meiosis creates what type of cells?   How many chromosomes do cells have after meiosis? ANSWERS 46 Chromosomes Diploid cells Telophase 1 and 2 Haploid cells 23 Chromosomes Metaphase 1 and 2

6 In meiosis 1, the sister chromatids separate
True False

7 ANSWERS In what phase does crossing over occur? >>Prophase 1 In meiosis, daughter cells have 23 chromosomes? >> True What happens to chromosomes at anaphase 1? >> Each homologous pair of chromosomes is separated and pulled apart along the spindle fibres

8 ANSWERS CONT.. Match the question to the correct answer:
>> how many chromosomes do cells have after mitosis? 46 chromosomes >>what stage in meiosis do chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell? Metaphase 1 and 2 >>mitosis creates what type of cells? Diploid >>what stages of meiosis do new nuclear envelopes form? Telophase 1 and 2 >>meiosis creates what type of cells? Haploid >>how many chromosomes do cells have after meiosis? 23 chromosomes In meiosis 1, the sister chromatids separate >> False

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