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1 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

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1 1 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

2 2 CHAPTER Hamsters 10

3 3 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Introduction to Hamsters One of common rodents kept as pets –Rodents evolved 55 to 65 million years ago –Paramys is considered rodents’ ancestor Suborders of order Rodentia –Sciuromorpha: Squirrel-like rodents –Myomorpha: Rat-like rodents –Hystricomorpha: Porcupine-like rodents Hamsters in suborder Myomorpha

4 4 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Common Hamster Types Most abundant: Golden –Often used in research, found in pet stores –Native to desert areas of Syria –Discovered in 1930 –Rich mahogany or orange on back with white or creamy underside and legs Also common: Small desert or dwarf –Like Golden, found in pet shops –Light gray with dark stripe down the back –Smaller than Golden, very active, possibly aggressive

5 5 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Characteristics of Hamsters Nocturnal Carry food or young in cheek pouches Territorial and protective of food Solitary Life span of 1 to 3 years Prefer moderate temperatures (~70  F)

6 6 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Desired Qualities of Hamster Cages Large enough for exercise Made of gnaw-proof materials Water bottles hanging outside or in protective wire hangers Filled with plenty of clean, fresh bedding

7 7 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Methods of Hamster Feeding Commercial pellets best/easiest option –Provide needed vitamins and minerals –Wear down front incisors Diet should include wide range of foods –Seeds like corn, millet, wheat, oats, sorghum –Carrots, potato pieces, fresh clover, alfalfa hay –Dried peas, beans, and nuts –Dry dog pellets or biscuits Diet should be consistent –No sudden changes –Greens and fruits in small amounts –Avoid spoiled and soft foods

8 8 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Handling of Hamsters Do not disturb while sleeping Use speaking as calming device Do not force contact Pick up with thumb and forefinger behind the front quarters Familiarize hamster with family members Wait 14 days to handle young hamsters and exercise caution Heed warning signs like evasion, squealing, or chattering

9 9 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Hamster Diseases and Ailments Hamster enteritis Tysser’s disease Common diarrhea Fleas and lice Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM)

10 10 Copyright 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Hamster Reproduction Sexual maturity at ~6 weeks Rapid reproduction –Females in heat every 4 days –Litters in 16 days Fighting, female rear rubbing indicate non- compatible pairs Young born helpless without fur or sight Weaning at about day 24 to 28

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