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Living Well with Chronic Conditions Presented by the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and their partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Living Well with Chronic Conditions Presented by the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and their partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living Well with Chronic Conditions Presented by the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and their partners

2 Why is Living Well Needed? Chronic diseases (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, asthma, arthritis) most common and costly 80% adults have at least 1; 50% have 2 Incidence even higher in communities of color Unlike acute conditions, individual must self-manage 2

3 Consequences of Chronic Conditions Responsible for over 2/3 U.S. annual deaths Accounts for over 80% of $2 trillion health care costs Account for 74% of private insurance spending Medicaid and Medicare largest payors Responsible for significant and preventable hospitalizations, ED visits, doc visits Result in work absenteeism, loss of productivity Emotional and physical toll on individuals and families 3

4 The Living Well Program Community workshop 2.5 hours/week for 6 weeks Led by 2 trained co-leaders Follows highly-scripted manual For individuals with chronic conditions or someone who lives with someone who does Exists in nearly all U.S. states 4

5 The Living Well Program Evidence-based Meets AoA’s highest standard Developed by Stanford University’s Patient Education Research Center Developed over years of: – pilot-testing – refinement – evaluative research 5


7 Program’s Underlying Assumptions People with chronic conditions have similar concerns and problems People with chronic conditions must deal with their disease and impact on lives/emotions Lay leaders as effective, or more, than health care professionals The program process is as important, if not more, than substance 7

8 Researched and proven. Study results show that participants: Improved their healthful behaviors Improved their health status Decreased days in hospital Decreased ED visits 8

9 Target Population Individuals with chronic conditions, e.g., arthritis, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, depression Individuals who live with someone who has a chronic condition Regardless of living arrangement (e.g., home or facility) Adults of all ages 9

10 Weekly Contents 1. Mind-Body Connection, Sleep, “Action Plans” 2. Problem-Solving, Dealing with Difficult Emotions 3. Making Decisions, Pain, Fatigue, Physical Activity, Exercise, Relaxation 4. Better Breathing, Healthy Eating, Communication Skills, Problem-Solving 5. Healthy Food Choices, Medication Usage, Informed Treatment Decisions, Positive Thinking 6. Working with Health Care Professionals and Organizations, Weight Management 10

11 11

12 Dissemination in Wisconsin Began in Wisconsin in 2005 Range of agencies offer the workshop Range of sites host the workshops Range of professionals or lay individuals who serve as leaders 12

13 Leader Qualifications & Characteristics Health care, aging or disability network professionals, or lay volunteers At least one Leader has a chronic condition Experience with chronic conditions – personal or professional Comfortable leading groups of adults Comfortable following a script Past participants encouraged! 13

14 Leader Expectations Attend all of 4 full-day Leader training Work with a sponsoring organization Lead workshops in pairs, both trained Lead two workshops each year Follow Living Well script Use required books and charts Follow WIHA administrative protocols 14

15 Are You Ready? Identify the local sponsoring organization AND Identify your co-leader AND Communicate with local aging unit Together, review the Planning Guide (see next slides) 15

16 Living Well with Chronic Conditions Leader & Local Partner Organization Planning Guide Identify local sponsoring organization If not the county aging unit, make contact with it Obtain supervisor support from place of employment (if applicable) Identify 2 Leaders – already trained or need training? Select dates and times for first workshop Decide whether workshop will be free or a fee Select and reserve site, room, room arrangement Who will submit workshop notification to WIHA? What agency will receive workshop registrations? Continued... 16

17 Living Well with Chronic Conditions Planning Guide, cont’d Outreach and Marketing – See WIHA website materials – Presentations – Where? Who will present? – Individual recommendations – Who? Supplies needed – Copies of Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions – Required charts – Easels, blank flipchart pads, tape, and markers – Participant handouts – Refreshments Data Collection Funding Needed? 17

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19 Website for Leaders Click on FOR LEADERS ONLY Click on Living Well with Chronic Conditions Username: Password: wihaleaders 19

20 Login page BETSY ADD SCREEN SHOT. 20

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24 Support for Leaders WIHA Leader Newsletter Listserv Regular Leader conference calls or meetings where available Technical assistance Leader Coaching Healthy Aging Summit 24

25 Leader Training Come in pairs, or solo if county already has a trained Leader Four full days – must attend all to learn: – basics on chronic conditions – curriculum of Living Well program – group facilitation, including practice Learn WIHA protocols and support available During first workshop, may have fidelity coaching session 25

26 Leader Training – to apply Leader Application – link on WIHA website Complete application; pay fee Commit to requirements Attend in pairs, unless already a leader in county With Sponsoring Organization, complete Planning Guide 20-person limit 26

27 ? ? ? QUESTIONS ? ? ? Betsy Abramson 608-243-5691 Anne Hvizdak 715-677-3037 Jill Ballard 608-228-8081 27

28 THANK YOU! We look forward to working with you to expand Living Well with Chronic Conditions in Wisconsin

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