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TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group 18.08.2015 1 TURKISH STATISTICAL SYSTEM.

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Presentation on theme: "TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group 18.08.2015 1 TURKISH STATISTICAL SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group 18.08.2015 1 TURKISH STATISTICAL SYSTEM Dr. Osman YILDIZ TÜRKİYE

2 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group 18.08.2015 2 Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) CONTENT –Mission –Official Statistical Programme (OSP). –Statistical Council –Agricultural Statistics Department

3 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group 18.08.2015 3 MISSION TurkStat is responsible for; –Determining basic principles and standarts, –Compiling, –Evaluating, –Producing of necessary statistics, –Publishing and disseminating data needed at national/international level, –Coordinating institutions and organizations with Official Statistical Programme (OSP).

4 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Official Statistical Programme (OSP) Prepared for; –Determining basic principles and standarts for production and publication of official statistics;  Producing for ; Current Updated, Reliable, Timely, Transparent Impartial data 18.08.2015 4

5 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Official Statistical Programme (OSP) Based on Turkey Statistical Law No:5429. Adoption of the OSP is under the authority of Council of Ministers It is prepared for 5-year-period.  First Programme2007 - 2011  Second Programme 2012 – 2016 18.08.2015 5

6 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Objectives of OSP Same classifications and standarts Only one official statistics in all areas of national and international level, effective division of labor by gathering official statistics under one roof, providing an efficient and effective coordination between the institutions, To avoid duplication and unnecessary costs by using existing resources 18.08.2015 6

7 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Content of OSP Program covers information related to collection of data by responsible institutions with; constraints of definition, methodology, coverage, classification, frequency of compilation and dissemination. …… METADATA 18.08.2015 7

8 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Statistical Council “OSP Annual Monitoring Report“ by TurkStat  Evaluate the level of implementation of the Programme.  Precautions needed? Monitoring reports are evaluated through discussions in the Statistical Council. 18.08.2015 8

9 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group 18.08.2015 9 Official Statistics The data is obtained; TUKSTATOther Institutions and Organazations Cencuses Administrative registers Surveys by OSP

10 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Production Statistics Group, Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group 18.08.2015 10

11 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Agricultural Statistics Compiled statistics are: Census: The last Agricultural Census was conducted in 2001. Studies on 2014 Agricultural Census (continue) Crop Production Statistics:  Province and District Directorates of MoFAL  via a web based programme; “Statistical Data Network” (SDN) 18.08.2015 11

12 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Data Flow Diagram

13 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Organic Farming: MoFAL; administrative register, Agricultural Machinary and Equipment: MoFAL; administrative register, Numbers of Livestock: MoFAL; administrative register, Forestry Statistics: Min.of Forestry and Water Affairs; administrative register 18.08.2015 13

14 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Animal Products: Data is compiled by TURKSTAT Regional Offices via questionnaire, e-mail, phone and fax monthly and constituted into data mining process. –Milk production, –Number of slaughtered animals and the quantity of red meat production, –Quantity of hide (animal skin) production, –White meat and poultry Fishery Statistics: Compiled annually and analyzed by TurkStat 18.08.2015 14

15 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products:  Administrative registers and farmers  Following montly changes  First sale price of agricultural products  Computations are made considering Europen Union methodologies and national needs. 18.08.2015 15

16 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Agricultural Holdings Wage Structure Survey: Labour force prices are collected in selected settlements on the base of gender. Supply Balance Sheets Tables  cereals and other crop products,  vegetables,  fruits, nuts and beverage crops. 18.08.2015 16

17 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Validating data;  Edit-code rules,  SAS and data mining programs are used for data processing.  Comparing data with available sources,  Examination of data by asking the source of data (province or district directories of MFAL) if there exist significant difference from previos period’s data, are validation rules used for collected data 18.08.2015 17

18 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Data and Metadata Standards  Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) template is used for data production  Spacial Data Disseminatin Standart (SDDS) based template is used for data dissemination  Preparation studies for using Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) are ongoing 18.08.2015 18

19 TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Agricultural Statistics Department Agricultural Structure and Economic Accounts Group Thank You 18.08.2015 19

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