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Desktop Weather-Forecast System Jim Kinter, Mike Fennessy, Brian Doty and J. Shukla Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Desktop Weather-Forecast System Jim Kinter, Mike Fennessy, Brian Doty and J. Shukla Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desktop Weather-Forecast System Jim Kinter, Mike Fennessy, Brian Doty and J. Shukla Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies

2 Desktop Weather-Forecast System Acknowledgements NOAA/NWS/NCEP Environmental Modeling Center – data sets, Eta model Fedor Mesinger (NCEP/EMC) – Eta model Dusan Jovic (ICTP) – Desktop version of Eta model Oreste Reale (COLA) – Processing/display of Eta model output Lennart Bengtsson (MPI) – Discussions and encouragement Brian Doty (COLA) – COLA server development and data Joe Wielgosz (COLA) – COLA server development Curt Steinmetz (COLA) – Linux installation and support Jennifer Adams (COLA) – GrADS script development and support Tom Wakefield (COLA) – PC support

3 Desktop Weather Forecasting NCEP Global Weather Forecasts NCEP Global Weather Forecasts Global Weather Forecasts COLA GrADS-DODS Server GrADS-DODS Server Region-Specific Lateral BCs WWW PC-Based Regional NWP

4 Enables real-time weather forecasts, regional climate analysis and meteorological education and training through: –Easy access to real-time initial and boundary conditions data –Easy configuration of regional NWP model for any locality in the world –Readily available, low-cost personal computing hardware/software –Moderate speed Internet connection Desktop Weather-Forecast System

5 Ease of use: –Point and click interface to set up region the first time –Automated access to NOAA/NWS/NCEP global NWP model output for –Atmospheric initial conditions –Initial soil wetness, snow –Surface boundary conditions (SST, sea ice) and lateral boundary conditions (circulation) –Automated linkage to powerful desktop display program to see results of forecast –Full documentation for getting data, running forecast Demonstrated live in March 2001 at International Monsoon Conference in New Delhi Desktop Weather-Forecast System

6 Elements: –Desktop or laptop PC running Linux w/Fortran compiler –Moderate speed Internet connection –Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) for data acquisition and display –GrADS-DODS server providing real-time global weather observations and forecast data –Regional NWP model, e.g., desktop version of NCEP Meso model, that uses real topography, soil and vegetation data Desktop Weather-Forecast System

7 Elements: –Desktop or laptop PC running Linux w/Fortran compiler –Moderate speed Internet connection –Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) for data acquisition and display –GrADS-DODS server providing real-time global weather observations and forecast data –Regional NWP model, e.g., desktop version of NCEP Meso model, that uses real topography, soil and vegetation data Desktop Weather-Forecast System

8 Elements: –Desktop or laptop PC running Linux w/Fortran compiler –Moderate speed Internet connection –Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) for data acquisition and display –GrADS-DODS server providing real-time global weather observations and forecast data –Regional NWP model, e.g., desktop version of NCEP Meso model, that uses real topography, soil and vegetation data Desktop Weather-Forecast System

9 GrADS and DODS Data Interoperability Distributed Data Distributed Analysis

10 GrADS-DODS Server (GDS) Joe Wielgosz, Brian Doty, James Gallagher, Daniel Halloway GrADS Jennifer Adams, Reinhard Budich, Luigi Calori, Brian Doty, Wesley Ebisuzaki, Mike Fiorino, Tom Holt, Don Hooper, Jim Kinter, Steve Lord, Gary Love, Karin Meier, Matt Munnich, Uwe Schulzweida, Arlindo da Silva, Michael Timlin, Pedro Tsai, Brian Wilkinson, Katja Winger

11 Information Technology: GrADS INTEGRATED USER INTERFACE Maps, Charts, Animations Expressions, Functions of Original Variables General slices of { 4D Grids In Situ Obs Images User Definable, Extensible Arbitrary Domains Optimized for Typical Queries Accessing, SubsettingAnalyzing Visualizing InteractiveQuantitative

12 GrADS Usage “Natural” user interface for scientific computations, and graphical production –Used at over 100 laboratories worldwide –Used by over 1000 scientists worldwide –E.g., J. Climate - Over ½ of all figures (and computations?) produced using GrADS Handles GRIB, binary (model output) formats in “native” mode –Widely used for analysis and display of data from the National Weather Service, other WMO sources

13 GrADS Analysis Model ENABLES VERY SOPHISTICATED ANALYSIS TASKS IN A HIGHLY ENCAPSULATED WAY Scientists only need to specify: dimension constraint list of data sets GrADS expression This unique, innovative approach to geophysical data analysis is the major reason for GrADS’ popularity.

14 GrADS-DODS Analysis Server GRIB data NetCDF data GrADS data etc.. datasets in any format supported by GrADS Result cache holds temporary data (uploaded, generated by a previous operation, or transferred directly from another server) for use in remote analysis GrADS batch mode interface code DODS server libraries Server performs analysis operations manages sessions, translates dataset names Java servlet supports extended request types for analysis, upload internet DODS data and requests Joe Wielgosz: 5/25/00 DODS client libraries GrADS Matlab IDL etc.. data appears to client as local file, in a standard format (i.e, NetCDF, etc.) Client Encapsulated Analysis Requests

15 Summary: GrADS-DODS Server Share data: Enterprise-wide; Internet-wide --- data-format independent Data interoperability: Consistent metadata for many data types Distributed analysis: Reduces network load; improves interactivity Automation of analysis techniques: Analysis techniques can be captured in the form of scripts and provided on server and/or client

16 Elements: –Desktop or laptop PC running Linux w/Fortran compiler –Moderate speed Internet connection –Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) for data acquisition and display –GrADS-DODS server providing real-time global weather observations and forecast data –Regional NWP model, e.g., desktop version of NCEP Meso model, that uses real topography, soil and vegetation data Desktop Weather-Forecast System

17 NCEP/EMC Eta Model Limited-area Mesoscale Model Full Primitive Equations Eta Vertical Coordinate Step-like Treatment of Orography Sub-Grid Scale Physics »Deep and Shallow Convection »Radiation »Turbulence »Cloud Liquid Water

18 22 July 200223 July 200224 July 2002 SSM/I Eta-25

19 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps

20 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps



23 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps

24 Specify grid resolution 15 km 20 km 25 km 40 km 50 km 80 km

25 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps

26 YesNo

27 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps

28 Specify month of initial time Jan Feb Mar Oct AugNovMay Apr Jun Jul SepDec

29 Specify day of initial time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

30 Specify hour of initial time 00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z

31 Specify length of forecast 6 hrs 24 hrs 36 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs

32 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps

33 **************************************************************** *** A forecast for ‘INDI' will now be started*** *** *** With center lon, lat: 81E, 17N *** *** Width in longitude: 46 *** *** Width in latitude: 37 *** *** *** At resolution = 80 km *** *** *** Starting from 12Z03SEP2002 *** *** for 72 hours *** ****************************************************************

34 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps




38 Running the Desktop Weather Forecast System Interactive – First time for a new domain –Select the domain –Select grid resolution –Check grid visually –Select starting date, time, length of forecast –Forecast starts automatically –When forecast complete, view forecast weather maps Routine operation –Set starting date, time and length in run script –Run forecast and view forecast weather maps

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