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Awards & Recognition Mary Ellen Randall
IEEE-USA Awards & Recognition Chair IEEE Awards Board IEEE Awards Board Planning & Policy Committee 2011 Region 3 Leadership Development Chair WIE Committee Chair Past Region 3 Awards & Recognition Chair
Recognizing our Members & Volunteers
IEEE Awards Programs Recognizing our Members & Volunteers
Need More Great Candidates Nominated
Low Participation Too difficult to fill out form Too much information needed Do we know all this about each other? Too many awards to know about When are they all due??? Little Reuse of Nominee Material Members may be eligible for other awards Logistics of nominee materials
Awards & Recognition Actions
Month by Month List of what awards are due when - compiled A list of all the awards in IEEE has been compiled and had some HQ review. It is amazing all the awards that IEEE has available to members.
Awards – Month by Month January March May 31 Technical Field Awards
1 Hoover Medal (External) 1 James Watt International Medal (External) 1 Alfred Noble Prize (?) May 15 RAB Section Recognition Awards 31 Standards Association Corporate Award 31 Standards Association International Award
Awards Month By Month - 2 July August September
15 Educational Society Awards 1 IEEE Medals 1 IEEE Corporate Recognition 1 IEEE Service Awards 1 IEEE Prize Paper Awards 1 Distinguished Ethical Practices August 31 IEEE USA Awards September 1 Sperry Award (External) 15 Standards Association Distinguished Service Award
Awards Month By Month - 3 October December TAB Awards not listed here
1 Alfred Noble Prize (External) (?) 1 Joan Hodges Queneau Award (External) 1 Kevin Gold Medal (Award) 1 Nels Bohr International Gold Medal (External) 15 Institute Level Scholarship & Fellowship 15 RAB December 1 Region 3 Awards 31 Fritz Medal (External) 31 AAES (External) TAB Awards not listed here Friend of IEEE MGA Board – year round
IEEE Medals – Part 1 Nomination Deadline: 1 July
IEEE Medal of Honor Sponsored by: IEEE Foundation Scope: IEEE Medal of Honor, for an exceptional contribution or an extraordinary career in an IEEE fields of interest. The Medal of Honor is the highest IEEE award. The candidate need not be a member of the IEEE. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal Sponsored by: Lucent Technologies Scope: IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal, for exceptional contributions to the advancement of communications sciences and engineering Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Edison Medal Sponsored by: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Scope: IEEE Edison Medal, for a career of meritorious achievement in electrical science, electrical engineering or the electrical arts. Presentation: Gold medal, small gold replica, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Medals – Part 2 IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal Sponsored by: Mathworks, Inc., National Instruments Foundation, Pearson Prentice Hall and Xilinx, Inc. Scope: IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal, for a career of outstanding contributions to education in the fields of interest of IEEE. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Founders Medal Sponsored by: IEEE Foundation Scope: IEEE Founders Medal, for outstanding contributions in the leadership, planning and administration of affairs of great value to the electrical and electronics engineering profession. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal Sponsored by: QUALCOMM Inc. Scope: IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal, for exceptional contributions to information sciences, systems and technology. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Medals – Part 3 IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Sponsored by: Texas Instruments, Inc. Scope: IEEE Jack S. Kilby Medal, for outstanding achievements in signal processing. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal Sponsored by: The Federation of Electric Power Companies, Japan & Semiconductor Research Foundation Scope: IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa medal, for outstanding contributions to material and device science and technology, including practical application. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal Sponsored by: Intel Corporation/Intel Foundation Scope: IEEE Robert N. Noyce medal, for exceptional contributions to the microelectronics industry. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and a cash honorarium.
IEEE Medals – Part 4 IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies & Applications Sponsored by: Raytheon Company Scope: IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies & Applications, for outstanding accomplishments in advancing the fields of radar technologies. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Simon Ramo Medal Sponsored by: Northrop Grumman Scope: IEEE Simon Ramo Medal, for exceptional achievement in systems engineering and systems science. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE John von Neumann Medal Sponsored by: IBM Corporation Scope: IEEE John von Neumann medal, for outstanding achievements in computer-related science and technology. Presentation: Gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards Descriptions – Part 1
IEEE EAB Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities recognizes IEEE members for efforts to foster the maintenance and improvement of education through the process of accreditation engineering, engineering technology, computer science programs and applied science programs. The award consists of $1000 and a brass and walnut plaque. IEEE EAB Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education recognizes IEEE members for the dedicated contribution to the design, delivery, and support of continuing education courses and programs in the fields of interest to IEEE members. The award consists of $1000 and a brass and walnut plaque. IEEE EAB Major Educational Innovation Award recognizes IEEE members who have distinguished themselves for outstanding educational innovation in a field of interest of the IEEE. The award consists of $1000 and a brass and walnut plaque.
IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards Descriptions – Part 2
IEEE EAB Pre-College Educator Award recognizes current pre-college classroom teachers who have inspired an appreciation and understanding of mathematics, science and technology and the engineering process in students and have encouraged students to pursue technical careers. The award consists of $1000 and a brass and walnut plaque. IEEE EAB Meritorious Service Citation recognizes IEEE members who are past members of the EAB or current or past members of EAB Committees (other than currently serving on ARC) for outstanding and sustained service to the aims and objectives of the IEEE Educational Activities Board. The award consists of a brass and walnut plaque. IEEE EAB Employer Professional Development Award recognizes organizations employing IEEE members for contributions to employee continuing education and professional development. The award consists of a brass and walnut plaque.
IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards Descriptions – Part 3
IEEE EAB Section Professional Development Award Recognizes IEEE Sections for major contributions to IEEE Members in the areas of life-long learning, continuing education and professional development. The award consists of a brass and walnut plaque. IEEE EAB Society/Council Professional Development Award recognizes and IEEE Society or Council for major contributions to the professional development of its members through the provision of outstanding products, services and support in the areas of life-long learning, continuing education and professional development. The award consists of a brass and walnut plaque. IEEE EAB Vice President's Recognition Award The EAB Vice President's Recognition Award was established in 2001 by the Educational Activities Board of the IEEE to give the Vice President for Educational Activities an opportunity to recognize IEEE Members or organizations that have had significant and substantial effect on the practice of engineering and of engineering education related to the mission of the EAB. The award consists of a brass and walnut plaque.
IEEE Corporate Recognition Nomination Deadline: 1 July
IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition Sponsored by: IEEE Scope: The IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition, for outstanding and exemplary contributions by an industrial entity, governmental, academic organization, or other corporate body, which have resulted in major advancement of electrotechnology. Presentation: Certificate and crystal sculpture. IEEE Ernst Weber Engineering Leadership Recognition Sponsored by: IEEE Scope: The IEEE Ernst Weber Leadership Recognition, for exceptional managerial leadership in the fields of interest to the IEEE. Presentation: Certificate and crystal sculpture
IEEE Service Awards Nomination deadline: 1 July
IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award Sponsored by: IEEE Technical Activities Board Scope: IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award, for distinguished service to the development, viability, advancement and pursuit of the technical objectives of the IEEE. Presentation: Bronze medal, illuminated certificate, a cash honorarium and travel expenses for recipient and companion to attend the award ceremony. IEEE Haraden Pratt Award Sponsored by: IEEE Foundation Scope: IEEE Haraden Pratt Award, for outstanding service to the IEEE. Presentation: Bronze medal, illuminated certificate, a cash honorarium, and travel expenses for recipient and companion to attend award ceremony IEEE Honorary Membership
IEEE Prize Paper Awards Nomination Deadline: 1 July
IEEE W.R.G. Baker Prize Paper Award Scope: This is presented annually for the most outstanding paper reporting original work in any of the IEEE Transactions, Journals, Magazines or Proceedings. Presentation: Certificate and a cash honorarium. Presentation of this award has been temporarily suspended. IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award Sponsored by: IEEE Life Members Committee Scope: Outstanding survey, review or tutorial paper in any of the IEEE Transactions, Proceedings of the IEEE, journals or magazines issued during the previous calendar year. Presentation: Certificate and a cash honorarium. IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Prize Paper Award Scope: This is presented annually for the most outstanding paper in any IEEE publication by an author or joint authors under 30 years of age. Presentation: Certificate and a cash honorarium. Presentation of this award has been suspended.
IEEE Institute-Level Scholarship and Fellowship Nomination Deadline - 15 November
IEEE Life Member Graduate Study Fellowship Sponsored by: IEEE Life Members Committee Scope: IEEE Life Member Graduate Study Fellowship will be awarded annually for full-time graduate work in any area of electrical engineering at an engineering school/program of recognized standing worldwide. Presentation: Cash honorarium Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Scholarship Sponsored by: Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Graduate Scholarship Fund Scope: Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Scholarship will be awarded annually for full-time graduate work in electrical engineering at an engineering school of recognized standing. Student must be a permanent resident of the United States.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 1 Nomination Deadline: 31 January
IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award Brunetti bequest Scope: IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award, for outstanding contributions to miniaturization in the electronics arts. Presentation: Certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Award IEEE CPMT Society Scope: IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Award, for meritorious contributions to the advancement of components, electronic packaging or manufacturing technologies. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Control Systems Award IEEE Control Systems Society Scope: IEEE Control Systems Award, for outstanding contributions to control systems engineering, science or technology. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 2
IEEE Electromagnetics Award IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, and the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Scope: IEEE Electromagnetics Award, for outstanding contributions to electromagnetics in theory, application or education. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award IEEE Signal Processing Society Scope: IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award, for outstanding contribution to the advancement of speech and/or audio signal processing. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 3
IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award Sponsored by: IEEE Electron Devices Society Scope: IEEE Andrew Grove Award, for outstanding contributions to solid-state devices and technology. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award Sponsored by: Leon K. Kirchmayer Memorial Fund Scope: IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching award, for inspirational teaching of graduate students in the IEEE fields of interest. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award Sponsored by: Herman, Edna, Robert and Ruth Halperin Scope: IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award, for outstanding contributions to electric transmission and distribution Presentation: Certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 4
IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award Sponsored by: Sony Corporation Scope: IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award, for outstanding contributions in the field of consumer electronics technology. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Internet Award Sponsored by: Nokia Corporation Scope: IEEE Internet Award, for exceptional contributions to the advancement of Internet technology for network architecture, mobility and/or end-use applications. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Data Storage Device Technology Award Sponsored by: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Scope: IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Data Storage Device Technology Award, for outstanding contributions to the advancement of information storage with emphasis on technical contributions in computer data storage device technology. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 5
IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award Sponsored by: IBM Almaden Research Center Scope: IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award, for outstanding contributions to information storage systems with emphasis on computer storage systems. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award Sponsored by: IEEE Industry Applications Society Scope: IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award, for outstanding contributions in industrial systems engineering. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement Sponsored by: Keithley Instruments, Inc. Scope: IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement, for outstanding contributions in electrical measurement. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 6
IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award Sponsored by: IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Scope: IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award, for outstanding contributions to the fundamentals of any aspect of electronic circuits and systems that has a long-term significance or impact. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award Sponsored by: NEC Corporation Scope: IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award, for outstanding contributions to the integration of computers and communications. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 7
IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award Sponsored by: IEEE Power Electronics Society Scope: Outstanding contribution(s) to the advancement of power electronics. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Daniel E. Noble Award Sponsored by: Motorola Foundation Scope: IEEE Daniel E. Noble Award, for outstanding contributions to emerging technologies recognized within recent years. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. Note: Not to be confused with the fellowship named 'Daniel E. Noble Fellowship that is jointly sponsored by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and Motorola, Inc. IEEE Frederik Philips Award Sponsored by: Philips Electronics NV Scope: IEEE Frederik Philips Award, for outstanding accomplishments in the management of research and development resulting in effective innovation in the electrical and electronics industry.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 8
IEEE Photonics Award Sponsored by: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Scope: IEEE Photonics Award, for outstanding achievement(s) in Photonics Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award Sponsored by: Piore Award Fund Scope: IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award, for outstanding contributions in the field of information processing in relation to computer science. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award Sponsored by: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Control Systems and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societies Scope: IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award, for outstanding contributions to space engineering within the fields of interest of the IEEE. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 9
IEEE Robotics & Automation Award Sponsored by: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Scope: IEEE Robotics & Automation Award, for contributions on the field of robotics and automation Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award Sponsored by: IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Scope: IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award, for outstanding contribution(s) to the advancement of the design, practice, techniques, or theory in biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms, including but not limited to neural networks, connectionist systems, evolutionary computation, fuzzy systems, and hybrid intelligent systems in which these paradigms are contained Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium IEEE David Sarnoff Award Sponsored by: Sarnoff Corporation Scope: IEEE David Sarnoff Award, for exceptional contributions to electronics. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 10
IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits Sponsored by: IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Scope: IEEE Solid-State Circuits Award, for outstanding contributions to solid-state circuits. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award Sponsored by: IEEE Standards Association Scope: IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award, for exceptional contributions to the development and/or advancement standards in electrical and electronics engineering. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award Sponsored by: Lucent Technologies Scope: IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award, for outstanding contributions to communications technology. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium.
IEEE Technical Field Awards – Part 11
IEEE Nikola Tesla Award Sponsored by: Grainger Foundation and the IEEE Power Engineering Society Award Endowment Fund Scope: IEEE Nikola Tesla Award, for outstanding contributions to the generation and utilization of electric power. Presentation: Plaque and cash honorarium. IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award Sponsored by: Dr. Kiyo Tomiyasu Scope: IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award. for outstanding early to mid-career contributions to technologies holding the promise of innovative applications. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium. IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award Sponsored by: IEEE Foundation Scope: IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award, for inspirational teaching of undergraduate students in the fields of interest of IEEE. Presentation: Bronze medal, certificate and cash honorarium.
TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENT/CONTRIBUTIONS TO FIELD OF SOCIETY/SERVICE TO PROFESSION Autotestcon Frank McGinnis Professional Achievement Award AES Fred Nathanson Memorial Radar Award AES Warren D. White Award for Excellence in Radar Engineering AP Distinguished Achievement Award AP Outstanding Service Award AP Honorary Life Member of AdCom AP John Kraus Antenna Award CAS M. E. Van Valkenburg Award CAS Technical Achievement Award CAS Vitold Belevitch Circuits and Systems Award CE Significant Achievement Award CIS Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award COMM Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award COMM Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications COMM IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award CPMT David Feldman Contribution Award CPMT Outstanding Sustained Technical Contributions Award CPMT Electronic Manufacturing Technology Award CPMT Outstanding Young Engineer Award CPMT Exceptional Technical Achievement Award
TAB-2 COMP W. Wallace McDowell Award COMP Eckert-Mauchly Award
COMP Computer Entrepreneur Award COMP Technical Achievement Awards COMP Software Process Achievement Award COMP Hans Karlsson Award COMP Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award COMP Richard E. Merwin Award for Distinguished Service COMP Tsutomu Kanai Award COMP Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award COMP Harlan D. Mills Award COMP Computer Society 60th Anniversary AwardCS Control Systems Technology Award CS Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize CS Distinguished Member Award CS Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize DEI Thomas W. Dakin Award DEI Eric O. Forster Distinguished Service Award DEI Golden Omega Award DEI Insulation Hall of Fame DEI J.B. Whitehead Memorial Lecturer DEI Hans Tropper Memorial Lecture
TAB-3 Ed Achievement Award
EMC Richard R. Stoddart Award for Outstanding Performance EMC Society Citation EMC Technical Achievement Award ED J.J. Ebers Award ED William R. Cherry Photovoltaics Award EMB Career Achievement Award EMB Early Career Achievement Award EM Engineering Manager of the Year Award EM Honorary Life Member Award EM Engineering Management Educator of the Year Award EM Engineering Management Innovation Award GRS Distinguished Achievement Award GRS Honorary Life Member IE Dr.-Ing. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award IAS Outstanding Achievement Award IAS Society Distinguished Service Award IAS Outstanding Young IAS Member Award IAS Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department Gerald Kliman Innovator Award IE Early Career Award IT Claude E. Shannon Award
TAB-4 IM Instrumentation and Measurement Society Award
IM Instrumentation and Measurements Career Award IM Outstanding Young Engineer Award IT Distinguished Service Award LEO Quantum Electronics Award LEO Award for Engineering Achievement LEO William Streifer Award for Scientific Achievement LEO Distinguished Lecturer Awards LEO John Tyndall Award LEO Aron Kressel LEOS Award LEOS Young Investigator Award Mag Achievement Award MTT Microwave Career Award MTT Microwave Application Award MTT Distinguished Educator Award MTT Distinguished Microwave Lecturer MTT MTT-S Outstanding Young Engineer Award NANO Early Career Award in Nanotechnology
TAB-5 NPS Merit Award NPS Radiation Effects Award
NPS Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Award NPS Computer Applications in Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Award NPS Plasma Science and Applications Award NPS Early Achievement Award NPS The Edward J. Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award NPS Young Investigator Medical Imaging Science Award NPS Erwin Marx Award NPS Peter Haas Pulsed Power Award NPS Fusion Technology Award NPS Radiation Instrumentation Outstanding Achievement Award NPS Radiation Instrumentation Early Career Award OE Distinguished Technical Achievement Award PEL William E. Newell Power Electronics Award PEL Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award
TAB-6 PE Power Life Award PE Uno Lamm HVDC Award
PE Award for Excellence in Power Distribution Engineering PE Walter Fee Young Engineer Award PE Outstanding Engineer Award PE Technical Council Distinguished Individual Service Award PE Working Group Recognition Award PE IEEE/PES FACTS Award PE Cyril Veinott Electromechanical Energy Conversion Award PE Custom Power Award PE Charles Concordia Power Systems Engineering Award PE Robert Noberini Distinguished Contributions to Power Engineering Professionalism Award PC Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Communication R Annual Reliability Society Award R Education Award R Lifetime Achievement Award
TAB-7 RA Early Academic Career Award in Robotics and Automation
RA Early Government or Industry Award in Robotics and Automation RA IEEE Inaba Technical Award for Innovation Leading to Production RA IEEE Invention and Entrepreneurship Award SCC Award for Continuing and Significant Contributions in the Field of Applied Superconductivity SCC Max Swerdlow Award for Sustained Service to the Applied Superconductivity Community SP Society Award SP Technical Achievement Award SMC Norbert Wiener Award SMC Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award SMC Outstanding Contribution Award
TAB-8 UFFC Achievement Award UFFC Walter G. Cady Award
UFFC I.I. Rabi Award UFFC Ferroelectrics Recognition Award UFFC Distinguished Lecturer Award UFFC C.B. Sawyer Memorial Award UFFC The Rayleigh Award VT Honorary Membership Award VT Avant Garde Award VT Stuart Meyer Memorial Award
TAB-9 PIONEER AES Society Pioneer Award CAS Industrial Pioneer Award
CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award CIS Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award CIS Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award COMP Computer Pioneer Award MTT Microwave Pioneer Award NANO Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology RA Pioneer in Robotics and Automation Award
TAB-10 PUBLISHED PAPER AES M. Barry Carlton Award
AES Harry Rowe Mimno Award AP Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award AP Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award AP R.W.P. King Award BT Scott Helt Memorial Award CAS Outstanding Young Author Award CAS Guillemin-Cauer Award CAS CAD Transactions Best Paper Award CAS Darlington Award CAS CSVT Transactions Best Paper Award CAS Transactions on VLSI Systems Prize Paper Award CAS/COMM/CS/SP Multimedia Prize Paper Award CIS IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Outstanding Paper Award For XXXX (Year) CIS IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Outstanding Paper Award For XXXX (Year) CIS IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award For XXXX (Year)
TAB-11 COMM Leonard G. Abraham Prize COMM Stephen O. Rice Prize
COMM William R. Bennett Prize COMM Fred W. Ellersick Prize COMM Best Tutorial Paper Award COMM/IT Joint Paper Award COMM/SP Guglielmo Marconi Prize Paper Award CPMT Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies Prize Paper Award CPMT Transactions on Advanced Packaging Prize Paper Award CPMT Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing Prize Paper Award COMP Periodical Outstanding Paper Awards CE Chester Sall Awards CS George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award CS Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award CS Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award Ed Best Transactions Paper Award EMC Transactions Prize Paper Award ED Paul Rappaport Award ED George E. Smith Award
TAB-12 EMB Paralyzed Veterans of America Best Paper Award -IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering EM Transactions Publication Awards GRS Transactions Paper Award IE Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IA Society Prize Paper Awards IA Electric Machines Prize Paper Awards IA James Melcher Prize Paper Awards IA Industrial Drives Prize Paper Awards IA Industrial Power Converter Prize Paper Awards IA Power Systems Engineering Prize Paper Award IA Power Electronics Devices and Components Prize Paper Awards IA Industry Applications Magazine Prize Article Award RA IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Googol Best New Application Paper Award IT Paper Award IM Andrew R. Chi Prize Paper Award MTT Microwave Prize
TAB-13 PE Prize Paper Award - PES
PE Prize Paper Award - Technical Committee PEL Power Electronics Society Transactions Prize Paper Award PC The Rudolph J. Joenk, Jr. Award for Best Paper in the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication R Best Paper Award - IEEE Transactions on Reliability RA IEEE Transactions on Robotics King-Sun Fu Memorial Best Paper Award RA Conference Best Paper Award RA IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best Paper Award SCC Van Duzer Prize Award SMC Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award SP Best Paper Award SP Magazine Award SP Young Author Best Paper Award SSC Journal of Solid-State Circuits Best Paper Award SSC Beatrice Winner Award for Editorial Excellence
TAB-14 UFFC Outstanding Paper Award
VT Neal Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Paper Award Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing Best Paper Award VT Best Vehicular Electronics Paper Award VT Best Land Transportation Paper Award CONFERENCE PAPER/SESSION/SERVICE AES Walter R. Fried “PLANS” Best Paper Award in Navigation Autotestcon Walter E. Peterson Best Paper Award for New Technology Autotestcon David M. Goodman Best Paper Award for Management Topics BT Matti S. Siukola Memorial Award BT Clyde M. Hunt Memorial Student Paper Award CAS William J. McCalla ICCAD Best Paper Award COMM Harold Sobol Award for Exemplary Service to Meetings & Conferences CPMT ECTC Best Paper Award CPMT ECTC Best Post Session Paper Award
TAB-15 COMP Conference Outstanding Paper Award
COMP Software Engineering Best Paper Award COMP K.S. Fu Memorial Best Paper Award COMP Wing Toy Best Student Paper Award CS Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Best Student Paper Award CS Conference on Control Applications (CCA) Best Student Paper Award Ed Benjamin J. Dasher Best Conference Paper Award Ed Helen Plants Outstanding Conference Special Session Award Ed Ronald J. Schmitz Award EMC Certificate of Recognition EMC Best Symposium Paper Award GRS Symposium Prize Paper Award GRS Interactive Session Prize Paper Award GRS GRS-S Student Prize Paper Award IA Textile, Fiber, and Film Industry Technical Conference Prize Paper Award IA Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department Prize Paper Award IA Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference Prize Paper Awards IA Glass Industry Technical Conference Prize Paper Awards IA Cement Industry Technical Conference Prize Paper Awards
TAB-16 IA Rural Electrification Conference Paper Award
IA Appliance Industry Technical Conference Prize Paper Awards IA Power Systems Protection Prize Paper Award IA Industrial Automation and Control Conference Award IE Best Conference Paper Award ISE Bernhard Gross Memorial Lecture (DEI and UFFC Societies) ISE Dilip Das-Gupta Memorial Award (DEI and UFFC Societies) LEO Best Student Paper Award LEO Best Student Paper Award, LEOS'xx MTT Harold Sobol Travel Grant NPSS Student Paper Awards RA Best Conference Video Proceedings Award RA Best Student Conference Paper Award SMC IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Best Student Paper Award SMC Franklin V. Taylor Memorial Award SSC Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Conference Paper SSC ISSCC Evening Session Award SSC Jack Kilby Outstanding Student Paper Award SSC ISSCC Jack Raper Award VT Jack Neubauer Memorial Award VT Best Paper Award
AES Outstanding Technical Panel of the Year Award BT Special Service Award CAS Meritorious Service Award COMM Donald W. McLellan Meritorious Service Award COMM Society Publications Exemplary Service Award COMP Distinguished Service Certificate COMP Outstanding Contribution Certificate COMP Meritorious Service Award COMP Certificate of Appreciation CE Outstanding Service Award CIS Meritorious Service Award CS Distinguished Member Award Ed Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award Ed Distinguished Member Award EMC Laurence G. Cumming Award for Outstanding Service EMC Honorary Life Member Award EMC Certificate of Appreciation EMC Certificate of Acknowledgment
TAB-18 ED Distinguished Service Award EMB Service Award
EM Honorary Life Member Award EM Certificate of Appreciation for Chapter Chairs GRS Outstanding Service Award IE Anthony J. Hornfeck Service Award IE AdCom Life Member Award IA Distinguished Service Award IA Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department Achievement Award IA Textile, Fiber, and Film Industry Technical Conference Award for Meritorious Achievement IA Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference Award for Meritorious Service IA Manufacturing Systems Development and Applications Award of Merit IA R. W. Mills Award IA Cement Industry Meritorious Service Award IM Distinguished Service Award LEO Distinguished Service Award
TAB-19 MTT Distinguished Service Award MTT N. Walter Cox Award
MTT Honorary Life Member of Society NANO Distinguished Service Award NPS Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award OE Distinguished Service Award PEL Distinguished Service Award PE Meritorious Service Award PE Chapters Council Award PC Emily K. Schlesinger Award for Distinguished Service to the IEEE Professional Communication Society R Company Recognition Award RAS Distinguished Service Award SP Meritorious Service Award SIT Carl Barus Award for Outstanding Service in the Public Interest UFFC Distinguished Service Award VT Outstanding Service Award VT Stuart Meyer Memorial Award
TAB-20 EDUCATION AP Raj Mittra Travel Grant
AP Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award CAS Society Education Award COMP Taylor Booth Education Award COMP Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award Ed McGraw-Hill Jacob Millman Award Ed Harriett B. Rigas Award ED Mac Van Valkenburg Early Career Teaching Award GRS Education Award NPS Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant PC Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education PE Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award R Education Award SP Education Award
TAB-21 CHAPTER AES Chapter of the Year Award AP-S Chapter Award
CAS Chapter-of-the-Year Award CIS Outstanding Chapter Award COMM Chapter of the Year Award COMP Outstanding Chapter Award CPMT Chapter of the Year Award CS Outstanding Chapter Award Ed Chapter Achievement Award Ed Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award EDS Chapter of the Year Award EM Certificate of Appreciation for Chapter Chairs EMC Chapter-of-the-Year Award EMC Most Improved Chapter Award IA Society Chapter Awards IT Society Chapter of the Year Award
TAB-22 LEO Outstanding Chapter Service Award
PE Outstanding Chapters Award PEL IEEE Power Electronics Society Best Chapter Award R Chapters Award RAS Chapter of the Year Award R Certificate of Achievement - Chapter Chairperson SSC Outstanding Chapter of the Year Award VT Chapter-of-the-Year Award STUDENT (also see Fellowships/Scholarships) AP Best Student Paper Award BT Clyde M. Hunt Memorial Student Paper Award COMP Wing Toy Best Student Paper Award COMP Lance Stafford Larson Memorial Award CS Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Best Student Paper Award CS Conference on Control Applications (CCA) Best Student Paper Award ED Region 9 Annual Outstanding Student Paper Award
TAB-23 EMB Whitaker Foundation Student Region Finalist Awards
EMB Whitaker Foundation Student Open Competition Finalist Awards EMB Whitaker Foundation 1st, 2nd and 3rd Student Competition Awards EMB Whitaker Foundation Student Design Competition Awards EMC Student Paper Award EMC Student Design Awards EMC Leo L. Beranek Student Young Grant GRS Student Prize Paper Award IA Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Awards IA Myron Zucker Graduate Student Design Award IE Student Best Paper Award LEO Best Student Paper Award LEO Best Student Paper Award, LEOS'xx Mag Student Prize Paper Award MTT Harold Sobol Travel Grant
TAB-24 NPS Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant
NPS Outstanding Pulsed Power Student Award NPSS Student Paper Awards PE Student Prize Paper Award in Honor of T. Burke Hayes SSC Jack Kilby Outstanding Student Paper Award
TAB-25 FELLOWSHIP/SCHOLARSHIP AP AP-S Undergraduate Scholarships
COMM Scholarships for COMSOC Student Members CPMT Graduate Fellowship for Research on Electronic Packaging COMP Richard E. Merwin Scholarships DEI Graduate Student Fellowships EDS Graduate Fellowship Program ED Graduate Masters Fellowship Program EMC Society President's Memorial Award MTT Graduate Fellowships MTT Undergraduate Scholarships NPS Graduate Scholarship Award SSC Pre-Doctoral Fellowship VT Daniel E. Noble Fellowship Award VT Transportation Electronics Fellowship OTHER Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award (Sponsored by Standards Association)
IEEE Standards Association Awards and Recognition Committee (ArCom)
There are six major categories of awards: Corporate Award (Deadline May 31) International Award (Deadline May 31) Standards Medallion Working Group Chair Award Distinguished Service Award (Deadline Sept 15)
IEEE-USA Deadline August 31
IEEE-USA's Professionalism Awards Robert S. Walleigh Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Professionalism Award — long-term dedicated effort and outstanding accomplishments in advancing the aims of IEEE professional activities in the United States. Award for Distinguished Public Service —individuals not currently in the practice of engineering for contributions to furthering the professional goals of IEEE in the United States. (These goals may by furthered by such means as promulgating laws or regulations benefiting the profession; influencing industrial environments to foster professionalism; creating curricula or publications designed to enhance professionalism; and other similar activities.) Citation of Honor — To honor members who have made exemplary contributions toward achieving the aims of professional activities in the United States.
IEEE-USA Precollege Education Committee Teacher-Engineer Partnership Award — To recognize collaborative activities between K-12 teachers and technical professionals who are IEEE members. Regional/Divisional Professional Leadership Award — To recognize members for their outstanding leadership efforts in advancing the professional aims of IEEE within their Regional or Divisional entities. Professional Achievement Award — To recognize significant specific contributions, achievements and individual and organizational efforts in the development and implementation of professional activities in the United States.
IEEE-USA IEEE-USA's Awards for Technical Achievement
Harry Diamond Memorial Award — To honor individuals for distinguished technical contributions in the field of electrotechnology while in U.S. Government Service. Electrotechnology Transfer Award — To honor individuals whose contributions in key government or civilian roles led efforts to effectively transfer/apply federal or state sponsored developments in advanced electrical, electronic and computer technologies to successful commercial sector opportunities. IEEE-USA's Literary Awards Award for Distinguished Literary Contributions Furthering Public Understanding of the Profession — To recognize outstanding journalistic or other efforts that contribute to the enhancement and expansion of the public understanding of the engineering profession in the United States. Award for Distinguished Literary Contributions Furthering Engineering Professionalism — To recognize those individuals who have made outstanding contributions through their literary efforts to the advancement of the U.S. professional objectives of IEEE.
MGA Activities Board These awards, the most prestigious RAB has to offer, are designed to recognize outstanding efforts by IEEE volunteers. Deadline October 15 MGA Achievement Award MGA Innovation Award MGA Leadership Award RAB Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award MGA GOLD Achievement Award William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award Varying Deadlines Section Recognition Awards (deadline May 15) Student Recognition Awards (Need to expand list) Friend of IEEE MGA Award – (open all year) This award was created to specifically recognize support provided to the IEEE and its members in support of its goals by firms, divisions of firms or individuals.
External Awards Sperry Award - deadline Sept 1
Fritz Medal – deadline Dec 31 Other AAES (deadline Dec 31) National Engineering Award, Kenneth Andrew Roe Award, Norm Augustine Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communications, John Fritz Medal (above), AAES Engineering Journalism Award, Joan Hodges Award, AAES Chair Award Alfred Noble Prize ASME Hoover Medal, National Medal of Science (Mar 1), James Watt International Medal (Mar 1), Alfred Noble Prize (Oct 1 or May 1?), Joan Hodges Queneau Award (Oct 1), Kevin Gold Medal (Oct 1), Niels Bohr International Gold Medal (Oct 1) Washington Award
IEEE Award for Distinguished Ethical Practices
Sponsored by: IEEE Ethics & Member Conduct Committee Nomination Form Selection Committee Roster Nomination Deadline: 1 July 2006 The IEEE Award for Distinguished Ethical Practices recognizes an IEEE member or an organization employing IEEE members for (a) exemplary ethical behavior/practices and/or (b) persuasive advocacy or promotion of ethical behavior/practices. The first award presentation would be considered for 2007.
Thank you Mary Ellen Randall
NC Council Training Session
Unraveling the Mystery (IEEE Structure) Ways to Build Society and Section Synergy Lunch (discussions) Where’s the Money? The Best of Everything Electronic Resources for Sections Charting the Path Forward Personal & Section Action Plan
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