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From Your Idea to Your First R01: Perspectives of a National Institutes of Health Extramural Scientist.

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Presentation on theme: "From Your Idea to Your First R01: Perspectives of a National Institutes of Health Extramural Scientist."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Your Idea to Your First R01: Perspectives of a National Institutes of Health Extramural Scientist

2 So you have a research idea…

3 But is it fundable?

4 That’s the 100,000 dollar question…

5 1,000,000 dollar question…

6 The 25,099,000,000 dollar question!

7 NIH spent $25 Billion in Research Grants, Centers, Training, and Contracts in 2012. Spending at NIH $5,753,000,000 Spending Outside NIH $25,099,000,000

8 Research Project Grants represent the largest chunk of extramural funding. NIH Spending on RPGs, 2013 $14,917,675,859

9 How do I get my first R01 funded?

10 R01 Funding Rates by Career Stage

11 We need new investigators. You are the innovators of the future.

12 Your Success is the Nation’s Success

13 What does it take to get my first R01?

14 Grantsmanship

15 Here’s what you do

16 Grantsmanship Learn about NIH and funding opportunities

17 Become familiar with the mission of NIH*

18 Identify a ‘Home’ Institute/Center

19 Search NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts

20 Grantsmanship

21 Know your Why

22 Align idea to NIH priorities

23 Market idea to NIH Staff

24 Grantsmanship Identify and maintain contact with NIH Program Directors (wo) v

25 Cultivate Collegial Relationships with NIH Program Staff

26 NIH Program Directors… Have scientific expertise and research experience

27 Health and Social Psychology Emotion Attention Gene-Environment Ethnic/minority Populations Obesity and Lifestyle FactorsPolicy Research Rehabilitation and SurvivorshipSystems Science Stress Psychoneuroimmunology Cancer Treatment Cognition Cancer Biology Cognitive Effects of Treatment Visual Perception Circadian Rhythms Numeracy Decision Making Multimorbidities

28 NIH Program Directors… Consult with investigators to facilitate their success

29 NIH Program Directors… Are accessible…

30 Contact tips…

31 Grantsmanship Application and review expectations

32 Raise your hand if you want this to be simple.

33 The 25 Billion dollar view application planning submission award close-out

34 Start early. Collect your data. Determine key deadlines.

35 Start writing several months (yes, months) before the due date.

36 up Disrt

37 up Interrt

38 up Shake things

39 up Sum it

40 And Innovation Matter Significance

41 Your Environment Matters

42 Your Achievements Matter

43 Bring

44 Your idea

45 into focus.

46 Submit your application to Done.

47 failure

48 Is not

49 failure Is not FAILURE

50 failure Is not FAILURE (if you learn from it)

51 failure (learn from it)

52 Become a NIH grantee.

53 Persistence Pays!

54 First 3 Months Your application goes to the Division of Receipt and Referral in the Center of Scientific Review. Next it’s sent to an NIH Institute/Center and a Scientific Review Group. The Scientific Review Officer assigns it to reviewers and readers. 12345678910

55 Your application is reviewed and evaluated for scientific merit. Impact scores and summary statements go to Principal Investigators on eRA Commons. The Advisory Council/Board reviews applications. Next 5 Months 12345678910

56 An NIH Institute/Center grant manager conducts the final administrative review and negotiates the award. An NIH Institute/Center director makes the funding decision. Last 2 Months 12345678910

57 Congratulations ! Notice of Award

58 And finally To ensure you’re a successful steward, the final phase is administrative and fiscal monitoring, reporting and compliance.


60 Grants Process Overview National Institutes of Health

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