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305 wk 7 (i) Teacher Joanne. Basic country facts: The country is situated in southwestern Europe 歐洲西南部. The official language is Portuguese 葡萄牙語. The.

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Presentation on theme: "305 wk 7 (i) Teacher Joanne. Basic country facts: The country is situated in southwestern Europe 歐洲西南部. The official language is Portuguese 葡萄牙語. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 305 wk 7 (i) Teacher Joanne

2 Basic country facts: The country is situated in southwestern Europe 歐洲西南部. The official language is Portuguese 葡萄牙語. The capital city is called Lisbon 里斯本. The country’s currency 貨幣 is Euro (€)

3 Question time, please answer in full: 1. What is the capital city in Portugal? __________is the capital city. 2. What is the official language people say in Portugal? __________. 3. What is Portugal’s currency? _________ is the currency.

4 Answers: 1. What is the capital city in Portugal? Lisbon is the capital city. 2. What is the official language people say in Portugal? Portuguese. 3. What is Portugal’s currency? Euro is the currency.

5 Languages Portuguese is the official language of Portugal. Portuguese is a Romance language 羅曼語 / 浪漫語 系. It is derived from 起源 the Latin 拉丁 spoken form 形式.

6 Answer the question: 1. What is the language family 語系 of Portuguese? It is from the _______language. 2. The language is derived from which language and in what form? It is derived from ________ in its ______form.

7 Answers: 1. What is the language family 語系 of Portuguese? It is from the Romance language. 2. The language is derived from which language and in what form? It is derived from Latin in its spoken form.

8 Brief history of Portugal: The Iberian Peninsula 伊比利亞半島 was first explored 探索 by the Phoenicians 腓尼基人 before the birth of Christ. Next came the Romans 羅馬人, the Greeks, Barbarians 異教徒, Arabs 阿拉伯人 (Moors 摩爾人 ) and the Crusaders 十字軍戰士. In the 10th century, the first Portuguese King, Afonso Henriques, declared 宣告 the independence of what we now call Portugal.

9 Iberian Peninsula 伊比利亞半島 The Peninsula includes Spain, Portugal, Andorra 安道爾, and Gibraltar 直布羅陀.

10 In the 14th century, Portugal was conquered by 征 服 Spain. Napoleon invaded 侵入 in 1807. Later, several 數個的 different monarchies 君主政體 ruled 統治 but eventually 最後 were overthrown 推 翻 by a republican revolution 共和黨革命 in 1910. From the mid 1920's until 1968 a military 軍隊 dictatorship 獨裁政府 governed 統治. Back to its history:

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