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Adopted July 2012 Effective 2013-14 School Year.  1. Comprehensive Reading Plan  2. Developmental Screening and Kindergarten Entry Assessment (2014-2015)

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Presentation on theme: "Adopted July 2012 Effective 2013-14 School Year.  1. Comprehensive Reading Plan  2. Developmental Screening and Kindergarten Entry Assessment (2014-2015)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adopted July 2012 Effective 2013-14 School Year

2  1. Comprehensive Reading Plan  2. Developmental Screening and Kindergarten Entry Assessment (2014-2015) The only component NOT effective this year  3. Facilitating Early Grade Reading Proficiency ◦ mClass Reading 3D adopted as diagnostic system for all LEAs across NC (DIBELS Next & TRC)  4. Elimination of Social Promotion ◦ Retention after 3 rd grade if not proficient ◦ Good Cause Exemptions

3  Limited English Proficient students  Students with IEPs that include alternate assessments and reading interventions  Proficiency on an alternate assessment after EOG or summer reading camp  Proficiency through a reading portfolio  Previously retained more than once

4  5. Successful Reading Development for Retained Students ◦ Summer Reading Camps ◦ Teacher: positive student outcomes in reading ◦ Extra Support in fourth grade classroom ◦ Mid-year promotion to remove label  6. Notification to Parents and Guardians ◦ Timely ◦ In Writing ◦ Monthly reports on reading progress for students with label  7. LEA Accountability ◦ Published numbers of proficient, not proficient, alternate assessment

5  Portfolio collection begins in January of 3 rd grade  Mini EOG-style passages with 5 questions focused on one standard  A completed portfolio will contain 36 proficient passages ◦ 3 proficient passages for each of 12 standards ◦ Proficiency equals 80% or 4 out of 5 questions correct  Must contain all benchmarking and progress monitoring results from Reading 3D

6  Pathways for Completion ◦ End of 3 rd grade, completed portfolio may be used as a Good Cause Exemption ◦ If the portfolio is not complete by the end of 3 rd, a student may continue work on contents during Summer Reading Camp ◦ If the portfolio is not complete by the end of Summer Camp, a student may continue work on contents until November 1, the mid-year promotion date

7 Fourth Grade Class with extra support for retained students.

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9 Student is retained after 3 rd grade 3 rd /4 th transition class (classroom designed to meet 4 th grade performance standard while continuing to remediate areas of reading deficiency) –within class Accelerated reading class (instructional supports provided to increase a student's reading level at least two grade levels) - pull out Opportunity for Mid-Year promotion by passing the Read to Achieve test of reading comprehension or Student Reading Portfolio by November 1. Proficient? Retention Label remains – intensive reading support continues and teacher begins grade 4 portfolio (school based team may consider placement options) Retention Label removed – student continues in 4 th grade curriculum with intensive reading support 4 th grade Student Portfolio is used to show proficiency and have retention label removed; and then completes 4 th grade EOG Completes 4 th grade EOG Principal Authority on Proficiency Retention/Promotion based on Principal's decision Student promoted to 5 th grade Process of Retention NO YES OR

10  Monday— all students will take released, practice passage during regular class  Tuesday—portfolio passage given during independent reading time; intervention focus on next week’s standard  Wednesday—portfolio passage given during independent reading time; intervention focus on next week’s standard  Thursday—portfolio passage given during independent reading time; intervention focus on next week’s standard  Friday—intervention focus on next week’s standard

11  This process will continue through April 6.  Then, student proficiency on the passages will be analyzed to determine which standards each student needs to complete their portfolio.  Students will then only take the passage from the standard they need.

12  January 21—reserved for conferences. Please sign-up before leaving for a time.  Thank you for coming today!

13 13 850102 Live binder Link with Additional Information!

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