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Professional Learning Communities Data Teams

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1 Professional Learning Communities Data Teams
Day One Introductions 1 min Hello Teachers from Mill, Phelan and Andrews We would like to welcome you to our Day 1 PLC follow up day focusing on the learning the Data Team Process

2 Guiding Questions of A Professional Learning Community
What do we want students to know? How will we know if they have learned it? What will we do for the students who have not learned it? How will we extend and enrich the learning for students who have? 1 min We would like to begin with the 4 guiding questions of a PLC

3 One of the Six Characteristics of a PLC Collective Inquiry
People in a learning community relentlessly question the status quo, seek new methods of teaching and learning, test the methods, and then reflect on the results. They reflect publicly on their beliefs and challenge each other’s beliefs. They share insights and hammer out common meanings. They work jointly to plan and test actions and initiatives. They coordinate their actions, so that the work of each individual contributes to the common effort. 2min Share slide with participants One of the 6 characteristics of a PLC focuses on Collective Inquiry, this is defined by the behaviors and commitments of those in a professional learning community. Facilitator reads fist phrase People in… this characteristic describes common behaviors and actions that distinguish the work people do in a PLC The bullets below describe HOW they accomplish this.. Facilitator reads bullets

4 Grade Level Meeting Agenda
Today’s Objectives Establish Triad Grade Level Teams Review and Begin the Data Team Process Grade Level Meeting Agenda 1min Today we will focus on accomplishing the following objectives

5 The data team process for results
1. Collect and Chart Data 2. Analyze data and prioritize needs. 3. Set, review, and revise incremental SMART goals. 4. Select common instructional strategies. 5. Determine results indicator 6. Monitor and evaluate results Data Team Process 2 min The following graphic shows the cycle of the data team process. We will be taking you through this process with your triad grade level teams. The expectation is that you can continue this process at your school site with your grade level team. Read the 6 steps and explain that this process is on-going and ensures that we monitor student progress towards meeting grade level standards.

6 Data TEAm Definitions Data Teams use common priority standards, generate common formative assessments, and use common scoring guides to monitor and analyze student performance. Data Teams are small, grade-level, department course, content teams that examine work generated from a common formative assessment in order to drive instruction and improve professional practice. Data Team have scheduled, collaborative, structured meetings that concentrate on the effectiveness of teaching and learning. 1min The following gives us a definition of Data Teams.

7 Quick Write Compare your current data team practice with the Data Team description. How are the structures the same? How are they different? Data Team Definitions and Reflection Page 3 min Participants reflect and share their writing with a partner in their group. Presenter walks around and listens in on the discussions about what is currently in place and what is different Close by summarizing similarities and differences

8 ROles Introduce yourself to your new teammates.
Select one person for each role: Facilitator Recorder Timekeeper Focus Monitor 2min- Take 2 minutes to assign roles to those in the team. These roles will be rotated every time we meet, so that everyone in the group gets a turn to experience all roles of an effective team Facilitator: Lead and guide conversation Recorder: will take notes and distribute notes via Timekeeper: will set timer to keep group moving through tasks Focus Monitor: keeps the group focused and does not allow any bird walking Grade Level Meeting Agenda

9 Setting Norms If we are to have productive data team meetings then we…. (state the expected behaviors) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 minutes Grade Level Meeting Agenda

10 Review District-wide Cluster Analysis Data
Analyzing data Review District-wide Cluster Analysis Data 5min Explain to teachers for the sake of having a common goal and data to analyze, we will look at the district-wide data to choose our focus. As you return to your sites feel free to look at your own data to determine your site needs. However, we need to choose this as our common goal so that we can go through the process together. Explain cluster analysis data chart 2nd grade example The gray boxes across the top are the clusters for ELA CST test The 2nd row across tells you the number of items on the test in each cluster The next row tells you the % correct in that cluster for students that scored min advanced overall, this means that if to be advanced you need to score 400 then only those students that barely met advanced were are represented in the data. These students on average got 87% correct of the 22 questions for that cluster. The next row tells you the % correct in that cluster for students that scored min proficient overall, this means that if to be proficient you need to score 350 then only those students that barely met proficiency were represented in the data. These students on average got 73% correct of the 22 questions for that cluster. The next row tells you the average % correct in this cluster for all the students in this grade level in Whittier city schools The last box tells you the difference between WCSD and the minimally proficient students state wide. The purpose of this is to help us make informed decisions about our instructional programs and practices. It also helps us determine a focus for unwrapping standards in a specific domain. Today we will use this data for that purpose.

11 Guiding Questions to Analyze Data
Which clusters carry the greatest value in terms of Leverage, or skills to take across curricular areas? Endurance, or knowledge to take to the next grade levels? Success in life State Test Of those clusters, where is the biggest achievement gap? As a grade level team agree upon… the cluster you will focus on priority standard or standards to take through the data team process. 2min In the center of your tables you will find Cluster data for your grade level. You will have 5 minutes to look at the data and decide on an area to focus on for the purposes of going through the data team process

12 UnwrapPING Priority StandardS
Unwrap the standards: Underline the concepts (nouns) and circle the skills (verbs) Create a T- chart of “unwrapped” standards Label level of rigor using Bloom’s Taxonomy Unwrapping Standards Template 1 min. Using the template in your folder, each grade level team will unwrap the standard the team selected. You will create a T-chart showing the concepts and skills students need to know Lastly label the level of Blooms. You will have 15 min to complete this process. Please make sure to adhere to the roles that were assigned to keep the process moving.

13 UnwrapPING Priority Standard(S): Example
RC 2.5 DISTINGUISH between main idea and supporting details in expository text. Concepts: (KNOW & UNDERSTAND) Skills: ( DO & APPLY) Main idea Supporting details (4) Distinguish (main ideas and supporting details) 1 min Here is an example. Please use the template in your grade level folder. If you have time you can unwrap more than 1 standard. You may now begin 10 min.

14 Data teams begin by asking the question…..
What evidence do we need to collect in order to know if students have mastered the concepts/skills for this data cycle? 1min Now that all grade levels have had the opportunity to unwrap, the next step is to create a CFA common formative assessment that best assesses the skills and concepts unwrapped from the priority standards. The question your team should ask at this point is the following…

15 Common formative Assessment
Assessment Type Definition Examples Selected Response Choosing the answer from a set of alternatives -Multiple Choice -T/F Questions -Matching -Fill in the blank Short Constructed Response Providing a brief answer in writing or by drawing a diagram or picture -Thinking Maps -Outline the major concepts -Brief written response questions Extended Written Response Writing the answer -List and explain the most important causes of an event -Compare and contrast two concepts Choose from a set of alternatives and justify the choice 2 min.The following options for CFA are available Facilitator describes the 3 types…

16 CFA Short constructed response
Read the paragraph. Then, answer the questions. Snakes are interesting animals. They do not have any legs, so they move around by wiggling their entire body. They also do not have any eyelids, so their eyes are always open. Most snakes can also swallow things that are bigger than its head. These features and more make snakes interesting animals.  What is the main idea in this paragraph? Write it in a sentence. 2. Write down 2 details from this paragraph? Write it in a sentence or two. 1min.This is an example of a short constructed response assessment based on the 3rd grade standard RC 2.5 Notice how it directly assesses the skill and concept from the Priority Standard. A constructed response CFA can be short. It can be 2-4 questions. This sample is in your folder. A selected response can be 8-10 questions.

17 Creating the CFA Scoring Guide and Criteria
4 3 2 1 Topic sentence is phrased in their own words. There are 2-3 details that are stated in their own words. Topic sentence is restated. There are 2 general details. No main idea is stated/confuses main idea with details. There are details. No main idea. There is 1 or no details. 3 min Once the assessment is complete. It is important to collaboratively create a scoring guide and discuss indicators for students scoring at various levels. What will advanced students score? What will proficient students score? What do we expect to see from student work if students are strategic or intensive?

18 Determine Criteria for analyzing Student data in a Selected-response CFA
Already Advanced or Proficient. Most Likely to be proficient at the end of the instructional time. Likely to be proficient at the end of the instructional time. Not Likely to be proficient at the end of the instructional time. How many items correct? 9 or 10 correct out of 10 items on the CFA. 7 or 8 correct out of 10 items on the CFA. 6 or 5 correct out of 10 items on the CFA. Less than 5 correct out of 10 items on the CFA. 2 min. Here is an example of a scoring guide for a selected response CFA.

19 Collaboratively creating a CFA
Now you will have 30 min to collaboratively create a CFA, Scoring Guide and proficiency levels for your CFA. You can use INSPECT, HM Summative or Theme Skills or HOLT assessments Remember to constantly look at your unwrapped standard to ensure that your assessment is truly assessing the skills students need to know. You also want to ensure the assessment matches the level of rigor according to Blooms. Remember this is a collaborative process.

20 Charting our data 3min Now that you have created a CFA collaboratively, look in your folder for the grid that everyone will fill-out and bring to the next meeting on October 4th

21 CFA Commitments Review Actions and Agreements
When will students be assessed? How many days will be spent teaching this standard? Determine Agenda Items for Next Meeting Charted results from CFA Reflection Logistics for the Next Meeting on Oct. 4th Rotate Roles What materials will we need? Grade Level Meeting Agenda 5 min Now have a discussion with your team and agree on the date you will give the assessment and how many days you will spend teaching before assessment. Please have the recorder review actions and agreements. Please use your agenda to determine who will take on which roles. Also include that

22 Thank You 1min 90 minutes end 1hour 30 minutes

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