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Social - Cognition Personality Reflects Internal Representations.

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Presentation on theme: "Social - Cognition Personality Reflects Internal Representations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social - Cognition Personality Reflects Internal Representations

2 Social Cognition Emphasis on internal cognitive processes (like Kelly) – How do we make sense of our social world? Internal representations rather than external reality – No direct access to social world; entirely mediated Empirical; emphasis on memory and perceptions

3 Schemas – Knowledge Structure – Organized set of constructs Relevant for a particular domain – Roles, events, etc. – Activated schemas: Influence memory Influence perceptions

4 Schemas - Memory Claudia Cohen 2-part study Part 1 – determine schema content

5 Part 1: Schema content LibrarianWaitress Introvert ed Extrover ted Cultured Un- cultured Wine Classical Music Beer Country Music History Novel Harlequin Romance Europe Graceland

6 Part II: Memory effects Created ambiguous video – ½ waitress consistent (e.g., beer) – ½ librarian consistent (e.g., Motzart) Ps watch video Told to form impression One-half told: – woman is waitress – woman is librarian

7 Memory Effect Results Ps given surprise memory test Told: Waitress Waitress behaviors Librarian Librarian behaviors Better memory for schema consistent info.

8 Memory Effects: Implications and Limitations Stereotype Maintenance – Cognitive explanations Effect due to: – Selective encoding – Selective retrieval Exceptions? Stereotype change?

9 Schemas - Perception Activated schema influences perceptions – View others differently as function of different schemas Differential encoding and interpretation Langer and Abelson – Mental Patient Schema

10 Perception: Mental Patient Schema Create ambiguous audiotape – Employment or psychiatric interview – Older man interviewing younger man e.g., asks about his past, employment future Ps Ph.D clinical psychologists – Either Psychodynamic or Behavioral Listened to one tape and provided assessment Assessments coded for overall psychological functioning

11 Mental Patient Schema-Results Psychodynamic Behavioral Therapists Therapists Employment Interview 6.2 6.3 Psychiatric Interview 3.6 5.6 Same external reality; different internal representation

12 Implications Our social world is mediated – We don’t interact with other people; we interact with our perceptions of other people Acting on our internal representations can sometimes influence others’ behaviors (and vice-versa) – Elicit behaviors consistent with beliefs – Self-fulfilling prophecy (Rosenthal)

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