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Rob Horner University of Oregon Implementation of Evidence-based practices School-wide behavior support Scaling evidence-based practices.

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Presentation on theme: "Rob Horner University of Oregon Implementation of Evidence-based practices School-wide behavior support Scaling evidence-based practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rob Horner University of Oregon

2 Implementation of Evidence-based practices School-wide behavior support Scaling evidence-based practices

3  Build a continuum of supports that begins with the whole school and extends to intensive, wraparound support for individual students and their families.

4  School-wide PBIS is:  A systems approach for establishing the social culture and behavioral supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students.  Evidence-based features of SWPBIS  Prevention  Define and teach positive social expectations  Acknowledge positive behavior  Arrange consistent consequences for problem behavior  On-going collection and use of data for decision-making  Continuum of intensive, individual intervention supports.  Implementation of the systems that support effective practices

5  Use the core messages of the multi-tiered prevention approach:  Invest in prevention first  Always build multiple levels of support  Adapt procedures to fit the local culture SWPBIS is about making schools more effective for ALL children: A commitment to building schools that are responsive to the culture, disabilities, learning needs, and behavior support needs of each child will begin with establishing a predictable, consistent, positive and safe social culture

6 Oregon: (49% of all Schools in Oregon) Illinois

7  SWPBIS is possible (at all grade levels)  SWPBIS is associated with:  20-60% reduction in problem behavior  Increases in academic performance  Improved self-assessment of faculty effectiveness


9 Percent of Students meeting DIBELS Spring Benchmark for Cohorts 1 - 4 (Combined Grades) 5,943 students assessed assessed 8,330 students assessed assessed 16,078 students assessed assessed 32,257 students assessed assessed Spring ’09: 62,608 students assessed in cohorts 1 - 4

10 Percent of Students at DIBELS Intensive Level across year by Cohort

11  Instead of focusing on removing students who bully, remove the rewards for bullying.

12 12 BaselineAcquisitionFull BP-PBS Implementation Number of Incidents of Bullying Behavior School Days School 1 Rob Bruce Cindy Scott Anne Ken School 2 School 3 3.14 1.88.88 72%

13 BP-PBS, Scott Ross13 28% increase 19% decrease

14 BP-PBS, Scott Ross14 21% increase 22% decrease

15  Investing in a school-wide social culture benefits the adults as well as the students.  Scott Ross

16  Invest in Evidence-based practices Oregon Department of Education Promoting Educational Effectiveness Standard, Emerging, Scale Worthy Ineffective practices Effective, but costly practices

17  Never stop doing what already works Build from a commitment to student outcomes.

18  Always look for the smallest change that will produce the largest effect Iterative cycles of change View comprehensive models with skepticism

19  When adopting something new, define what you will STOP doing to create the resources for the new activity. All current activities can be defended. The issue is priority. The typical school has over a dozen “programs” to address the social behavior of students. Typically none are implemented with fidelity and few with effect. Glenn Latham

20 ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% ESTABLISHING CONTINUUM of SWPBS SECONDARY PREVENTION Check in/out Targeted social skills instruction Peer-based supports Social skills club TERTIARY PREVENTION Function-based support Wraparound Person-centered planning PRIMARY PREVENTION Teach SW expectations Proactive SW discipline Positive reinforcement Effective instruction Parent engagement SECONDARY PREVENTION TERTIARY PREVENTION PRIMARY PREVENTION

21 Effective School-wide Academic Support Effective School-wide Behavior Support More Minutes In School Increase in Minutes Academically Engaged Improved Academic Outcomes

22  Select effective practices  Build the training, coaching and evaluation capacity to support those practices  Implement with clear policy, support and evaluation.  State Leadership  Regional Implementation Capacity  District infra-structure  School fidelity  Using data for decision-making

23 Policy Practice Structure Procedure Policy Practice Feedback Policy Enabled Practices (PEP) Practice Informed Policy (PIP) Fixsen & Blase, 2009

24 Shewhart (1924); Deming (1948); Six-Sigma (1990)  Plan – Develop specific things to do  Do – Do them (make sure)  Study – See what happens  Act – Make adjustments  Cycle – Do over and over again until the goal is reached (again)

25  Exploration  Installation  Initial Implementation  Full Implementation  Innovation  Sustainability Implementation occurs in stages: Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005 2 – 4 Years

26 Core Implementation Components © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Successful Student Outcomes Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Program/Initiative/Framework (e.g. RtI) How: What: Why: Capacity to provide direction/vision of process Staff capacity to support students/families with the selected practices Institutional capacity to support staff in implementing practices with fidelity

27 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Core Implementation Drivers Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership AdaptiveTechnical Successful Student Outcomes Program/Initiative/Framework (e.g. RtI)

28  Measure FIDELITY as well as impact Are we doing what we said we would do? Is what we are doing benefiting students?



31 Middle Schools High Schools Out of School Suspension per 100 Students Enrolled

32 National Medians.

33  Scaling up involves implementation of effective practices at a level that the practice becomes the “regular way of operating.”

34 Making SWPBIS the norm not just an initiative  District Policy stating value of student social behavior  School Improvement Plan lists social behavior of students as a core goal.  Annual Orientation : School-wide academic and behavior supports  Hiring : Competence in school-wide behavior support is an expected competence  Annual Evaluations: Include competence in school-wide behavior support as part of annual evaluations  Professional Development focused on school-wide systems of behavior support  Develop data systems for decision-making at the school level (literacy, behavior, math, writing).

35 Elementary MiddleHigh Schools

36  Establish School-wide expectations  Establish a predictable, consistent, positive social culture  Deliver Effective instruction  Evidence-based, Multi-tiered intensity  Provide Faculty orientation  Role of culture, Expectations of school  Data collection and continuous review  ODR rates, disaggregated by race/ethnicity

37  Fiscal constraints create opportunities  Efficient Improvement through integration and collaboration  Implement practices that are evidence-based  Implement practices with the systems needed for sustainability and impact.  Emphasize measuring for improvement, not just “accountability” or “compliance”  Are we doing what we said we would do?  Are practices benefiting students?

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