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1 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14.

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Presentation on theme: "1 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14

2 2 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer

3 3 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer

4 4 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Running 3 CW Pump for four units Original Scheme: Four CW Pumps are to be kept in operation for condenser cooling and auxiliary cooling water requirements of four units in the plant. Observations: In normal running with four CW Pumps in operation,  Discharge pressure : 0.21-0.23 MPa.  Cooling water range : 7.5°C around  Subcooling: Upto 2°C intermittently specially in winter season Analysis & Trial Run:  Flow through the CW Pumps reduced by throttling the valves at the condenser inlet.  Once the valves were closed up to 70 %, one out of the three pumps was stopped.  The three pumps were operating at a discharge pressure of 0.18-.19 MPa.  Increase in the cooling water range across the condenser from 7.6 °C to 9.5 °C.  However no effect on vacuum and other parameters were observed.  Improvement in Cold water temperature with reduction in water loading in Cooling tower. Result:  Energy Saving of 4600 kWh per hour with eight units in operation.  Two standby CW Pumps instead of one for four units.

5 5 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Running 2 ACW Pump for four units Original Scheme: One ACW Pump (motor rating 180 kW, capacity 1400 m³/hr) is being provided for each unit for auxiliary cooling water. Observations & Modification:  Rerouting the ACW water to Plate Heat Exchanger from Generator Air cooler return (instead of ACW Pump discharge as per original scheme).  Common discharge header of ACW Pump of two units.  Successful trial conducted in unit #7 & #8 Sketch: ACW System ModificationACW System Modification Result:  Energy Saving of 160 kWh per hour.  Increase in redundancy of the system.  Change in logics of Standby pumps of ACW system accordingly.

6 6 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer VFD Installation in LP Drip Pump  LP drip pump was operating with discharge control valve opening of 30 to 40%.  One stage of LP drip pump was removed and achieved a benefit of `9.2kwh per hour.  In other pump, a VFD was installed and achieved saving of 18.2 Kwh per hour per Unit. Benefits:- Net power saving of 18.2 Kwh per hour per LP Drip pump achieved.

7 7 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Optimization of ESP  Earlier the ESP operation was on manual mode and KV and mA remains same across the load variation as well as SPM variation.  ESP operation put on Opacity control mode. Benefits : Reduction in ESP power consumption by putting ESP in Opacity control mode for controlling the SPM under limit. Reduction in ESP power consumption from 400 KW to 100 KW per unit.

8 8 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Heat Rate Improvement Initiatives

9 9 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer De-superheating water sourcing  De-superheating water sourcing after HPH-1 boiler feed water instead of HPH-2 inlet,  The De-superheating water temperature shall be 240 Deg C instead of 165 Deg C. Benefits:- Improvement in cycle efficiency by way of regenerative feed water heating and ultimate reduction in heat rate by 2 kcal/kwh.

10 10 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer O & M Practices

11 11 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Online Performance Monitoring System Online real time Performance Monitoring System developed in house:  Turbine Heat Rate  Boiler Efficiency  Heaters Performance  Heat rate deviation  Economizer Steaming  Turbine Cylinder Efficiency  Cooling Tower Performance MS Excel with inbuilt steam table synchronized with DCS data Benefits: Availability of real time performance of the system

12 12 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Regular monitoring of APC and GAP Analysis Major equipment / system Auxiliary Power Consumption being monitored:  Boiler Fans  Boiler Feed Pump  Condensate Extraction Pump  Cooling Tower  ESP  CW Pump  BOP System: Lignite Handling system, Ash handling system, Main Air compressors etc Benefits: Equipment/system unit wise comparison available on specific power basis. Identification of high energy consuming equipment on daily basis.

13 13 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer In House Helium Leak detection System  Helium Leak detector system procurement from M/s Agilent Technologies, USA along with the Helium gas  Identifying air ingress across Condenser and other negative pressure areas  Air ingress zones in VAM system Benifits: Vacuum Improvement in the system System used in running units, hence problem identified prior to shutdown

14 14 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer APH Bypass Arrangement  APH Bypass Arrangement made to avoid Sulphur corrosion  Both Primary Air and Secondary Air by-pass arrangements have been provided. Benefits : - APH tube life enhancement. Faster cooling of boiler

15 15 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer LOTO-Lock out and Tag out  Adopted Lock Out and Tag out system in isolation of equipment / system.  Fool proof method which enhance safety performance. Benefits:- Improved Safety performance.

16 16 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Furnace Water Wall Corner Refractory Modification  OEM design Breaker at the Furnace water wall corners are eliminated.  Three tubes at each corner on all the water wall throughout the height are covered with Refractory  A case of confidence on experience than struggling with original design. Benefits: The elimination of frequent corner tubes failures. Elimination of casting of intricate corner breaker.

17 17 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Reduction in Bed Ash Conveying Pipe Line Erosion  The bed ash conveying pipe line are getting eroded very fast.  Many modification in the system and operation philosophy  D- pump operation changed from time mode to level probe mode  Conveying time optimization 300 sec to 150sec  Discharge conveying pressure cut off 0.5Ksc to 1.4Ksc to ensure the dense conveying.  The 90º composite elbow has been changed to Drum type (Damru Bends).  Pipe line thickness survey to identify the erosion points.  Ensured dense phase conveying Benefits : The life of the conveying pipe lines improved. Improvement in ambient air quality. Reduction in dumper unloading.

18 18 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Keeping HP heater 2 in service while boiler lit up  Keeping HPH-2 in service during any kind of Unit lit up (Cold, Warm, Hot or Very Hot Start Up) after HP Bypass in service and HP bypass pressure more than 0.1 MPa Benefits : Increase in Economizer I/L FW temp by 40-60 Deg C (i.e. from 70-80 Deg C to 120 - 140 Deg C). Increased life of ECO tubes due to Reduction in Cold-end Corrosion of ECONOMISER Increased life of APH Tubes due to reduction in Cold End Corrosion of APH tubes due to increased Flue Gas temp at APH I/L. Reduction in Oil consumption during lit up.. Energy Saving of 18.6 GCal per lit up.

19 19 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer Link Canal Height increase at Mohangarh Pump House  In Mohangarh Pump House earlier sump level was maintaining 3.5 - 4.5 meter.  For utilizing main Canal head, link canal side wall height increased by 1m.  Now Sump level maintaining between 4.5 - 5.5 meter sump level resulted in increased pump suction head. Benefits : Reduction in frequent operation of Link Canal Gate. Increase in station water delivery by 30-40 m3/hr.

20 20 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer

21 21 JSW Energy Limited of 149 RWPL MOPR – JULY - 14 RWPL- Barmer

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