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The Relevance of College Computer Literacy in the New Age Presented by Ken Baldauf.

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Presentation on theme: "The Relevance of College Computer Literacy in the New Age Presented by Ken Baldauf."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Relevance of College Computer Literacy in the New Age Presented by Ken Baldauf

2 The New Age

3 Processing Supercomputing BlueGene/L 478.2 teraflops BlueGene/L Tera = trillion (1,000,000,000,000) Petaflop by 2011 from IBM/Cray Petaflop by 2011 Peta = Quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) Sania and Oakridge National Labs working on “Exascale” computer. “Exascale” computer Exa = Quintiliion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000)

4 Processing The computational capacity of the human brain is estimated to be around 100 Petaflops - achievable in supercomputers by the end of this decade and personal computers by 2020. At the end of 2006, the Blue Brain project had created a model of the basic functional unit of the brain, the neocortical column. At the push of a button, the model could reconstruct biologically accurate neurons based on detailed experimental data, and automatically connect them in a biological manner, a task that involves positioning around 30 million synapses in precise 3D locations.Blue Brain project

5 Processing Kurzweil’s Singularity The Singularity is an era in which our intelligence will become increasingly nonbiological and trillions of times more powerful than it is today—the dawning of a new civilization that will enable us to transcend our biological limitations and amplify our creativity. 2045

6 Processing In the mean time, processing power is being harnessed for: Scientific discovery Competitive advantage in business 3D virtual environments utilized for fun and work Creative endeavors Communication and information management

7 Storage Personal computer storage is surpassing the TB hurdle. The TB Notebook PC from Asus TB Notebook PC from Asus New technologies such as phase-change memory, holographic storage, molecular memory, 3D flash memory, will double, triple, quadruple memory capacity over the next few years.

8 Storage Microsoft and Google are racing to build the largest data centers ranging in size up to 68,000 square feet, to serve up hundreds of petabytes of information.

9 Networking 3.5G and 4G Wireless Networks will provide access to communications, information, and media at increasing data rates. Sprint Xohm (2-4 MB) is launching in Chicago, Baltimore and Washington D.C. in spring 2008, with more cities following soon.

10 Put it all together and what do you get? Super smart computers, delivering information, media, services, and communications, anywhere anytime at the speed of light: Cloud Computing A technology drenched society, where technology is pervasive and ubiquitous. A culture that utilizes technologies in an exponentially increasing manner to accomplish more in less time.

11 Is computer and IT fluency important for our students?

12 Are our students already fluent?

13 Workplace and Academic Tech Demands

14 Workplace Demands In Friedman’s “The World is Flat” the point is strongly made that for the US to maintain leadership in the global economy, it needs to do so through technological innovation.

15 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev

16 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev CollaborationCommunication + groupware, document sharing, Internet and network skills

17 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev CollaborationCommunication + groupware, document sharing, Internet and network skills ResearchWeb: scholarly publications, news publications and journals, public knowledge and opinion, access to experts.

18 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev CollaborationCommunication + groupware, document sharing, Internet and network skills ResearchWeb: scholarly publications, news publications and journals, public knowledge and opinion, access to experts. Personal Information Management Calendar/schedule management, contacts, to-do lists, single- user and multi-user

19 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev CollaborationCommunication + groupware, document sharing, Internet and network skills ResearchWeb: scholarly publications, news publications and journals, public knowledge and opinion, access to experts. Personal Information Management Calendar/schedule management, contacts, to-do lists, single- user and multi-user Business Information/Knowledge Management transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, knowledge management systems, database management systems, business intelligence, geographic information system, enterprise resource planning

20 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev CollaborationCommunication + groupware, document sharing, Internet and network skills ResearchWeb: scholarly publications, news publications and journals, public knowledge and opinion, access to experts. Personal Information Management Calendar/schedule management, contacts, to-do lists, single- user and multi-user Business Information/Knowledge Management transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, knowledge management systems, database management systems, business intelligence, geographic information system, enterprise resource planning Project ManagementMicrosoft Project, OpenProj, Mind Mapping tools like MindJet

21 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev CollaborationCommunication + groupware, document sharing, Internet and network skills ResearchWeb: scholarly publications, news publications and journals, public knowledge and opinion, access to experts. Personal Information Management Calendar/schedule management, contacts, to-do lists, single- user and multi-user Business Information/Knowledge Management transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, knowledge management systems, database management systems, business intelligence, geographic information system, enterprise resource planning Project ManagementMicrosoft Project, OPenProj, Mind Mapping tools like MindJet General-purpose productivity Word processing, spreadsheet, graphics

22 Workplace Demands Business ActivityAssociated Technology Skill CommunicationCellphone, Email, text messaging, chat, blogging, Web 2.0, tele-conferencing, Web conferencing, VoIP, PowerPoint, Web dev CollaborationCommunication + groupware, document sharing, Internet and network skills ResearchWeb: scholarly publications, news publications and journals, public knowledge and opinion, access to experts. Personal Information Management Calendar/schedule management, contacts, to-do lists, single- user and multi-user Business Information/Knowledge Management transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, knowledge management systems, database management systems, business intelligence, geographic information system, enterprise resource planning Project ManagementMicrosoft Project, OPenProj, Mind Mapping tools like MindJet General-purpose productivity Word processing, spreadsheet, graphics Business-specificWide variety

23 Academic Demands = Workplace Demands By providing students with computer fluency in their freshman year, students will be able to use those skills throughout their academic career. Teachers can then apply technology skills to subject area projects.

24 Incoming Student’s Command of Technology

25 Traditional students are certainly technology savvy, but do they have valued workforce skills?

26 K-12 Standards “Primary school teachers do not formally assess students’ technology proficiency, or students’ use of technology to learn and communicate information [“Technology in Alabama School,” 2006 Report].Technology in Alabama School “Indicators for measuring progress in advancing classroom technology (IMPACT) 2007-2012” mentions 12th grade technology examination requirement for graduation.IMPACT National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) is backed by NCLB and is the goal of most states.NETS

27 K-12 Standards If and when K - 12 provides consistent computer literacy, even computer fluency, does that negate the need for information technology education between high school and professional life? Consider college Liberal Studies requirements: Math, English Composition, History/Social Science, Humanities, Fine Arts, Natural Science.Liberal Studies requirements Consider non-traditional students.

28 Student Survey Web research : searching and finding credible and useful academic information on the Web Digital communications : using email, instant messaging, texting, and cell phone Word processing : creating and editing documents with software like Microsoft Word Spreadsheet : manipulating and analyzing numeric data with software like Microsoft Excel Database management : storing, editing, sorting, filtering, and querying data with software like Microsoft Access Presentation software : creating and editing electronic slideshows with transition and animated effects on grouped and ungrouped objects with software like Microsoft PowerPoint. Online social networks : using online community and collaborative environments like Myspace and Facebook. Media sharing sites : using online photo and video sharing sites like youtube and flickr. Online publishing and broadcasting : subscribing to and contributing to podcasts and blogs Web design : creating Web sites and Web pages using HTML, XHTML, CSS, and software like Dreamweaver. Digital technologies : your understanding of the underlying principles of digital electronics hardware, software, and computer networks, such as processors, storage technolgies, packet switched networks, etc. Business information systems : understanding fundamental business systems such as transaction processing systems (TPS), management information systems (MIS), decision support systems (DSS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, etc. Information security : understanding hackers, identity theft, computer viruses, spyware, botnets, phishing scams and how to protect yourself from these threats Digital Photography and Graphics : taking digital photographs, editing digital photographs, and creating digital drawings and designs with software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Personal information management : utilizing software that assists in organizing your life with to-do lists, calendars, and address books using software like Microsoft Outlook. Online Group Collaboration : utilizing discussion boards, shared documents, and other online tools to work on a project with others as a group.

29 Points of Interest Students recognize the value of technology! Largest Gaps: Spreadsheet, Database, PPT, Digital Tech Concepts, Info Security, Web Design, Personal Information Management, Groupware Low Points: Database, Blogs, Digital Technology, Business Systems, Info Security, Web Design, Groupware

30 Points of Interest For every skill, 4 - 9 percent of the students feel they no nothing or next to nothing.

31 Points of Interest Popular skills have the most know-it-alls No one feels they know it all when it comes to business systems

32 Points of Interest Overall FSU and Alabama students responded similarly regarding their skills. Alabama ranked themselves higher in Database, Business Systems, and PIM FSU ranked themselves much higher in Social Nets and Media Sharing Not shown here is that fewer than one percent of FSU students admitted knowing nothing of next to nothing about any area. Four - nine percent for Alabama students.

33 Teacher’s Impressions Nothing surprising in these results to me. How about you?

34 Bridging the Gap

35 At FSU From Literacy to Fluency Digital Media Digital Music and Audio Digital Graphics Digital Photography and Video Interactive Media Information Security Information Security and Vulnerability Machine-Level Security Network Security Wireless Network Security Internet Security Digital Society, Ethics, and Globalization Living Online Freedom of Speech Privacy Issues Ethics and Social Responsibility Globalization CONCEPTS TO BE TAUGHT Digital Technology Basics The Digital Revolution General Purpose and Special Purpose Computers Hardware: Processing, Storage, and I/O Software: System Software and Application Software Network Technologies Telecommunications: Wired and Wireless Technologies Computer Networking The Internet and Web Management Information Systems Databases E-commerce Business Systems Systems Development

36 Required Operating Systems and File Management Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or Linux Personal Information Management (PIM) Contacts, Calendars, and To-Do's Internet Communications Email, Instant Messaging, SMS Texting, Online Forums Word Processing Any advanced word-processing application that can save to Microsoft Word format Spreadsheet Management Any advanced spreadsheet application that can save to Microsoft Excel format Team Project Work as a group to apply the above skills to design a solution to a professional problem Student Choice 1 (choose one) Presentation Software Microsoft Access Project Management/Mind Mapping Digital Photography and Photo Editing Student Choice 2 (choose one) Digital Media Production (video, audio) Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications (social networking, social bookmarking, wikis, media sharing, Google Docs, etc.) Web publishing (Web site, Blog, Podcast, or Vodcast) At FSU From Literacy to Fluency PLATFORM INDEPENDENT SKILLS TO BE TAUGHT

37 FSU’s New Program for Interdisciplinary Computing (PIC) Providing computer and technology courses that service all degree programs. Computer Fluency, Web Development, and intro programming courses designed fo non-tech majors. Injecting technology into all areas of study.

38 Thank You! Ken Baldauf Florida State University Center for Interdisciplinary Computing

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