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Room reservations. Reserve a roomCancel your reservation Back to GGC Home Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Room reservations. Reserve a roomCancel your reservation Back to GGC Home Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Room reservations

2 Reserve a roomCancel your reservation Back to GGC Home Page

3 Enter the date you wish to reserve (MM / DD): Enter the time you wish to start your reservation (HH:MM): Enter the time you wish to end your reservation (HH:MM): 01. January 12:30 P.M. 12:45 P.M. Next Back to GGC Home Page 01 (Defaults to nearest to current time) (Defaults to current day) Back

4 Please enter your GGC Email to confirm your reservation: Next Back to GGC Home Page Back

5 Your reservation has been made for 10/31/2011 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm in room L1121 (optionally I could add another step that lets you select what room you want) Please write this information down. Thank you. Back to room reservation Back to the GGC home page A confirmation e-mail has been sent to the e-mail you provided. You must respond to this e-mail to confirm this reservation.

6 Please enter your GGC Email to confirm your cancellation: Next Back to GGC Home Page Back

7 Cancel your reservation Your current reservation: 10/31: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Room L1121 ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION? YesNo Back to GGC Home Page

8 Your reservation has been canceled. Thank you. Back to room reservation Back to the GGC home page

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