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Why do we dress the way we do?. Haute Couture Refers to high fashion, one of a kind designs.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we dress the way we do?. Haute Couture Refers to high fashion, one of a kind designs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we dress the way we do?

2 Haute Couture Refers to high fashion, one of a kind designs.

3 Royalty determined style Dictated and determined fashion Sumptuary laws governed what peasants and merchants could wear.

4 Where do ideas for dress come from? Everywhere Parties High fashion Chance Anticipation and manipulation Conformity vs. Nonconformity

5 How does fashion (which is the generic word for the business of clothing) anticipate as well as manipulate the trends?


7 Theories regarding the Reasons for dressing a particular way Shifting of erogenous zones

8 Attract the male attention Female-Revealing Male-Change the shape of the silhouette

9 To assert wealth Opulence to make you look richer than others Self indulgent dressing to show wealth

10 To identify Gender Sometimes reversed for effect. Message: Attract Gain respect Tell personality To repel

11 How does the fun of playing with clothes affect fashion? Fun to play with one’s appearance

12 What does the language of clothing say about us? Evokes response Demands attention Comfort Convenience Utility

13 Conspicuous Consumption Shows Wealth

14 Why is rarity important? It sets you apart.

15 John Malloy’s Dressed for Success Dress for power Dress for socio-economic message

16 How does clothing identify us with certain groups? Color = purple Wealth rather than birth Image makers

17 Costumes

18 Costuming Costuming is one of the integral parts of the play production that suffers the most. The costume is not merely a means of characterizing a role as attractively as possible. Color and silhouette is a vital part of the total stage design.

19 Color Harmony with other colors Appropriate to historical period Can destroy the atmosphere

20 Effective Costuming Expresses the personality of the character

21 Effective Costuming Should reveal social status, tastes, idiosyncrasies

22 Effective Costuming Should aid audience’s understanding of the actor’s relationship to the play itself

23 Color Coding Matching characters by color or pattern. Example: Romeo and Juliet

24 Steps to Costume Design Study the play Budget Obtain actors’ measurements Collect fabric samples (under lights) Costume Parade Deal with problems

25 Steps to Costume Design Always consider problems Work with rehearsal clothes and shoes Keep actions of the actor in mind Example: dancing or fighting

26 Appropriateness – Costume Silhouette Each historic period has its own distinctive line and form in dress

27 Appropriateness – Costume Silhouette Material and cut must be appropriate to the social background and period of the play.

28 Color, Line, and Material Comedies, farces, children’s plays, and fantasies are normally made of light material and are bright or pastel in color and frothy in design

29 Color, Line, and Material Restoration Comedy – satins, laces, and brocades

30 High Comedy Taste and social grace, fashionable

31 Symbolic and Allegorical Require thought and meaning

32 Realistic Plays Suitable for the character

33 Costumes and Color Color interprets inner meaning which evokes an audience response

34 Obtaining the Costumes Work Sheets Costume Charts

35 Costumes Charts Design Measurements

36 Rented Expensive Fit Substitution Available for a short time Quality Cleaning Returning

37 Borrowing Mismatch Fit

38 Making Costumes Building = making costumes Velcro = stronger than zippers and buttons, but must not be seen Cost Time

39 Care of Costumes Wardrobe Manager or Costume Master/Mistress Cleaning and Repair Dressing Areas Quick Changes

40 The Actor and the Costume Actor must wear costume properly Actor must be disciplined and responsible

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