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Simplification of Regulations Lighting and Light Signalling Regulations inclusive Regulation 48 analysis and way forward GRE IWG SLR Informal Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Simplification of Regulations Lighting and Light Signalling Regulations inclusive Regulation 48 analysis and way forward GRE IWG SLR Informal Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simplification of Regulations Lighting and Light Signalling Regulations inclusive Regulation 48 analysis and way forward GRE IWG SLR Informal Working Group Simplification of Lighting Regulations Document number: SLR-03-13

2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for presentation 2

3 Scope of this presentation Principle Concept for Horizontal Reference Document (HRD) Principle Structure of thr “Device” – Regulations for Horizontal Reference Document (HRD) the major objectives of the concept are: Reduction of “Collective Amendments” in future Simple concept for References Simple handling in application of the Regulation 3

4 4 Basic common structure of the HRD by putting in Regulation 48 Part IRegulation 48 “Classic” … Annexes …. Part IIHRD … Annexes …. 4

5 5 Basic common structure of HRD (Part II of Regulation 48) AAdministrative provisions : … BTechnical requirements: … CFurther administrative provisions … Annexes …. 5

6 Common structure of HRD AAdministrative provisions : 0.Scope 1.Definitions of Type 2.Definitions … sorted … 3.Application for approval 4.Markings 5.Approval 6

7 Common structure of HRD BTechnical requirements: 6.General specifications 7.General specifications for signalling lamps 8.General specifications for head lamps 9.General specifications for retro-reflecting devices 7

8 Common structure of HRD CFurther administrative provisions 10.Modification of type 11.Conformity of production (CoP) 12.Penalties for non-conformity of production 13.Production definitively discontinued 14.Names and addresses … 15.Transitional Provisions (if necessary) 8

9 Common structure of HRD Annexes: 1.Examples of arrangements of approval marks 2.Minimum requirements for conformity of production control procedures 3.Minimum requirements for sampling by an inspector 4.Colour of Lights 5.Photometric measurement provisions for signaling lamps 6.Photometric measurement provisions for head lamps 7.Photometric measurement provisions for retro-reflecting devices 8.Tests for stability of photometric performance of signaling lamps and headlamps in operation 9

10 Common structure of HRD Annexes (continued): 10.Examples of arrangements of approval marks 11.Requirements for lamps incorporating lenses of plastic material - Testing of lens or material samples and of complete lamps Apendices … 12.Colour fastness to artificial light Xenon-arc lamp test for retro – reflecting devices 13.Reserved 14.Requirements for LED modules and headlamps including LED modules 15.Gonio(photo)meter system used for the photometric measurements 16.… 10

11 11 Basic common structure of “Device” - Regulations AAdministrative provisions : … BTechnical requirements: … CFurther administrative provisions … Annexes …. 11

12 Common structure of “Device” - Regulations AAdministrative provisions : 0.Scope 1.Definitions 2.Application for approval 3.Markings 4.Approval 12

13 Common structure of “Device” - Regulations BTechnical requirements: 5.General specifications 6.Intensity of light emitted 7.Test Procedure 8.Colour of light emitted 13

14 Common structure of “Device” - Regulations CFurther administrative provisions: 9.Modification of type 10.Conformity of production (CoP) 11.Penalties for non-conformity of production 12.Production definitively discontinued 13.Names and addresses … 14.Transitional Provisions (if necessary) 14

15 Common structure of “Device” - Regulations Annexes: 1.Examples of arrangements of approval marks 2.Communication 3.Photometric measurement 4.Light distribution in space 5.Additional Annexes for individual needs of the specific Regulation 6.… 15 fixed

16 16 -Reduction of “Collective Amendments” in future -Simple concept for References -Simple handling in application of the Regulation -Easy reading -Easy base for future amendments Consequences / Benefits of the common structure are:

17 17 Consequences / Benefits of the common structure in examples: A handling of approval marks: HRD 5.APPROVAL …. 5.4.In addition to this paragraph 5, further provisions for marking stated in paragraph 4 of the pertinent Regulation shall apply. Regulation 7 4.1.General The applicant shall follow instructions stated in paragraph 5. in Part II of Regulation 48 (Horizontal Reference Document (HRD)). 4.2. In addition for the composition of the approval mark, the approval mark has also to include following additional symbol or symbols.

18 18 Consequences / Benefits of the common structure in examples: A handling of CoP HRD 11.CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION "11.1. The compliance with the requirements set forth in paragraph 10 of the pertinent Regulation and shall be verified as follows: 11.1.1The minimum requirements for conformity of production control procedures set forth in Annex 2 of Part II to this Regulation (Horizontal Reference Document (HRD)) shall be complied with; 11.1.2The minimum requirements for sampling by an inspector set forth in Annex of Part II to this Regulation (Horizontal Reference Document (HRD)) shall be complied with; Annex 2 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION CONTROL PROCEDURES …. Annex 3 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SAMPLING BY AN INSPECTOR …. Regulation 7 10.Conformity of production The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out in the Agreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2), with the following requirements: 10.1.Lamps shall be so manufactured as to conform to the type approved under this regulation. The compliance with the requirements set forth in paragraphs 6 and 8 above shall be verified as follows: 10.1.1.The procedure of Paragraph 11 of Part II to Regulation 48 (Horizontal Reference Document (HRD)) shall apply. 10.2.In addition to paragraph 1.2.1. in Annex 2 of Part II to Regulation 48 (Horizontal Reference Document (HRD)) for the minimum values …..

19 Consequences Basis for a later investigation for reduction of the number of active Regulations Than significantly less complex amendments 19

20 GRE IWG SLR Evaluation of this concept vs. Terms of Reference  Minimize the number of parallel amendments   Reduce the number of non-frozen regulations   Define essential requirements in performance (technology neutral) terms   Reduce the administrative burden   Reduce the burden on governments   Reduce regulatory burden for industry  20

21 Follow-up General question 1.Is this concept of HRD acceptable? 2.Is this concept of the Regulations on the base of HRD acceptable? 3.Can IWG SLR confirm that IWG SLR can continue working on this concept? 21

22 END of presentation THANK YOU 22

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