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Bell Ringer 8-25-14 1. Draw a line under your work from last time. 2. Put the date on the outside edge of the page. 3. Copy down the question below and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 8-25-14 1. Draw a line under your work from last time. 2. Put the date on the outside edge of the page. 3. Copy down the question below and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 8-25-14 1. Draw a line under your work from last time. 2. Put the date on the outside edge of the page. 3. Copy down the question below and answer it. How is science like a puzzle?

2 X-Box Conclusions 1.Science is like a puzzle we have not yet solved – we assume all the pieces fit together 2.Trial and Error are essential in science 3.Sometimes we get lucky and find the right answer 4.Current information may be incomplete or incorrect 5.New information may require old theory to be changed 6.Working together is helpful 7.Once we get the answer it seems to all make sense 8.Communicating our results to others benefits the entire scientific community


4 These 8 things describe science but… what is Science?

5 What is Science… a way of knowing and understanding the natural world.

6 Can science study/answer/explain ALL things… No! Science has limits. Should animals have rights? Did Beethoven or Mozart write better symphonies? Just because we can create a new type of bacteria, should we? Does God exist? What isn’t Science…

7 Science Has Limits! Science doesn't make moral judgments Science doesn't make aesthetic judgments Science doesn't tell you how to use scientific knowledge Science doesn't draw conclusions about supernatural explanations What isn’t Science… Science Looks for evidence and explanations!

8 Let’s Try Dog fighting is wrong. Nuclear weapons are effective. Bottle water is cleaner than tap water. The Razorbacks are more awesome than any other team. I think steel chairs are stronger than wood chairs. Ghosts are scary. What is Science, What isn’t Science…

9 We’ve described science, we’ve defined what science is and isn’t, but how do we do Science?!

10 Science Process Skills How scientists think Observe – to use one or more of your senses to gather information. Infer – to explain or interpret the things you observe. Research – gathering information to inform predictions Predict – to make a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence. Hypothesis – an educated prediction







17 Experiment – a process to test a hypothesis Collect/Analyze Data – looking at the facts, figures, or other evidence gathered through observations and experiments Draw Conclusions – summarizing what you have learned from an experiment (was the hypothesis supported?, do we need to do more?) Communicate Results – sharing the results of the experiment with others through writing and/or speaking Science Process Skills How scientists think

18 Classify – to group together items that are alike in some way Make Models – to create a representation of an object or process Are scientists the only ones that use these skills? Science Process Skills How scientists think


20 Graphs Notes Circle Graph – used to show percentages 25 % 75 %

21 Graphs Notes Double Line Graph – used to compare 2 sets of data – usually over time Plant Height (centimeters) May – June – July TIME Plant A Plant B

22 Graphs Notes Scatter Plot – used to plot data in order to see trends or patterns Distance airplane flew (meters) # of paperclips added

23 Graphs Notes Histogram – similar to a bar graph but uses data ranges on the X- axis and the bars are touching Distance airplane flew (meters) 0 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 # of staples added to airplane

24 Graphs Notes Line of Best Fit – summarizes the relationship of the two variables graphed in a scatterplot Distance airplane flew (meters) # of paperclips added

25 Understanding Science. 2009. University of California Museum of Paleontology. 18 August 2009 How is that done?

26 Stop talking about it already and let’s do some science…

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