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Friday, 5 October 2012 Human Rights & Business Webinar.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, 5 October 2012 Human Rights & Business Webinar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, 5 October 2012 Human Rights & Business Webinar

2 Webinar Program Speakers Jonas Haertle, PRME Secretariat Tom Hickey, Hess Corporation Anthony Ewing, Columbia Law School and Logos Consulting Q&A Relevance of HRs to business schools? Potential for PRME to advance discussion of HRs in management education?

3 Jonas Haertle UN Global Compact Head, PRME Secretariat

4 UN Global Compact Objective: Creating a more sustainable and inclusive global economy Universally accepted value platform for responsible business practices Human Rights, Good Workplace practices, Environmental standards, Anti-Corruption. 6,000+ businesses in over 130 countries 4,000+ non-business participants More than 100 Local Networks

5 Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) UN-backed initiative to change the curriculum, research and learning methods of management education based on UN Global Compact/ Corporate Sustainability approach Launched in 2007

6 Who Participates 450+ business schools/ management-related academic institutions and universities from 80+ countries 34 of the Financial Times’ top 100 business schools (MBA) 38 of the top 65 schools of the Financial Times’s Masters in Management programmes * As of 25 Sept 2012

7 PRME’s Value Proposition Framework for Organizational Change –Six Principles Recognition of school’s efforts to incorporate corporate sustainability –Students, Associations, Businesses, etc. Global and local learning communities –Working Group & Resource –Regional Meeting & Global Forum

8 Sharing Information on Progress Credibility through Reporting: Sharing Information on Progress at least every 24 months Credibility through Reporting at least every 24 months

9 PRME Working Group Projects & Reports Anti-Corruption in Curriculum Change Poverty, a Challenge for Management Education Gender Equality

10 Tom Hickey Hess Corporation, NY Global Compliance and Human Rights Solicitor England & Wales Attorney State Bar California MBA, University of Strathclyde

11 Business and Human Rights

12 Introduction Social and investor expectations to respect human rights To integrate HRs, one first needs to understand what they are Students are multi-national, from all sectors and all functions Academic freedom to analyze, debate and problem solve Inject HRs directly into cross functional management positions Quantify value of HRs on return on investment Business and Human Rights

13 Opportunity for Business Prevent operational disruption through HRs strategy Potential for significant value erosion or project failure, e.g.: –Start up business fails to recognize impact of its growth –Bank overlooks community perceptions of its rights –How does a plant manager handle a protest Balance “legal rights to operate” with “social license to operate” Business and Human Rights

14 Embedding Skills into Business Risk analysis, due diligence and project strategy Quantifying value of HRs –Delta between having a HRs strategy vs. not doing so –Financial and reporting tools enhance credibility –Incorporating HRs in project execution and operational processes International transactions and HRs –Include HRs language in State level investment agreements Business and Human Rights

15 Some Current Challenges Business and Human Rights Myanmar General License 17 –HRs reporting requirements Dodd Frank 1502 and 1504 –HRs in securities regulation Kiobel v Royal Dutch Shell –Defining future for ATS litigation Global Reporting Initiative –Additional scrutiny of HRs & ethics Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights –Guidance for Business to respect HRs –Defining and applying HRs remain open to interpretation

16 Anthony Ewing Lecturer, Columbia Law School Partner, Logos Consulting Group

17 Recent Developments Standards - UN Framework (2008), Guiding Principles (2011) Practice - Policies - Due diligence - Managing HR impacts - Reporting Business and Human Rights

18 Education Growing demand for management education on business and human rights Students Managers Academics Business and Human Rights

19 Teaching Teaching business and human rights presents common challenges. Where in the curriculum? What content? How to teach it? Business and Human Rights

20 Teaching How to teach human rights to business students? Engage skeptics. Frame issues. Translate language. Highlight decision-making. Business and Human Rights

21 Business and Human Rights Teaching Business and human rights education can be integrated in business school curricula. Develop new courses and modules. Use language and tools. Research

22 “Students preparing today for careers in business, law and government should expect universities to equip them to understand and navigate the business and human rights landscape.” Business and Human Rights

23 Email: Business and Human Rights

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