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| 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 1 1

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1 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 1 1 i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=UBxpHVkE65CKlM&tbnid=vLSl2Gn- 0LGhIM:&ved=0CAUQjRw& logos.html&ei=eJ4JUZCtGebp2QW91oGIDg&bvm=bv.41642243,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNHdm2BR9Oy4f1RyfWLLqE8kGfIJaA&ust=135 9671278590641HVkE65CKlM&tbnid=vLSl2Gn- 0LGhIM:&ved=0CAUQjRw& logos.html&ei=eJ4JUZCtGebp2QW91oGIDg&bvm=bv.41642243,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNHdm2BR9Oy4f1RyfWLLqE8kGfIJaA&ust=135 9671278590641 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. Mike Hughes Senior Director, Innovation Solutions Norman Garrett Senior Consultant, Customer Solutions Visualization and the SDLC: “A Day in the Life”

2 THE REALITY The track record for software development projects is poor. Failure Rate 1 The majority of projects are considered a failure Cost Overruns 2 On average, projects run 66% over budget Blown Schedules 2 On average, projects go over schedule by 27% Innovation The wasted time, money and effort significantly impedes innovation. 68% 27% 66% ? 1 – Standish Group CHAOS Report (2009) 2 – McKinsey-Oxford study on reference-class forecasting for IT projects (2012) 3 – Harvard Business Review “Why Your IT Project May Be Riskier Than You Think” (2011) “Fully one in six of the projects we studied was a black swan, with a cost overrun of 200%, on average, and a schedule overrun of almost 70%.” 3

3 ADDITIONAL PRESSURE Increased Expectations Users/customers expect business software to be well designed - both UI and function. Multi Device In 2012, 55% of employees used their mobile devices for work related activities. Ease of Use Users/customers now expect that little to no training will be needed for business apps. Faster Delivery Users now expect and the market demands much shorter release cycles. The “Consumerization of IT” has added additional pressure.

4 PROCESS PROBLEM Ideas Requirements Design Coding Deliver Solution Training ITERATIVE REWORK Validation Happens Too Late User Acceptance comes too late in the process, resulting in costly rework Text Is The Wrong Medium Business people cannot understand text-based deliverables Users discover new, misunderstood and missing requirements once they can see and interact with the solution. TIME Text and static mockups are used to communicate solutions Testing, UAT Testing, UAT Difficult to Interpret Developers cannot translate static documents and mockups effectively into code

5 REWORK COST The cost of fixing errors later in the development cycle results in exponentially greater costs in successive phases 1X 3X-6X 10X 15X-40X 30X-70X Source: Gause, Donald and Gerald Weinberg. Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design. Operation User Acceptance Testing Coding Design Requirements 40X-1000X

6 CURRENT SOLUTIONS Many organizations have implemented solutions to address the issue - but none of them fix the core problem Static Mockups Static - No Interaction. Provides only half the story. It’s like evaluating how a car drives by simply looking at a picture of it. Agile Delivery Shorter delivery cycles aren’t a silver bullet. Lack of a coherent vision leads to missed “user stories”, delays, and rework. 58% of Agile projects aren’t successful Coded Prototypes “Prototyping in code” is not flexible, cost effective, or a good use of resources. Development environments aren’t well suited for rapid idea generation. However, it is still common for teams to budget 30% or more for rework.

7 ABOUT IRISE VISUALIZATION AccelerateCollaborateCreate iRise enables users to create visualizations that customers can see and interact with before they are built Realistic Fully interactive – looks and behaves like the final software Iterative Robust platform built for rapid, real-time iterations Collaborative Capture feedback in context, make adjustments on the fly Fast & Flexible Assembled in minutes or hours – low fidelity to high fidelity No Coding All team members can contribute, drag and drop environment Team Focus Allow all team members to contribute and provide input Clear Blueprint Visualization is the blueprint for what needs to be built and tested Generate Deliverables Create documents and code automatically from the visualization Extensible Integrate visualizations and metadata to other systems

8 IRISE PROCESS Ideas Requirements Design Coding Deliver Testing, UAT, Training ITERATIVE INNOVATION VISUALIZE VALIDATE REDUCE rework SHORTEN delivery cycles LOWER project cost VISUALIZE FIRST Create simulations early to drive discussion and collaboration ITERATE EARLY Collaboration and validation happen early in the process TIMESAVINGS ACCELERATE DOWNSTREAM Team members leverage the visualization to accelerate their deliverables

9 WORKS WITH ANY PROCESS iRise can be used with any methodology… Visualization Is The Common Language iRise becomes the primary means to communicate and collaborate across the project team regarding concepts, requirements and designs Engage The Whole Team Use all project team members involved in eliciting, capturing, and validating requirements, concepts, and designs to create iRise visualizations Accelerate Downstream Activities Project team members leverage iRise to accelerate the remaining steps in the process (development, testing, training) iRise augments and enhances your existing process… WaterfallAgileRUPASAPHybrid

10 FITS WITH MOST PROJECTS iRise is a great fit for any project with a user interface… Web or Mobile New or Enhancements Custom or Package Transactional or Analytical Desktop or Mainframe

11 ENTIRE TEAM Executives Uses iRise to preview early concepts and make informed portfolio management decisions. Can use iRise throughout the process to monitor status. Analysts Drives the requirements gathering process – creates simulations to elicit feedback, capture requirements, validate and iterate. Input on process and procedures. UX Designers Drives the design process, using iRise as a platform to quickly create designs, test and validate with users. Establishes and enforces design standards. Business Users Test-drive’s concepts and provide input and feedback on business goals, objectives, usability and usefulness. Helps ensure they get it right. Project Managers Use iRise before projects start to make informed time and resource decisions. Can use iRise throughout the process to monitor and ensure the vision is on track. Architects and Developers Provide feedback early in the process regarding development standards and feasibility. Uses iRise as an interactive blueprint for what to build. Testing and QA Instead of waiting for the application to be coded, QA can use the iRise simulation to begin creating test scripts. Training and Change Management Can use iRise simulations to train the business or customers long before the application is coded. This can also serve as a form of UAT. Budget Monitor Status Approval Plan Monitor Status Estimate Validate Iterate Capture Estimate Clarity Feasibility Clarity Accelerate Deliverables Validate Iterate Design Validate Monitor Status Feedback Clarity Accelerate Deliverables

12 IRISE PLATFORM OVERVIEW Definition Center The real-time hub for collaboration for authors, platform users, and reviewers iRise Studio The authoring tool used to create and edit visualizations Adoption Center iConnect API iRise Reader CodeGen® Content Modules iRise iBlocs Project EstimatorRevision Manager Web Importer Intelligence iRise Mobile Integrations

13 DEMO OVERVIEW A fictional product company is looking to add a new Team Locator feature to their flagship product, insight, a mobile enterprise team collaboration and task management platform Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 4 Visualization and the SDLC: “A Day in the Life” VISUALIZING THE SOLUTION HELPING PROJECT MANAGERS STREAMLINING TESTING ACCELERATING DEVELOPMENT

14 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 14 Visualize New Feature Stakeholder Feedback Capture Requirements VISUALIZING THE SOLUTION iRise iBlocs Custom widgets that mimic complex logic iRise Mobile Mobile app access to iRise simulations iRise Studio The authoring tool used to create and edit visualizations Definition Center The real-time hub for collaboration for authors, platform users, and reviewers IRISE PLATFORM COMPONENTS Business Analyst Business Stakeholder

15 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 15 Review Changes Create Baseline Monitor Stakeholder involvement Generate Specification HELPING PROJECT MANAGERS iRise Studio The authoring tool used to create and edit visualizations Definition Center The real-time hub for collaboration for authors, platform users, and reviewers IRISE PLATFORM COMPONENTS Project Manager Business Stakeholder Revision Manager Automatically baseline and visually compare iRise projects Definition Intelligence Slice and dice event data from iRise Definition Center

16 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 16 Review Simulation Review Specifications Synchronize Requirements to HPQC Generate Test Plan STREAMLINING TESTING iRise Studio The authoring tool used to create and edit visualizations Definition Center The real-time hub for collaboration for authors, platform users, and reviewers IRISE PLATFORM COMPONENTS Test Lead Integrations Sync simulation data to other applications downstream

17 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 17 Review Simulation Update CodeGen Template Generate Code Run Code ACCELERATING DEVELOPMENT iRise Studio The authoring tool used to create and edit visualizations Definition Center The real-time hub for collaboration for authors, platform users, and reviewers IRISE PLATFORM COMPONENTS Development Lead CodeGen Generates working UI code to jumpstart development

18 DEMO CONCLUSION A fictional product company is looking to add a new Team Locator feature to their flagship product, insight, a mobile enterprise team collaboration and task management platform Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 4 Visualization and the SDLC: “A Day in the Life” VISUALIZING THE SOLUTION HELPING PROJECT MANAGERS STREAMLINING TESTING ACCELERATING DEVELOPMENT

19 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 19 Open Q&A

20 | 1.800.556.0399 iRise Company Confidential © 2013 All rights reserved. 20 Visualize 2013

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