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Ms. Uzma Aslam Jr. III Maths Junior Section – P.A.F. Chapter.

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2 Ms. Uzma Aslam Jr. III Maths Junior Section – P.A.F. Chapter

3 Multiplication For the month of: November

4 To enable students to extend their knowledge of multiplication.

5 answer the dodging tables arrange numbers vertically solve multiplication sums identify the multiplication statements as True or False find the cost of the items fill in the missing numbers. Short term goals By the end of the lesson, students will be able to….

6 2 pd 1 pd Dodging tables Multiplication Sums Missing numbers Identify statements as true or false 1 pd Marked Class work

7  The teacher will focus on the following points:  Introduction of the specific vocabulary; productmultiply times  Correct placement of numbers while arranging them vertically.  Example: 62 x 3  Rechecking of the answers by multiplying other way round. Example : 3 x 2:2x 3  Complete the missing pair of numbers of the given product.  example: ______ x ______ = 30

8 Dodging Tables The teacher will provide answer cards to the students to respond when the teacher calls out the factors and vice versa. Sample of the Product Card: The teacher will provide answer cards to the students to respond when the teacher calls out the factors and vice versa. Sample of the Product Card: REMEMBERING 425681 9 nines are

9 4 multiplied by 4 8 sixes 6 times 9 2 x 8 16 Sample cards available on: 12s-matching-game.pdf

10 ACTIVITY: Students will be taken to the IT lab. They will solve online dodging table exercises. WORKSHEET: Students will solve the worksheet. The print outs will be pasted in their notebooks. content/uploads/Multiplication-worksheets-1.jpg tiply-quiz-0-9.pdf

11  The teacher will show and explain the method of placing the numbers correctly. Later, they will be asked to work in pairs.  Example: H T U 6 2 x 3 ______ UNDERSTANDING APPLYING Instructional Strategies and Task

12 NHM page 42 Q3 a) 9 times 9 b) 5 x 9 c) 9 x 7 d) 10 nines e) 6 nines f) 9 times 2

13  Students will be asked to identify the factors of the given product by recalling the tables.  Example: ________ x ______ = 36  Group Work: Students will be grouped in fours. Each group will be given number cards of different tables to fill in the missing numbers. CREATING Instructional Strategies and Task

14  GROUP A: Tables of 4 and 5 4 x 5 = 20 4 x 6 = 24 4 x 7 = 28 a)______ x______ = 28 b) _____ x _____ = 24 c) ______ x ______ = 20 a)______ x______ = 28 b) _____ x _____ = 24 c) ______ x ______ = 20

15  NHM page 47 Q1 a) ____ x ____ = 42 b) ____ x ____ = 63 c) ____ x ____ = 72 d) ____ x ____ = 54 e) ____ x ____ = 56 f) ____ x ____ = 48 Students will solve the following worksheet a)* &long=0&col=3&row=9&min1=2&max1=10&step1=1&list1=&min 2=2&max2=10&step2=1&list2=&min3=&max3=&step3=1&list3=& M=2&D=2&xdiv=2&switchv=1&exd=1&font=Default&FontSize=1 4pt&pad=30&ptitle=&Submit=Submit* &long=0&col=3&row=9&min1=2&max1=10&step1=1&list1=&min 2=2&max2=10&step2=1&list2=&min3=&max3=&step3=1&list3=& M=2&D=2&xdiv=2&switchv=1&exd=1&font=Default&FontSize=1 4pt&pad=30&ptitle=&Submit=Submit

16  The teacher will explain to identify the answer as True or False. If false, write the correct answer.  Example:  6 x 6 = 36 (Ans. True)  5 x 8 = 45 (Ans. False. Correct Answer: 40) Instructional Strategies and Task ANALYSIS

17  a) 6 x 6 = 36  _____________________________________________  b) 4 multiplied by 8 is 45  ______________________________________________  c) 6 times 9 is 54  ______________________________________________  d) 7 fives are 35  ______________________________________________  e) 5 x 5 = 12  ______________________________________________

18 The teacher will explain to the students to evaluate the cost spent on shopping Example: Instructional Strategies and Task EVALUATING ItemsRateQuantityCost pencilsRs. 106 eraserRs. 58 sharpenerRs. 73

19 ItemRateQuantityCost CakesRs. 20 4 BiscuitsRs. 87 ChocolatesRs. 126 DoughnutsRs. 152 pizzasRs. 259 Total Evaluate the total cost.

20 A- Fill in the missing numbers: [ Remembering ] i- 4 multiplied by 3 is __________ ii- The product of 5 and 6 is _______ iii- 7 times 9 are _________ B- Arrange the numbers vertically and solve: [ apply ; understand ] i- 35 x 5ii- 66 x 7 = iii- 92 x 5 C- Identify the statement as True or False. If false, give the correct answer: [ analysis ] i- 6 sixes are 24 ii- 5 multiplied by 7 is 35 iii- 9 x 9 is 82 D- Fill in the missing number: [ create ] i- 4 x ____ = 28 ii- ___ x ____ = 25 iii- ____ x 6 = 0

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