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Project Lifecycle and Portfolio Governance Made Easier

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1 Project Lifecycle and Portfolio Governance Made Easier

2 Speaker notes (hidden slide, delete before sending to your audiences)
The ‘demand management overview’ portion is optional and could help set the stage for the conversation around Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 value proposition. These slides are based on materials from Microsoft. If the audience is already familiar with EPM and demand management, skip straight to the value proposition and demo sections. The value proposition slide, titled ‘Create project lifecycle workflows, quickly and easily’ could possibly be used as one single slide. It contains detailed speaker notes associated with each click in the slide animation. Each click advances through the value drivers and some screenshots depicting the topic in discussion. The value proposition slide and this deck can be used in conjunction with the Nintex Workflow presentations delivered to your audiences . One approach to deliver the demo is to follow our published demo script. It replicates a branching technique to build demand management workflows with Visual Studio, as described in this MSDN article: There are additional slides in the appendix, with information about Nintex Workflow 2010 and Project Server 2010.

3 Session Objectives Demand management overview
Create project lifecycle workflows, quickly and easily Demo Q&A

4 Microsoft’s EPM Approach
Work management solutions for individuals, teams and the enterprise : Project Server 2010 Effective EPM solutions need to provide organizations of different sizes and EPM maturity levels with the appropriate tools. Project 2010 set of products include: Project client (Project Standard or Enterprise), direct integration with SharePoint task lists and team workspaces, and Project Server That way, Project offers choice by providing work management solutions for individuals, teams, and the enterprise according to their roles in Project and Portfolio Management: * Individuals: Individual project managers can take advantage of the new and improved user interface of Project Standard 2010 and Project Professional It is now easier than ever to create simple or complex project schedules and effectively deliver projects. * Teams: Teams that do not require a full EPM solution can take advantage of Project Professional 2010 SharePoint sync to effectively collaborate through Windows SharePoint Services Foundation or SharePoint Server They can also make use of Web-based project editing to create and manage projects in the browser. * Enterprise: Organizations and PMO (project management office) that require a full Project and Portfolio Management solution that can scale to meet enterprise requirements can choose Project Server 2010 (built on SharePoint Server 2010). There are a variety of industries where organizations will usually have such advanced needs and requirements. Microsoft invested in 4 key areas in its Project 2010 set of products: Unified Project and Portfolio Management Simple and Intuitive User Experience Enhanced Collaboration and Reporting Scalable and Connected Platform Unified Project and Portfolio Management: From the Project Server roadmap perspective, Project Server 2010 further integrates the Top Down Portfolio Management capabilities of Project Portfolio Server 2007 with the Bottom Up Project Execution capabilities of Project Server 2007 to provide organizations with a powerful work management solution that supports the entire PPM lifecycle.

5 Unified Project and Portfolio Management Merge top down and bottom up capabilities
Create Select Plan Manage Top Down Portfolio Management Portfolio Prioritization Capacity Planning Demand Management Portfolio Optimization Reporting Business Case Definition Project Scheduling Issues and Risk Management Project Reporting Team Collaboration Time Resource Unified Project and Portfolio Management: From the Project Server roadmap perspective, Project Server 2010 further integrates the Top Down Portfolio Management capabilities of Project Portfolio Server 2007 with the Bottom Up Project Execution capabilities of Project Server 2007 to provide organizations with a powerful work management solution that supports the entire PPM lifecycle. Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 can help Project Lifecycle Management, playing a role in both the top down and bottoms up angles: Top down: Portfolio Governance Workflows (Demand Management). Using the specific actions in Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 Bottoms up: Team collaboration workflows for reviews and approvals. Using all actions and capabilities in the underlying Nintex Workflow 2010 For future update releases of Nintex Workflow for Project Server, there would be plans to also include functionality to handle workflows related to project events, in the so called, ‘Manage/Execute’ phase of projects. Bottom Up Project Management

6 Demand Management Workflows Project lifecycle and portfolio governance
Phases Stages Unified Project and Portfolio Management: From the Project Server roadmap perspective, Project Server 2010 further integrates the Top Down Portfolio Management capabilities of Project Portfolio Server 2007 with the Bottom Up Project Execution capabilities of Project Server 2007 to provide organizations with a powerful work management solution that supports the entire PPM lifecycle. Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 can help Project Lifecycle Management, playing a role in both the top down and bottoms up angles: Top down: Portfolio Governance Workflows (Demand Management). Using the specific actions in Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 Bottoms up: Team collaboration workflows for reviews and approvals. Using all actions and capabilities in the underlying Nintex Workflow 2010 For future update releases of Nintex Workflow for Project Server, there would be plans to also include functionality to handle workflows related to project events, in the so called, ‘Manage/Execute’ phase of projects. Demand Management Workflows (or project lifecycle or portfolio governance workflows) The PMO (project management office) defines and enforces the EPM methodology, and how projects –from a portfolio of possible projects - are proposed, justified, selected, planned and executed. This process or lifecycle of creating, selecting, planning and managing projects constitutes a workflow in itself. Such workflows can be referred as portfolio governance workflows or demand management workflows. (the term demand here relates to ‘demand for projects and/or resources) Demand Management involves: Capture all work proposals in one place, Put those proposals through a multi-stage governance process, Make decisions on proposals to approve, Track progress on their execution until they’re completed Governance workflows involve: determining and enforcing how projects are handled through the lifecycle (create/propose; select; plan; manage/execute). Determine required information per stage, notifications, logic, etc Taxonomy (optional): Phases (ex: Create/Propose > Select > Plan > Manage/Execute): Collections of Stages grouped together to identify a common set of activities in a project lifecycle. They have no direct impact on an EPT’s behavior Stages: each step in a project’s lifecycle; At each stage, data must be entered, modified, reviewed, or processed. One or more PDPs are used Project Detail Pages (PDPs): They are Web Part Pages that come with Project Server to automatically display/collect Stage-related data. What’s on the page is determined by the custom fields you say the Stage uses. Extra Web Parts can be added to them. (Examples: Call the Project Server Interface (PSI), Query the Project reporting database, Integrate with external systems) How it works with Nintex Workflow: Each stage is a step where something must happen before the workflow can move on. The Workflow’s job is to set the project stage. Enterprise Project Types (EPTs): An EPT is a container for: Phases, Stages, A workflow, Project Detail Pages. Each EPT represents a single project type. EPTs are usually aligned with department. EPTs appear in a drop-down list under “New Project” in PWA IMPORTANT: Options available to create these demand management workflows: Project Server 2010 comes with a pre configured demand management workflow, that fits and handles the phases and stages as offered ‘out of the box’ in Project Server 2010. When the customers needs to reconfigure phases, stages and demand workflows to fit the EPM methodology they practice, Visual Studio used to be the only option, requiring code and development resources. SharePoint Designer not recommended or suited for this type of workflows. Nintex Workflow for Project Server offers a flexible, easy to use yet powerful tool, with a much more manageable cost and IT footprint than Visual Studio Anecdote: This MSDN article suggests how to create branching governance workflows for Project Server 2010 ( Shortly, our demo will show how to replicate the logic and flow of this workflow, creating it in Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010, in matter of minutes, without developing code. Workflow

7 Demand Management Workflows Associating workflows to Enterprise Project Types (EPTs)
Small Project IT Project Enterprise Project Type Large Project Enterprise Project Type Proposal Enterprise Project Types (EPTs): An EPT is a container for: Phases, Stages, a workflow, Project Detail Pages. Each EPT represents a single project type. EPTs are usually aligned with department. EPTs appear in a drop-down list under “New Project” in PWA. Companies will frequently have multiple configured EPT’s to handle different types of projects, and for that matter, be able to establish different lifecycle policies and logic for associated demand management workflows.

8 Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 Create project lifecycle workflows, quickly and easily
Graphical and browser based design of no-code workflows Automate project lifecycle and portfolio governance Streamline project team’s flow of reviews and approvals Leverage Nintex Workflow 2010 integration with SharePoint Note about the slide.: if printed, this slide shows the 4 key pillars/value statements for the product and one screenshot. In slideshow mode, each pillar is highlighted separately, at each click, and brings up more specific screenshots. Presentation time: 1 to 5 minutes, or more. Can be even used alternating with demo steps. <intro> Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 enhances project lifecycle management and empowers project and portfolio managers to design, implement and streamline the portfolio governance processes they want without the need for complex and costly development cycles. Nintex Workflow for Project Server 2010 brings the class leading workflow design experience of Nintex Workflow to the Microsoft Project Server 2010 platform, with a web based drag-and-drop designer and deep integration across SharePoint, Project Server, and external systems. For further information on Nintex Workflow 2010, go to <click 1> Graphical and browser based design of no-code workflows NW4PS helps you draw governance and collaboration workflows with no code. Functionality: Design, configure, publish and manage all from within SharePoint and simply using the browser and no other client apps Drag and drop design experience, to intuitively draw processes on the canvas with a toolbox of actions, for Project Server and for SharePoint in general, plus a number of other actions. (1st screenshot shows canvas, action toolbox, integration with ribbon, sample workflow look and feel) Ability to give context to each action/activity through labels and comments. (configure without coding) Available directly from Project Web Access. (2nd screenshot) <click 2> Automate project lifecycle and portfolio governance NW4PS enables you to define and enforce project portfolio governance, creating, within minutes, project governance (or so called demand management) workflows. You can now draw workflows that adapt to your specific EPM methodology and definitions of phases and stages, for each Enterprise Project Type; beyond the out of the box workflow in Project Server 2010; and without the need to go all the way to Visual Studio to configure such adapted flows. Functionality: Workflows are created to check conditions and set stage status, making the project lifecycle flow through phases and stages (1st chart, which is not a product screenshot; and 2nd image which is a screenshot) Workflows can easily be associated with a Enterprise Project Types (EPTs) Toolbox category containing project lifecycle related workflow actions (3rd screenshot) Each Nintex action or Project Server activity contains a dialog box to set the action. One example: the ‘set project stage’ activity is used to select the desired PDP. This configuration is assisted with lookups to PSIs. There is no need to know the GUIDs of Project Server entities. <click 3> Streamline project team’s flow of reviews and approvals Improve collaboration and communications across the project team, during the actual execution and management of given projects, by associating Nintex workflows to documents, lists, sites, related to project workspaces in SharePoint. Functionality: Leverage Nintex Workflow integration with SharePoint, to structure alerts, messages, reviews and approvals of project artifacts (on Project workspaces) such as Project Management Plans, Communications Plan or recurring PMO requirements such as weekly status reports, risk register reviews, peer reviews, etc. (1st screenshot has a sample flow triggering messages and approvals) Dozens of actions available to establish versatile process logic, integration and more (2nd screenshot) Lazy Approval. Read ‘lazy’ as ‘easy’. Approvers can receive s to their mobile devices, configured to inform fields from structured requests, and simply reply using pre-determined and configurable taxonomies (ex: approve, ok, decline, reject, no), without the need to actually access the SharePoint site (3rd image, which is a picture of phone, containing a designed screenshot of an approval) <click 4> Leverage Nintex Workflow 2010 integration with SharePoint NW4PS is built, for Project Server 2010, on top of Nintex Workflow 2010, which is built for SharePoint 2010, the underlying platform for Project Server itself. That ensures deep integration of Nintex Workflows across the EPM stack and gives all the power and ease of use of Nintex Workflow Functionality: Tracking and reporting: track individual instances (occurrences) of workflows, visually in the same graphic drawing of the workflow, or in list format. Then analyze reports on aggregate workflows, measuring performance, bottlenecks, approvers response volumes, etc. (1st screenshot has an aggregate report on approvers volumes) Integration and extensibility (2nd screenshot shows toolbox with actions for calling web services, interacting with Microsoft’s CRM, SQL, SharePoint BCS, XML, LDAP and more) Process logic versatility (3rd screenshot shows toolbox with actions for parallel flows, loops, state machines) And if a needed action does not exist, one can create User Defined Actions (UDA’s). Those are workflows encapsulated as actions and placed in specific toolboxes to be easily reused in other workflows. An example would be the creation of UDAs that are more connected to other systems and LOB, designed by advanced users and developers, and available for process analysts to use Easy to use and manage, with yet powerful functionality. All at competitive price point <click 5> All 4 bullets highlighted; and first screenshot comes back Final note to speaker: future update releases of Nintex Workflow for Project Server, there are plans to also include functionality to handle workflows related to project events, in the so called, ‘Manage/Execute’ phase of projects

9 Demo

10 Conclusion and Next Steps
Define and enforce project portfolio guidance Ease of use, cost efficiency, no-code Streamline project team’s collaboration Power of Nintex Workflow 2010 in EPM and beyond Resources to evaluate Nintex products Trial, videos and product information at Community at

11 Thank You


13 Appendix A Nintex Workflow 2010

14 Nintex Workflow 2010 V2.1 Release
Improved management of Use Defined Actions Improved backup and recovery support Set permissions on other items Extended support for LazyApproval Additional built in references to reduce workflow steps Retrieve User Profile attributes Improved process annotation Start workflows from item context menu Support for querying lists with folders Improved workflow change approval

15 Nintex: Company Overview
Do more with SharePoint Nintex products positioned for success Receptivity within Microsoft & Partners Global momentum Business Productivity ISV; 100% built on SharePoint Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and advisory council Nintex Workflow, Nintex Analytics (Reporting) Light up improvements in SharePoint Value: easy-yet-powerful functionality with competitive pricing Complements the ‘space’ not covered by SPD and Visual Studio Reinforcing SharePoint ability as an enterprise-ready platform Help accelerate deployment urgency and sales cycle Fits sales motions of SharePoint platform, CALs, EA, BPIO, BPM Customers in 80+ countries, 40 in Fortune 500 300+ Partners in our Global Partner Program Localized in 16 languages 100% SharePoint: do more with SharePoint ‘Do more with SharePoint’ is more than a tag/mantra, it is our business model bet: adding value to customers’ SharePoint investments/environments, solving tangible business needs Microsoft Gold Partner and PAC: Nintex aligns with Microsoft’s strategic and architectural direction to ensure that Nintex and Microsoft products work in harmony, both today and into the future Known for leading workflow solution Nintex Workflow 2010, in its 3rd generation. But also other tools Nintex Workflow 2010 continues to offer great value balancing rich functionality with competitive prices and complementing the space of customer needs not fully met by SPD and Visual Studio (despite of the remarkable improvements in those technologies in 2010) 3rd generation with versions built on SharePoint Portal Server 2003, SharePoint Server 2007, and now, SharePoint 2010 Receptivity and endorsement from MS teams, from Corp BG to sales field in subs Field SSPs and TSs also confirm the extra boost Nintex provides in accelerating deployment urgency and sales cycle (by meeting business needs and adding value to SharePoint); and reinforcing message against compete VP tech, ex-MS, keynote with SharePoint leadership team from MS Reinforce launch momentum: as an ISV building enterprise-grade solution, shortly after SP2010 launch; incenting our SI partners to ramp up; creating early customer evidence on new version Easy to work with: global partners and can also go direct Global: Nintex is a global leader in software products for SharePoint. Nintex solutions; and are used by a large number of organizations. Experiencing great momentum with: Customers/large organizations around the World use our solutions, because they solve tangible business needs (and are innovative, easy to understand, use, deploy, and manage) Partners WW recognize business opportunities of working with Nintex and our portfolio 16 Languages of NW2007 (Japanese; Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish and Polish. English, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and Spanish) Offices in USA, Australia & UK

16 Product Roadmap & 2010 Wave 3rd generation of applications on SharePoint
For context about the company, Nintex is a global leader in software products for SharePoint. Nintex products, available in 16 languages, are used by a large number of organizations, in over 80 countries, including Fortune 500 large companies. (see the detailed company slide in the Appendix). Nintex Workflow 2010 is the 3rd version release for the Nintex Workflow product, building upon Nintex’s experience building business tools for the SharePoint platform. Nintex cultivates close relationships with Microsoft’s SharePoint engineering teams, via early adoption and development programs, advisory councils and more. That places in Nintex in good position to keep innovating its products and delivering on the promise of lighting up SharePoint platform improvements, and extending it even further. Nintex two main products, shown in the road map are: Workflow: Enable organizations and empower users to build complex workflow processes, quickly and easily, using a graphical web browser interface, to improve processes, automate reviews and act on common SharePoint administrative tasks Analytics/Reporting: Monitor, audit, and gain valuable insight from the content and activity information within SharePoint, via online reports and dashboards, suited for everyone from system administrators to business owners

17 Nintex Workflow 2010 Highlights of investments and improved abilities
Model and improve processes, simple or complex Process logic spans linear, parallel, state machines, loops, rules ‘There’s an action for that’ Assign workflows or activities to individuals, groups or roles Improved Functionality Empower business users with easy-yet-powerful tools One graphic tool built directly into SharePoint Easy for new users, even easier for seasoned users Enhancements in contextual UI Improved Ease of Use Approval workflow changes, deploy in stages Create farm-wide standard workflows, actions, templates Smallest possible footprint, all built using SharePoint itself Monitor, manage and reuse workflows everywhere Improved Manageability Embraced SharePoint Improvements Site workflows, reusable workflows, association columns InfoPath and ASP.NET forms everywhere Automate Word services, Audiences, Site Collection creation These are a few of the highlighted new and improved functionality, as shown in the demo. Light up and extend SharePoint’s functionality User actions; zero-code composite activities LOB and UC connectivity called via web services Actions for BCS, Excel Services, Microsoft CRM, more… Compose process mashups on SharePoint Improved Connectivity

18 Nintex Workflow 2010 Enterprise edition features
Active Directory Account Provisioning Exchange Server Mailbox Provisioning Office Communication Server Privilege Provisioning User Profiles and Audiences Universal Workflow Inbox/Status Workflow Reporting Exchange Server Integration Enterprise Search Business Data Connectivity SharePoint Records Management Integration Excel Services Word Services BizTalk Server Integration Microsoft Dynamics CRM Integration Refer to the Edition comparison table at the Partner Portal and

19 Nintex Workflow 2010 16 languages
Arabic Czech Dutch English French German Hungarian Italian Japanese Latvian Lithuanian Polish Portuguese (Brazilian) Russian Spanish Swedish

20 range of empowered/skilled users
Nintex Workflow Positioned for Success Workflow for everyone, powerful functionality, competitive pricing Low High Cost range of empowered/skilled users Let’s now see how Nintex Workflow 2010 is positioned to continue its momentum in the marketplace. It continues to fill market and customer needs, not covered by tools like SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio, despite the improvements in the new versions of such tools. Let’s take a look in how Nintex Workflow 2007 used to fill a broad range of usage scenarios and will continue to do so in its 2010 version. (* the slide advances with 3 clicks. Speaker can tie the talking points to each of the clicks) 1) We start by looking at these 2 variables: cost and functionality, we can place each workflow tool in the space it fits best: SharePoint Designer offered functionality to cover the basics, and did so at a very low cost (one could say $0 because of free price tag, let’s just remember other aspects of TCO). SPD offered the basic design for linear workflows, using a wizard paradigm and offering some 30 activities On the other side of the spectrum, Visual Studio offers all the functionality to handle even the most complex workflows. That comes with higher costs: software price, higher and steeper learning curve, and the fact skilled developers will be demand to focus on multiple projects, that might take priority over the task at hand of improving workflows Nintex Workflow capabilities answer to customer needs of empowering business users to model and improve from simple to complex workflows. While keeping IT in control of monitoring and manageability. And it offers combination of rich functionality at competitive price point 2) In the 2010 wave, all products evolved and invested in better richer functionality, ‘pushing the curve or boundaries’ of what customers can expect and accomplish: We recognize and give credit to SPD improvements, getting to work with Visio, for a more visual design experience, but there are still a couple of limitations, not bringing workflow to everyone: Still not all done in one environment (one needs to design in Visio, import to SPD, configure without the graphical interface and finally publish to SharePoint) Requires client applications (SPD and Visio), and the associated licensing costs, deployment and skilling up the set of licensed users SPD now does support parallel processing, but still lacking support for more complex logic such as loops and state machines Visual Studio also gets enriched, and continues to handle those most complex scenarios Nintex Workflow 2010 continues to fill that broad spectrum of customer needs not yet fulfilled optimally by SPD nor VS 3) And let’s add a 3rd variable to this chart, placing these ‘stretched bubbles’ to represent the ‘range of empowered/skilled users’ apt to design, model and deploy workflows. Visual Studio: mainly developers only; SPD: some power users; and the 2010 version becomes more complex. Nintex: broad range of skilled users, given it’s ease of use. That adds value for empowering business units, while still reserving IT the controls for policies and manageability basics easy-yet-powerful most advanced Functionality

21 Appendix B Microsoft’s EPM approach and Project Server 2010

22 Line-of-Business Applications
Project Server 2010: Platform Architecture Platform Architecture Office Client Microsoft Project Professional Enhanced Desktop Experience Microsoft Excel® Integrated PPM Features Demand Management Portfolio Analytics and Selection Resource Management Schedule Management Financial Management Time Reporting Program Management Project Team Sites Microsoft Outlook® Office Server Stack Enhanced Systems Management Team Foundation Server Work Item Sync Sync via Exchange Outlook Task Project Server Interface (PSI) Integration Opportunities Best-in-Class Integration Background Many of our customers have used Project Server 2007 with Project Portfolio Server 2007 to take advantage of its unique portfolio management capabilities. In addition, they are deploying Project Server 2007 with SharePoint Server 2007 to take advantage of: Excel Services as a reporting engine Workflow to improve governance Enterprise search to find documents and resources Business data catalog to effectively integrate with line-of-business applications In addition, customers use other Microsoft technologies on the core Windows and SQL Server platform to take advantage of deployment economies and reduced operating costs. This includes Microsoft Visual Studio® Team Systems, Microsoft Office PerformancePoint™ Server, and Microsoft Exchange Server. Interoperability with these applications and Project Server 2007 provides a foundation for interoperability between common functions. Description Project 2010 integrates project portfolio management features and depends on Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, SharePoint 2010, and Windows SharePoint Services Foundation. There are many opportunities to take advantage of the Microsoft Platform Architecture for Project 2010: SharePoint Server 2010 consists of application features such as Excel Services and Report Center, while Windows SharePoint Services 4.0 consists of core features such as workflow, task lists, and team sites SharePoint Designer can be used to modify Project Web App pages for branding and other UI elements Workflows can be designed, built, and customized through Visual Studio— these workflows can be modeled from the “Sample Proposal” workflow that is delivered with Project 2010 Project and portfolio performance data from Project 2010 can be used as a source of performance reporting and dashboard support for PerformancePoint Server Visual Studio Team Foundation Server project tasks can be synchronized with Project 2010 tasks Customer and partner integration opportunities that use the Project Server interface are possible with system management platforms such as Microsoft System Center Business Value The Project 2010 solution works with a customer’s other Microsoft platform investments to provide the following benefits: Enables a business to do more with less (in terms of hardware, software, and people) Enables broader and faster adoption Works within a platform that enables multiple and concurrent business solutions Allows the customer to get more out of its existing infrastructure Excel Services Including Charting Forms Server Team Collaboration Business Intelligence and Reporting Business Performance Workflows Task List Sync Site Infrastructure Server and Tools Line-of-Business Applications

23 Enhanced Collaboration and Reporting Project Server 2010 is based on SharePoint Server 2010
Portfolio Selection Schedule Management Business Intelligence and Reporting Resource Management Project Team Collaboration Demand Management Communities Search Sites Composites Content Insights Communities Search Sites Composites Content Insights Sync to SharePoint Communities Search Composites Content Insights Sites Today, many of our customers are deploying Project Server 2007 with SharePoint Server 2007 to take advantage of: Excel Services as a reporting engine Workflow to improve governance Enterprise search to find documents and resources Business data catalog to effectively integrate with line-of-business applications Microsoft Project Server 2010 is built on top of SharePoint Server 2010, combining powerful business collaboration platform services and structured execution capabilities to provide flexible work management solutions. Take advantage of the business intelligence platform to easily create reports and powerful dashboards Control document review and approval through workflow Use enterprise search to more easily find people and effectively mine project data (such as resources, tasks, and documents) Connect teams and enhance communication with wikis, blogs, discussion forums and My Sites The Business Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise and the Web

24 Suggested Client Interfaces
Roles in an EPM Implementation Roles Responsibilities Suggested Client Interfaces Perform day-to-day activities such as work on tasks, timesheet submissions, status communication, and participation in project collaboration processes. Team Member is the default role for everyone in the resource pool. Team Member Project Web App Create and maintain project plans, schedule tasks, manage resources, track and analyze progress, and communicate project status. Project Standard 2010 or Project Professional 2010 with Project Web App Project Manager View resource capacity and utilization information, and allocate resources based on different criteria. Project Professional 2010 with Project Web App Resource Manager View the collective status of projects and portfolios with dashboards, drill-through reports, and key performance metrics (KPIs). Executive Project Web App PMO, portfolio analyst, resource manager, project manager, project team member, executives Manage workflows, templates, permissions, and other settings (with access to all Project Manager, Resource Manager, and Executive capabilities). Project Management Office Project Professional 2010 with Project Web App Help build, select, and manage projects that align with business objectives. Portfolio Analyst Project Web App Administrator Deploy, configure, and maintain the EPM solution (with access to all EPM capabilities). Project Web App and Project Professional 2010

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