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Arvind Gupta Professional Software Developer Portfolio  N-tier layered application  Defining a class object  Use of iComparable, iEnumerable.

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Presentation on theme: "Arvind Gupta Professional Software Developer Portfolio  N-tier layered application  Defining a class object  Use of iComparable, iEnumerable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arvind Gupta Professional Software Developer Portfolio  N-tier layered application  Defining a class object  Use of iComparable, iEnumerable interfaces  Use of Regex for input data validation  – use of table adapter  – executing a SQL Server stored procedure  – use of Master Page  App.config – used for accessing connection string Email: Astruck99@wowway.comEmail: cell: 440-666-9004

2 Multi-layered Web Application Data Access Layer

3 Background These code samples have been amassed from multiple project assignments  Create an order entry console application using Framework class objects and interfaces as well as custom classes, interfaces, and data structures.  Create a Windows Application for a public library. Used to maintain library card records and to check in/out materials. Used pre-defined data access objects.  Modify library application by designing and coding custom data access objects and custom SQL Server stored procedures.  Modify library application replacing Windows forms with ASP pages  Design and code a Windows application for drafting online exams and assigning them to specific training programs

4 Multi-layer Web Application Business Layer with XML documentation comments

5 N-tier Web Application asp using Master Page

6 Using app.config in data layer for accessing connection string

7 Data Access using ADO table adapter

8 Defining properties for a product class.

9 Using Regex for input validation

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