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Stimulus Control Chapter 17.

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1 Stimulus Control Chapter 17

2 What is stimulus control?
Stimulus control occurs when The rate, latency, duration, or amplitude of a response is altered In the presence of an antecedent stimulus Stimulus control is acquired when Responses are reinforced only in the presence of a specific stimulus Known as the discriminative stimulus (SD) And not in the presence of other stimuli Known as stimulus deltas (S

3 The Development of Stimulus Control
SD Response SR+ Friendly conversation Telephone rings Pick up phone and say “hello” Response S SO Doorbell rings Pick up phone and say “hello” Friendly conversation withheld

4 Not to be confused with respondent conditioning
UCS Response Meat powder Dog salivates Neutral S Response Bell rings Dog salivates UCS Meat powder

5 Not to be confused with respondent conditioning
CS Response Bell rings Dog salivates Notice the absence of any consequence stimuli in this example. Salivating is a respondent behavior. Also notice that here control is established by pairing specific antecedent stimuli.

6 Stimulus Control and Motivating Operations
Similarities Both events occur before the behavior of interest Both events have evocative functions However, they are different!

7 Motivating Operations
Remember, a motivating operation is something that changes the value of a stimulus as a reinforcer Establishing operation (EO) makes the reinforcer more valuable Abolishing operation (AO) makes the reinforcer less valuable

8 MOs and Stimulus Control
EO SR- SD Response Difficult Worksheet Task break provided Teacher 1 Student displays aggression Response SO EO S Difficult Worksheet Teacher 2 Student displays aggression Task break withheld

9 Stimulus Generalization
Occurs when stimuli that share similar physical characteristics with the controlling stimulus evoke the same behavior as the controlling stimulus

10 Stimulus Discrimination
Occurs when new stimuli that are similar to the controlling stimulus do not evoke the same response as the controlling stimulus

11 Stimulus Control and Stimulus Generalization are a Continuum

12 Development of Stimulus Control
Stimulus discrimination training Requires one behavior Two antecedent stimulus conditions (the SD and the S) Responses that occur in the presence of the SD are reinforced (thus, the response increases in the presence of the SD) Responses that occur in the presence of the S are not reinforced (this, the response decreases in the presence of the S Can also result in a lesser amount or quality of reinforcement

13 The Development of Stimulus Control
SD Response SR+ Friendly conversation Telephone rings Pick up phone and say “hello” Response S SO Doorbell rings Pick up phone and say “hello” Friendly conversation withheld

14 Concept Formation Not a hypothetical construct or mental process
Complex example of stimulus control that requires Stimulus generalization within a class of stimuli Stimulus discrimination between classes of stimuli

15 Example: Concept of Red
Stimulus generalization across all red objects Light red to dark red Different objects (car, ball, pencil) Stimulus discrimination between red and other colors Red ball vs. yellow ball Red dress vs. blue dress

16 Teaching Concepts Requires discrimination training
Antecedent stimuli representative of a group of stimuli sharing a common relationship (examples) are presented, along with… Antecedent stimuli from other stimulus classes (nonexamples) So that the examples form a stimulus class

17 Types of Stimulus Classes
Feature stimulus class Stimuli share common physical forms (i.e., topographical structures) Stimuli share common relative relationship (i.e., spatial arrangements) Developed through stimulus generalization Arbitrary stimulus class Do not share a common stimulus feature Limited number of stimuli Developed using stimulus equivalence

18 Stimulus Equivalence The emergence of accurate responding to untrained and nonreinforced stimulus-stimulus relations following the reinforcement of responses to some stimulus-stimulus relations Useful for teaching complex verbal relations Reading Language arts Mathematics

19 Testing for Stimulus Equivalence
Must have a positive demonstration on 3 different behavioral tests that represent the following mathematical statement: If A = B, and B = C, then A = C

20 Tests for Stimulus Equivalence
Reflexivity Occurs when in the absence of training and reinforcement, a participant selects a stimulus that is matched to itself (A = A) Matching to sample

21 Tests for Stimulus Equivalence
Symmetry Occurs with reversibility of the sample stimulus and the comparison stimulus (if A = B, then B = A) Teach spoken word “bicycle” = Present and participant matches to spoken word “bicycle” (as opposed to “car” or “airplane”)

22 Tests for Stimulus Equivalence
Transitivity Requires demonstration of three untrained stimulus-stimulus sequences A = B relation (spoken name = picture) “Bicycle” (spoken name presented) (Child selects picture)

23 Tests for Stimulus Equivalence
Transitivity Requires demonstration of three untrained stimulus-stimulus sequences B = C relation (picture = written word) (picture presented) bicycle airplane car (Child selects written word)

24 Tests for Stimulus Equivalence
Transitivity Requires demonstration of three untrained stimulus-stimulus sequences A = C relation (spoken word = written word) “bicycle” (spoken word presented) bicycle airplane car (Child selects written word)

25 Matching-to-Sample Participant observes the sample stimulus
The comparison stimuli are then presented Participant makes a selection response Matches are reinforced Nonmatches are not reinforced

26 Matching-to-Sample Conditional discrimination training
Same selection must be correct with one conditional stimulus, but incorrect with one or more other sample stimuli Sample 1 Sample 2

27 Factors Affecting Stimulus Control
Consistent use of reinforcers contingent upon correct responding in the presence of the SD is critical Also important are: Pre-attending skills Stimulus salience Masking and overshadowing

28 Pre-attending A prerequisite skill for stimulus control
Looking at instructional materials Looking at teacher when responses are modeled Listening to oral instructions Sitting quietly for short periods of time These may need to be taught before stimulus control procedures are implemented

29 Stimulus Salience Prominence of the stimulus in the environment
Increased saliency facilitates efficiency of instruction

30 Masking and Overshadowing
Increase or decrease salience of stimuli Competing stimuli may block the evocative function of an SD To limit the negative effects of these: Rearrange the environment Make instructional stimuli more intense Consistently reinforce behavior in the presence of instructionally-relevant stimuli

31 Using Prompts Supplementary antecedent stimuli used to occasion a correct response in the presence of an SD (that will eventually control behavior) Response prompts operate directly on the response Stimulus prompts operate directly on the antecedent task stimuli

32 Response Prompts Verbal instructions Modeling Physical Guidance Vocal
Non-vocal (e.g., written) Modeling A demonstration of the desired behavior Physical Guidance Partially physically guide the student’s movements Intrusiveness increases

33 Stimulus Prompts Movement cues Position cues Redundance
Pointing, tapping, touching, looking at Position cues Place one stimulus closer to the student Redundance Stimulus or response dimensions are paired with correct choice

34 Transfer of Stimulus Control
Prompts should be used only during acquisition Transfer stimulus control from prompt to naturally-existing stimuli quickly using fading

35 Transferring from Response Prompts
Most-to-least prompts Physically guide participant through entire performance Gradually reduce amount of physical assistance Modeling Verbal instruction Natural stimulus

36 Transferring from Response Prompts
Graduated guidance Immediately fade physical prompts Follow participant closely with hands Gradually increase distance between hands and participant

37 Transferring from Response Prompts
Least-to-most prompts Provide participant with an opportunity to perform the response with the least amount of assistance on each trial Participant receives greater degrees of assistance with each successive trial without a correct response

38 Transferring from Response Prompts
Time delay Varying the time interval between presentation of a natural stimulus and the presentation of a response prompt Constant time delay Begin with a 0-sec delay Then use a fixed delay (e.g., 3 sec) Progressive time delay Gradually and systematically increase delay (e.g., in 1-sec intervals) according to some rule

39 Transferring from Stimulus Prompts
Stimulus fading Highlighting a physical dimension of a stimulus and then gradually fading that exaggerated dimension Superimposing one stimulus on top of another and gradually fading it out

40 Transferring from Stimulus Prompts
Stimulus shape transformations Use an initial stimulus shape that will prompt a correct response This shape is gradually changed to form the natural stimulus, while maintaining correct responding

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