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Stimulus Control. Stimulus Control of Behavior Having stimulus control means that the probability of the behavior varies depending upon the stimuli present.

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Presentation on theme: "Stimulus Control. Stimulus Control of Behavior Having stimulus control means that the probability of the behavior varies depending upon the stimuli present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stimulus Control

2 Stimulus Control of Behavior Having stimulus control means that the probability of the behavior varies depending upon the stimuli present Most of our behavior is under stimulus control –A person that contributes to charity generously while in church may watch every penny spent while at work


4 Discrimination and Stimulus Control Discrimination is demonstrated when the subject responds differently to different stimuli. Train Test Reynolds (1961)

5 Generalization Generalization is when responses to one stimulus occur to other, usually similar, stimuli Generally, as the training and test stimuli become more different responding will decline, producing what is called a generalization gradient

6 Generalization Gradient Guttman & Kalish (1956) –pigeons reinforced for pecking a 580 nm lit key (orange-yellow) (S+) on a VI schedule –A test session was then given where many different colored key lights were presented in extinction S+

7 Interpreting Generalization Gradients Pigeons trained to peck a moderately bright light (S+) to get food. (S- = dim light) After asymptote is reached, present occasional non- reinforced probe trials at various wavelengths or levels of brightness.

8 Excitatory and inhibitory gradients Pigeons trained to peck at a 800 hz tone (S+), with a 500 nm light S-.

9 1000 Hz Tone always on 1000 Hz Tone S+ / No Tone S- 1000 Hz Tone S+ / 950 Hz Tone S-

10 Peak Shift Effect – Hanson (1959)

11 Spence’s Theory to Account for Peak Shift S+ S-

12 Interdimensional discrimination Discrimination: S+ = 555nm Light; S- = Tone

13 How do we learn discriminations with complex stimuli?

14 Perceptual learning: Examples Pre-exposureDevalueTest --Saline-Lemon  LiCLSucrose-Lemon? LemonSaline-Lemon  LiCLSucrose-Lemon? Another example… Pre-exposureDevalueTest --Saline-Lemon  LiCLSucrose-Lemon? Sal-L/Suc-LSaline-Lemon  LiCLSucrose-Lemon?

15 How do we learn discriminations with complex stimuli? A B A+BA+B

16 Peceptual learning: Mechanism Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Trial 5Trial 6 Total # Presentations Sucrose 3 Saline 3 Lemon 6

17 Perceptual Learning: The Method of Pre- Exposure Matters Mondragon & Hall (2002) A = lemonB = saltC = sucroseX = quinine Pre-Exposure:AX  BX  AX  BX | CX  CX  CX  CX Devalue:AX  LiCL Test:BX?CX? Question:How much does aversion generalize to BX and CX?

18 What’s going on? Juxtaposition of stimuli clearly matters But why? AX  AX  AX … produces habituation to AX AX  B X  A X  B X …. A Remember: expected things are less salient or associable B

19 Treating Different Stimuli Alike: Categorization “Categorization can be viewed as the ability to treat similar, but not identical, things as somehow equivalent, by sorting them into their proper categories and by reacting to them in the same manner” (Huber, 2001) Classical view: categories united by a defining feature or features (e.g., triangles v. non-triangles) But Consider: Oak leaves v. Non-oak leaves Chairs v. non chairs

20 What is “Chairness”

21 Categorization Experiments TrainTest Scenes with Trees +New Set tree scenes Scenes w/o trees -New Set of no-tree scenes "A pigeon pecks rapidly at a small photograph of Harvard Yard containing trees, buildings, people, sky. After a few seconds, a hopper of grain appears and the pigeon eats. Now the scene changes to a treeless Manhattan street. The bird emits a few desultory pecks, then turns away and paces about. After a minute or so, a picture of a leafy suburban garden appears and the bird begins pecking again." (Shettleworth 1998)

22 Other categories pigeons can form Aerial v. non-aerial photos Chairs Humans Cars Defective pharmaceutical capsules! Oak leaves versus other leaves

23 Human v. Non-Human

24 How do they do it? Exemplar theory: remember category members and then generalize. –Vaughn & Greene 1984: pigeons can remember no less than 320 individual slides! Outdoor scenes randomly assigned to + or –

25 Testing exemplar theory Huber et al., (1999) Category: “symmetric” v. “asymmetric”

26 Exemplar theory: more evidence Cook (1990) –Birds versus Mammals used in slides –Real Category Group: Birds v. Mammals –Pseudocategory Group: Random Bird & Mammals versus Random Birds & Mammals

27 Feature Theory Individual features acquire associative value. Response rate to stimulus depends on total expectancy (V) evoked.

28 Feature Theory: Evidence Cerella (1980):Train: Charlie Brown +, other characters – Test: Keep all features intact, but alter whole

29 Prototype theory Abstract the “ideal” (or average) category exemplar. To test: train with only extreme exemplars, test with average of extremes.

30 Prototype Theory Posner & Keele 1968

31 Conclusions: Not clear whether birds can extract abstract concepts in categorization experiments Birds may use features and exemplars Another animals may be capable of more complex feats.

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