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Ap Biology Discussion Notes Tuesday 8/26. Goals for Today: 1.Demonstrate that you know everyones names. :) 2. Be able to describe and apply basic chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Ap Biology Discussion Notes Tuesday 8/26. Goals for Today: 1.Demonstrate that you know everyones names. :) 2. Be able to describe and apply basic chemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ap Biology Discussion Notes Tuesday 8/26

2 Goals for Today: 1.Demonstrate that you know everyones names. :) 2. Be able to describe and apply basic chemistry concepts 3. Work on asking scientific questions


4 Question of the Day: What are the parts of the scientific method you are familiar with? What do you think are the characteristics of a good scientific question?

5 Water Strider Demo

6 Asking questions… ● Come up with 2 questions about organisms or our effect on organisms. ● Pair with another person and try to help each other make them better scientific questions.

7 Asking scientific question Broad questions vs Narrow questions Choose one question you think is the best scientific question, write a Hypothesis and design an experiment to test your hypothesis

8 Drawing Graphs When you are done with your experimental design: ● Draw 1 graph that shows data that would support your hypothesis ● Draw 1 graph that shows data that could prove your hypothesis wrong.

9 Species of the Day Water Striders Family: Veliidae (small water striders) What emergent property of water were we looking at in this demonstration? What property did the soap destroy?

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